Welcome to my planet, whatever you'll find here are mostly virtual, fictitious, surrealist, absurd or nonsense however once you get used to it, they may make some sense. |
digital photography |
I've been interested in photography since 1981. First camera that I used was Minolta, which was lost in 1996 and I could not have a new one until 2001, so no photographs between 1996-2001. My next camera was a Nikon coolpix 995 which is replaced by a Sony f828 in 2004 and then by a Sony Alpha in 2007. You may reach some photos at: |
>formatD | ||||||||
metafor |
metafor is the online magazine that I co-edit. Some of my stories, articles, and photographs can be reached there |
OuLiPo (Ouvroir de Litterature Potentille) is the French group of mathematician and writers creating work of art such as algorithmic poems, novel without using a specific letter, lipograms, anagrams, palindroms etc. You may find more information on Oulipo in "Listening to Istanbul OuLipo" at metafor. "not happened" is my short story written using sentences only in negative form. "anlama masala" is the collection of my nonsense verses written in 4x8 aaba format, each word starting with the same letter (H-Z are not completed yet). |
short stories |
I am interested in wrting short stories. You may reach some of them at metafor through the links given below. Only "angel of angles", is written in english, the others are in Turkish.
çagri yazilari |
Cagri is one of the oldest magazine in Turkey, being published more than 35 years on literature, art, culture. The following articles are published in Cagri. Some of them are available in metafor.
cartoons |
I like to create cartoon characters. My 3D cartoon characters are: My other free hand cartoon characters can be reached at (cartoons.html).
gallery | You can reach my computer assisted paintings/drawings/collages at my Gallery.
kripto | Babam VIII. Henry, bu gün gibi aklýmda, Anam Anne Boleyn'in kafasýný uçurttuðunda, O gün yemin ettim bu daðlara ve taºlara, Bu deniz ve bu gökyüzüne, Yemin ettim ki zalim babamýn üzerine, Haram olsun bana, içtiðim su, yediðim ekmek, Haram olsun, eðer evlenirsem bir kez Bu ikiyüzlü dünyada. Ben bakire adýyla ünlü Elizabeth, "The Queen of the Land", Neredeyse elli yýllýk hükümranlýðým boyunca, Ziyarete gelirim böyle her yýlbaºýnda, Londra kulesinin mahkumlarýna. Sanma ki sefil adam, zavallý Bacon, Bu dünyadaki ömrümü tükettim diye Vazgeçerim alýºtýðým huyumdan. Hiç acýmam sana, beter ol, sürün! Sen ayartmadýn mý onu, O ºýmarýk budala küçük Essex kontunu? Ýyi tanýrdým onun saf uçarý ruhunu, Ýyi bilirdim "nedir? ne yapar? ne yapamaz?" Onu pek çok severdim, Çok iyiyiydi, çok hoºtu. Ama neye yarar ki dinletemedim ona, Bildiðini okudu, Beceremedi iºte, göremedi sonunu. Ve sen, fýrsat dükünü, Gitmeyince iºleri umduðun gibi, Týktýrtmadýnmý onu, bu karanlýk zindana. Bir menfaat uðruna: yaranmak için bana. Ününe ün katacak o önemli davada, ne demiºtin o zaman sunduðun savunmada: "O iyi bir insandýr, iyi yurttaº deðildir, ama iyi yurttaºlýk herºeyden önemlidir". Palavra, palavra, palavra! Ýnanýrým mý sandýn, inanmadýðýn lafa. |
Above is an encripted short-short story that I dedicated to Elzabeth I and Bacon. If you are interseted in how crypto had been used in history you may read my article "everything can be written by everything " at our online magazine metafor.
Led Zeppelin |
Kafka |
Revised: February 2, 2002 |