Department of Computer Education & Instructional Technology

CEIT 521 Distance Education: Theory, Research and Practice            Syllabus

Spring 2008-2009
Wednesday 10.40-12.30

Course Description

Catalogue: Historical development of distance education, definition and function of distance education, technologies used within distance education. Typology of distance education teaching systems. Techniques and methods used in planning, development, and implementation of distance education teaching systems. Research in distance education. Distributed learning environments; promoting student interaction

This course is a graduate level course  designed to provide  the student with the opportunity to critically explore, examine, evaluate, and experience  the design, implementation, and the use of distance learning technologies  for education.

In this course the theoretical framework, historical development and practical applications of the distance education movement will be examined. You will use a variety of media to communicate between class members and with instructors. 


The focus of this course is on issues of teaching and learning in distance education.  The exact scope and content of the seminar will be determined by the interests of those who enroll, but I expect that we will address questions such as:

  • What instructional strategies (methods) are being used in distance education?

  • What instructional strategies are DESIRABLE?

  • What (research) questions should we be asking about instructional strategies in DE?


Course Objectives                                                                  

The objectives of this course are to enable the students to understand the basic problems of Distance education.

There are some general “knowledge” objectives for all: 

  • to understand key concepts of DE and the issues surrounding those concepts

  • to develop a conceptual framework for the topic of distance education–to view DE programs as systems with closely interwoven elements

  • to develop a conceptual framework for examining pedagogical issues in DE

  • to be able to prescribe appropriate instructional strategies for different DE learning situations.

Beyond the basic “knowledge” objectives is a larger practical objective: 

  • that each of us leave this course with a concrete, high-quality accomplishment—a publishable paper, a topic for a thesis, a conference presentation, or the like.  The accomplishments will be different, but should be appropriate to each person’s academic and career goals. 

Learning Outcomes                                                                 

At the end of the course unit, the learner is expected to be able to:

  • describe current leading-edge work in distance education in K-12, higher education, business, government, and military settings
  • depict the ways in which learning and teaching across barriers of distance and time are similar to -- and different from -- face-to-face instruction
  • gain fluency in using various interactive media (asynchronous threaded discussion sites, synchronous multi-user virtual environments, groupware, interactive presentational media, videoconferencing), instructional frameworks (e.g., Moodle) and e-learning applications (e.g., telementoring)
  • apply effective instructional design for various interactive media, instructional frameworks, and applications.
  • experience how each medium for interacting across distance shapes the cognitive, affective, and social dimensions of learning and indicate the range of individual responses to these media
  • describe methods for evaluating the effectiveness of distance education and distributed learning approaches
  • discuss how innovations such as the World Wide Web, multi-user virtual environments, computer-supported collaborative learning, telementoring, and online communities are shaping the evolution of distance education and distributed learning
Main Teaching Methods                                                             

Lectures, Assignments, Weekly Discussions in Forum, Lab Works, Projects, online activities
Course Requirements                                                            

All students in this course will be required to have an electronic mail account. Students will be required to interact throughout the semester using threaded discussions and e-mail for peer and faculty communication. The course Web pages will be used for course outlines, "e-lectures" (electronic lectures), and as a course bulletin board.  Although the course is taught at a distance, students will be required to research relevant topics in near-by libraries.

Active Class Participation (30% of your grade)
The success of this course is based on active, continued class participation. Students will be expected to read assigned articles and to be prepared for in-depth discussion, synthesis, and analysis on a weekly basis.

Individually or in pairs, you will be required to select a chapter of the text on which to lead the discussion. You will provide a chapter summary, website links to expand on the topic, and student activities for engaging your peers.  See assignment page for details.

Chapters will be selected and/or assigned during the third week of the class. Each pair will be responsible for submitting their material at least three days prior to the date the topic will begin (see schedule).  A web-based form will be provided to submit all necessary elements of your assignment.

Web-based Expository Instruction Module  (30 % of your grade)

Working in a collaborative team students will use the existing CEIT 521 course shell in Moodle (or other LMS, LCMS, or Tool defined by the instructor) to design, develop, and facilitate an online module of expository instruction on a thought-provoking topic related to distance learning. The module should take no more than one (1) hour of instructional time.
Example module topics may be derived from, but are not limited to, course topics or the following:

• Implementation of a LMS/CMS
• Learning objects, SCORM, ADL, IMS
• Best practices in online learning
• Synchronous and asynchronous learning strategies
• Student centered activities in the virtual classroom
• Self-regulated learning in online courses
• Web 2.0 Tools and Teaching Strategies
• Web Video formats/Steaming Media/Podcasting
• Evaluation Accessibility/Section 508 of the ADA (universal design)
• Instructional use of blogs, wikis, virtual environments
• Distance learning in elementary and secondary school programs
• Constructivist learning in the online environment
• Developing critical thinking skills online
• Retention of online learners

Each module may be built totally or partially in Moodle (or other LMS, LCMS, or tool defined by the instructor) using the announcement area, course documents/handouts, a discussion forum or other online collaboration tool, and at least one assessment instrument. At least three (3) students will be assigned to participate as students in each module. Each team will facilitate his/her module and then each team member writes an individual 3-5 page reflection of their experience as both facilitator and student in an online course.

Reflections include:

• Screen captures of each page/frame of instruction included in the module
• Samples of results of assessments or a copy of the course gradebook.
• Copies of discussion forum threads
• Level I (Reaction) survey of the course

Research Project (30% of your grade)
Each student is responsible for synthesizing current research in Distance Education/Learning to make an evaluation of distance education theory and practice.  First, each student will select a research topic related to Distance Education.  You will find four empirical research articles on your chosen topic.  You will analyze each article for its significance to your topic, methodology, and results.  Each analysis will be submitted using a form that will be provided for you.  Finally, you will provide a synthesis of all four articles noting their similarities and differences, their contribution as a whole to the topic, and suggestions for further research.  Again, a  form will be provided.  Your peers as well as your instructor will review your research project.

Final Exam. (10% of your grade) A paper-pencil written exam review what you learned during the lectures about foundations of distance education.

This is a hands-on course and will require additional time on the computer outside of scheduled class times. This course is designed for students with intermediate level of computer literacy. The goal is to develop skills in the use of computer technologies to deliver instructional strategies at a distance.


1. Complete all assignments on time. Late assignments will lower your grade.
2. Complete all projects with class. Late projects will not be accepted except for extreme unforeseen emergencies and then only prior to the next class meeting. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a failing grade for the project.
3. Participate fully in all classroom activities through class discussions, thoughtful questions, assisting others via cooperative learning techniques, constructing knowledge, and reflecting.4
5. Attendance/presence is required at all classes. Anyone having two or more absences will need special permission from the instructor to pass the course.

Course Assessment                                               
  Activity Points  



  Classroom activities 300 points
  Instruction Module 300 points
  Research Project 300 points
  Final Exam 100 points
Course Textbook(s)                                                                 
  • Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., and Zvacek. (2000). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundation of distance education. Upper Saddle River , NJ : Prentice Hall.
  • Moore, M.G., Kearsley, G., Distance education : a systems view
    (Wadsworth Pub Co; ISBN: 0534264964, 1996)
  • Picciano, A.G. (2001). Distance Learning: Making Connection Across Virtual Space and Time. Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Porter, L.R. (1997). Creating the Virtual Classroom: Distance Learning with the Internet. Wiley Computer Publishing, New York.
  • Schrum, L. and Berenfeld, B.Teaching and Learning in the Information Age: A Guide to Educational Telecommunications, 1997, Allyn & Bacon; ISBN: 0205198015.

  • Jonassen, D. (Ed.). Handbook of research for educational communications and technology: a project of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1996, MacMillan Library Reference; ISBN: 0028646630.

  • Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, fourth edition by M. D. Roblyer
  • Teaching and Learning with Technology (with Skill Builders CD), MyLabSchool Edition:2/e, 2005, ISBN: 0205458750,Judy Lever-Duffy, Jean McDonald, Al Mizell
  • Using Technology in the Classroom:6/e, 2005 |ISBN: 0205419151, Gary Bitter, Melissa Pierson
Course Reference Materials                                                          

Open and Distance Learning Journals and Newsletters

  • American Journal of Distance Education is a scholarly journal of research in the field of American distance education. http://www.ajde.com/
  • Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning has made available resources from this years conference. Session proceedings papers, handouts and presentations are available in the Conference Research Library: http://www.uwex.edu/disted/conference/Resource_library/resource_library.htm
  • Asian Journal of Distance Education , edited by Paul Kawachi, Ramesh Sharma and Sanjaya Mishra, aims to disseminate scholarly works and information useful to researchers and practitioners in the growing field of distance education in Asia. For more information on this useful resource, visit: http://www.asianjde.org/
  • Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education produces several print and online publications: WebNet Journal, Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR), and the International Journal of Educational Telecommunications (IJET). http://www.aace.org/pubs/default.htm
  • Athabasca University's - Theory and Practice of Online Learning is a free of cost, open source book edited by Terry Anderson, Canadian Research Chair in Distance Learning, and Professor Fathi Elloumi. To download a free PDF copy of this collection of research and reflective papers by authors from Athabasca University, visit http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/
  • CADE: Journal of Distance Education/Revue de l'enseignement à distance . The Journal of Distance Education is an international publication of the Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE). Original material is published in English or French. http://www.cade-aced.ca/
  • CJLT: Canadian Journal of Learning Technology is a comprehensive source of research related to learning technologies. CLTL is published by the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada ( AMTEC ) To see what CJLT offers, please visit: http://www.cjlt.ca/
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education: Distance Education Section. This website is updated weekly by The Chronicle of Higher Education. Subscription includes free access to website and to daily email updates. http://www.chronicle.merit.edu/distance/
  • DEOSNEWS . The Distance Education Online Symposium was established in 1991 by The American Center for the Study of Distance Education at The Pennsylvania State University. http://www.ed.psu.edu/acsde/deos/deos.asp
  • DEOSNEWS Best Practices for Faculty Who Teach Online . Published in December 2004, this document outlines "best practices" established by DEOSNEWS at the Pennsylvania State University. http://www.ed.psu.edu/acsde/deos/deosnews/deosnews13_9.pdf
  • Distance Educator is an educational resource hub that links educators, students, retailers, and professionals in a single network. http://www.distance-educator.com/
  • Distance Education . This subscription based DE journal is edited by Som Naidu, Head of Research and Evaluation, Department of Teaching, Learning and Support, University of Melbourne, Australia. For more information, visit Taylor & Francis website at: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/carfax/01587919.html
  • Distances et savoirs, une revue scientifique sur l'enseignement à distance The French National Center of Distance Education and Hermès Science Publications have just edited its first journal dedicated to the study, analysis, design, and delivery of distance education. Written in French, this new journal focuses on international ODL research with an European focus. For information, subscriptions, or to submit a contribution, please visit: www.e-revues.lavoisier.fr or www.cned.fr
  • Distance Education Systemwide Interactive Electronic Newsletter (DESIEN) . Since 1995, this University of Wisconsin newsletter has been publishing articles on distance education. http://www.uwex.edu/disted/desien/index.html
  • Educause Publications offers a wide selection of books and resources for sale that focus on transforming education through technology. http://www.educause.edu/pub/
  • Edutec-e Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa is a Spanish language e-journal that gathers
    articles and reflections on educational technology. It is also a platform for dialogue, exchange of ideas, and participation, and forms part of a larger project, Edutec. Comunidad Virtual de Tecnología Educativa (Edutec Virtual Educational Technology), hosted by the Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain. http://edutec.rediris.es/Revelec2/revelec.htm
  • European Journal of Open and Distance Learning . EURODL is a journal dedicated to the discussion of European ODL issues at all educational levels and all training contexts. This journal is available in English, French and German. http://www.eurodl.org/
  • GlobalEducator.com is an online resource of new and archived articles on focusing on distance education. For details, visit: http://www.globaleducator.com/
  • Global Journal of Open, Flexible & Distance Education. GJOFDE publishes papers on open and distance learning topics. The editor of GJOFDE is Professor H.P. Dikshit, vice chancellor of Indira Gandhi National Open University. For more information on this subscription based publication, visit: http://www.ignou.ac.in/e-journal/ejournal.htm
  • Information Technology and Disabilities. ITD is a listserve and online journal dedicated to advancing research and dissemination of research findings on information technologies and the affect it has on persons with disabilties. For full details visit: http://www.rit.edu/~easi/itd/itdv10n1/contents.htm
  • Innovate. Innovate is an online, peer reviewed e-journal dedicated to disseminating and facilitating interactive debate on cutting-edge research and practice in the field of information technology. For full details, visit: http://www.innovateonline.info/
  • Interactive Educational Multimedia . Hosted by the Universitat de Barcelona, this e-journal is a forum for intellectual debate about training using information and communication technologies and the application of virtual environments in education, the publication of multimedia materials, the cognitive processes and associated learning, and the empirical results of its study. http://www.ub.es/multimedia/iem
  • The International Journal of Education and Development IJEDICT aims to strengthen links between research and practice in ICT in education and development, particularly less developed parts of the world, and rural and remote regions of developed countries. Emphasis is on providing a space for researchers, practitioners and theoreticians to explore ideas using an eclectic mix of research methods and disciplines. IJEDICT brings together research, action research and case studies to assist in the transfer of best practice, development of policy, and the creation of theory. http://ijedict.dec.uwi.edu/
  • The International Journal of Educational Technology IJET is published by The University of Western Australia and the University of Illinois. This Journal publishes a selection of scholarly feature articles and interactive resources. http://www.outreach.uiuc.edu/ijet/issues.html
  • The Internet and Higher Education is a quarterly journal designed to reach those faculty, staff, and administrators charged with the responsibility of enhancing instructional practices and productivity via the use of Information Technology and the Internet. http://www.sbe.nova.edu/ihe/
  • The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN) contains research articles that describe original work in ALN, including experimental results, and reviews and articles that focus on current thinking. http://www.aln.org/alnweb/journal/jaln.htm
  • The Journal of Distance Learning Administration is a peer-reviewed e-journal published quarterly by The State University of West Georgia, which contains manuscripts based on the work of practitioners and researchers with specific focus or implications for the management of distance education programs. http://www.westga.edu/~distance/jmain11.html
  • Journal of Distance Learning is published by the Distance and e-Learning Association of New Zealand. First published in 1995, The Journal of Distance Learning will appeal to readers with interests in: online or distance education, e-learning, flexible delivery systems, application of technology in distance and open learning to education, innovative teaching methods, open learning, and developments in the Pacific. For details, visit: http://www.deanz.org.nz/journal/index.html
  • Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) Published by the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University UK, JIME is an interactive e-journal in which submitted articles and open peer review are tightly integrated and central to the journal's operation. http://www-jime.open.ac.uk/
  • The Journal of Library Services for Distance Education is a peer-reviewed, refereed, e-journal focusing on the issues and challenges of providing research and information services to students. The last issue was published July 1999. http://www.westga.edu/library/jlsde/
  • Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed e-journal publishing papers that aims to add to the body of knowledge describing effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment. JUTLP an initiative of the University of Wollongong, Australia. http://jutlp.uow.edu.au/
  • The Knowledge Tree e-journal of Flexible Learning in Vocational Education and Training is an an Australia e-journal, that provides a wealth of information on e-learning in vocational and training settings. http://www.flexiblelearning.net.au/knowledgetree/index.html
  • The Learning Technology Newsletter is a publication of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT). This online resource has both current and archived back issues with articles, case studies and project reports related to advanced learning technology. http://lttf.ieee.org/learn_tech/
  • The Malaysian Journal of Distance Education . Distance education scholars, researchers and practitioners contribute to this bilingual (English and Malay) journal. Visit the journal's webpage for links to English and Malay abstracts of the papers published. http://www.usm.my/Journal/jpjjm/
  • MountainRise is an e-journal dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Sponsored by Western Carolina University in the United States, this new e-journal was launched in 2004. Topic range from F2F learning contexts to online pedagogy. http://mountainrise.wcu.edu/issue.html
  • Online Chronicle of Distance Education & Communication , produced by Nova Southeastern University, last volume was published in Spring 1998. Back issues are available online for reference. http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/o/msg02304.html
  • Open Praxis is the bulletin of the International Council for Open and Distance Education, with the editorial objectives of fostering ODL throughout the world by bridging gaps in terms of creating access and greater equity, and keeping abreast with and contributing to leading-edge developments in ODL pedagogy and technology. Open Praxis provides a forum for sharing significant experiments, theoretical contributions, and the discussion of important issues to ODL. Open Praxis also strives to provide balance in contributions from the diversity of regions and cultures. Produced twice a year in April / May and September / October, Open Praxis welcomes your contribution. Please send contribution to Prof. David Sewart, email: D.Sewart@open.ac.uk
  • SAMTEC - South African Educational Technology and e-Learning for Development web portal. This is not an e-journal, but a web portal designed to facilate dialog and leverage learning among educational technology practioners. SAMTEC is loaded with all sorts of information on educational technology, particularly those focused on distance education and development. http://www.santecnetwork.org/ /
  • The Technology Source is a peer reviewed e-journal published by the Michigan Virtual University, published free of charge. The goal of this e-journal is to publish articles that will assist educators as they face the challenge of integrating information technology tools into teaching and into managing educational organizations.
  • The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE) This e-journal publishes refereed articles focusing on issues, theory, research, and information services to students enrolled in any level of distance education on open learning applications. http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/
  • World Association for Online Education ~ WAOE e-Bulletin) This free e-bulletin publishes newsworthy articles focusing on issues and happenings in online education worldwide. http://waoe.org/communication/webframe9-fall2004.htm


Instructor/More Information                                                       

E-Mail: hasank@metu.edu.tr
Office: EFC-210
Tel:+90+312+210 4064
Course Home Page(s):

The instructor reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary.