ELİF TURABİ (Research Assistant)


B.S,                    Middle East Technical University Food Engineering Dept       (1998-2003).
Minor Program,  Middle East Technical University Industrial Engineering Dept.(2000-2003).
Ph.D on B.S,       Middle East Technical University Food Engineering Dept       (2003-…...).

Guest Researcher, University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Engineering in Life Sciences: Food Process Engineering, Karlsruhe, Germany (2006-2007 Academic Year)



Microwave Processing
Quality Planning and Control
Engineering Statistics
Response Surface Methodology
Rheology of Foods




A. Full paper published in International Journals


Turabi E., Sumnu G. & Sahin S., (2009). Dielectric and thermal properties of rice cake formulations containing different gum types. Food and Bioprocess Tech, In press.


Ozkoc S. O. ,Sumnu G., Sahin S. and Turabi E. (2009). Investigation of physicochemical properties of breads baked in microwave and infrared-microwave combination ovens during storage. European Food Research and Technology, 228 (6), 883-893.


Turabi E., Sumnu G. & Sahin S., (2008). Optimization of baking of rice cakes in infrared-microwave combination oven by response surface methodology. Food and Bioprocess Tech, 1:64-73


Turabi E., Sumnu G. & Sahin S., (2006) Rheological properties and quality characteristics of gluten-free rice cakes baked in infrared-microwave combination oven, Food Hydrocolloids, 22:305-312.


Sumnu G., Turabi E. & Oztop M., (2005) Drying of carrots in microwave and halogen lamp–microwave combination ovens , LWT - Food Science and Technology,38,549-553.


B. Conference Papers (National)

Turabi E., Şumnu G. & Şahin S, Konvansiyonel ve Kızıl-ötesi Mikrodalga Kombinasyonlu Fırınlarda Pişirilen Glutensiz Pirinç Keklerinin Makro-yapılarının İncelenmesi, Poster Sunumu, TMMOB Gıda Mühendisleri Odası 6. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, 6-8 Kasım 2009, Antalya, Türkiye. 
Turabi E., Şumnu G. & Şahin S, Infrared-Mikrodalga Kombinasyonlu Fırında Pişirilen Glutensiz Pirinç Keklerinin Pişirme Şartlarının Optimizasyonu, Poster Sunumu, Hububat Urunleri Teknolojisi Kongresi,  7-8 Eylul 2006, Gaziantep Turkiye
Turabi E., Şumnu G. & Şahin S, I-Mikrodalga Kombinasyonlu Fırında Pişirilmiş Glutensiz Pirinç Keklerinin Pişirme Şartlarının Optimizasyonu, 9. Türkiye Gıda Kongresi-Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Poster Sunumu, 24-26 Mayıs 2006, Bolu, Türkiye


Turabi E., Şumnu G. & Şahin S, FARKLI GAM TİPLERİ VE EMÜLGATÖR KULLANIMININ GLÜTENSİZ KEK HAMURUNUN REOLOJİK ÖZELLİKLERİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİ, Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Gıda Mühendisligi Bölümü Gıda Kongresi, Poster Sunumu, 19-21 Nisan 2005, İzmir, Turkiye.



C. Conference Papers (International)


Turabi E., Şumnu G. & Şahin S, Investigation of Macro-structure of Gluten-free Rice Cakes Baked in Infrared-microwave Combination Oven. Oral Presentation in 5th International Technical Symposium on Food Processing, Monitoring Technology in Bioprocesses and Food Quality Management, 31 August-2 September 2009, Potsdam, GERMANY.


Turabi E, Şumnu G. & Şahin S, A STUDY ON THE MICRO-STRUCTURE OF GLUTEN-FREE RICE CAKES BAKED IN CONVENTIONAL AND INFRARED-MICROWAVE COMBINATION OVENS. Poster Presentation in  International Microwave Power Institute’s 43rd Annual Symposium, 8-10 JULY 2009, Washington DC , USA.


Turabi E, Şumnu G. & Şahin S, Dielectric Properties of Gluten-Free Rice Cake Batters Formulated with Different Gums. Oral Presentation in CIGR Section VI ınternational symposium, Food and Agricultural Products Processing and Innovations, 24-26 September 2007, Naples, ITALY


 Turabi E, Şumnu G. & Şahin S., Optimization of the Baking Conditions of Gluten-Free Rice Cake in Infrared-Microwave Combination Oven, Oral Presentation in 2006 CIGR International Symposium Warsaw-2nd Technical Symposium of CIGR Section VI, Future of Food Engineering, 26-28 April 2006, Warsaw, POLAND.   


 Turabi E, Şumnu G. & Şahin S., THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GUMS AND USAGE OF EMULSIFIER ON EMULSIFYING AND RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF GLUTEN-FREE CAKE BATTER, Poster presentation in TÜBİTAK MRC-Food Inst. 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, 15-18 June 2005, İstanbul, TURKEY.


 Turabi E, Sumnu G & Sahin S., A STUDY ON THE RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF GLUTEN-FREE CAKE BATTER CONTAINING EMULSIFIER AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF GUMS, Poster Presentation in AACC International Annual Meeting, September 11-14, 2005. Orlando Florida,USA.




Kızıl ötesi-Mikrodalga Kombinasyonlu Fırında Pişirilmeye Uygun Glutensiz Kek Formülasyonunun Optimizasyonu, 2007-2009, TÜBİTAK-TOVAG 106O702,  Researcher.


Design of gluten-free cake fırmulations for halogen lamp-microwave combination oven, 2005-2006,  M.E.T.U Research   Fund Project, Researcher, BAP-2005-03-14-04.

Investigation of alternative baking methods, 2005, OSTİM Endüstriyel Yatırımlar ve İşletme and Arçelik, Researcher