Abstract and Applied Analysis

Applied Math E-Notes

Applicable Analysis

Acta Mathematicae Applicantae Sinica

Advances in Difference Equations

Applied Mathematica Sinica

Applied Mathematics Letters

Archives Math (Brno)

Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis

Computers and Mathematics with Applications

Differential Equations annd Nonlinear Mechanics

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B)

Demonstratio Mathematica

Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, and Impulsive Systems

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Journal of Difference Equations and applications

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

Kochi Journal of Mathematics

London Mathematical Society

Math Bohemica

Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (Guest Editor)

Nonlinear Analysis, TMA

Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics

Turkish Journal of Mathematics