Hints from Life to AI, edited by Ugur
HALICI, METU, 1994 ã
identical objects in stereo human vision
Department of Psychology
Middle East Technical University
06531, Ankara, TURKEY
identical objects in stereo human vision rests upon object perception which is
one of the least understood questions in experimental psychology. The Present
paper attempts to find a primitive data-driven process that serves
figure-ground segregation, drawing upon various findings in the literature, as
well as certain phenomenal experiences. In the final analysis, the most
plausible answer appears to be related to motion paralax.
title of this paper may give the impression that we, as psychologists, have
extensive knowledge on the topic and are in a position to provide many hints
from natural life to artificial intelligence. The truth, however, is just the
opposite. Pairing identical objects in stereo human vision is one of the least
understood subjects because it rests upon the mystery of object identification
in monocular vision. Had we known how the human system achieves the segregation
of objects from each other and from their backgrounds monocularly, the issue in
binocular vision would have boiled down to the question of determining object
correspondence in the left versus right eye's images. But the current state of
the art in psychology is that we have come to realize how limited each theory
of object perception is, even in monocular vision. According to some, the
mistake that we seem to make is confining our explanatory efforts within the
bounds of the visual cortex. Realizing that the visual cortex is not the only
place in the brain where visual information is processed, Sekuler & Blake
(1990), for instance, have made the interesting remark that, "Trying to
explain all of pattern perception with concepts derived from just the visual
cortex is like trying to comprehend a novel by reading only a small part of
it." (p. 170). Many other recent treatments of the issue (e.g., Matlin,
1988) appear to adhere to the same point; that form perception is sandwiched
between data-driven (bottom-up) and concept-driven (top-down) processes, and
therefore, if one is to understand how an object is perceived as an object, it
is imperative that other brain functions such as prototypical representations
of objects, context-defining schemata, etc., are also addressed.
this kind of approach does not present much help to artificial intelligence. If
the natural system does indeed achieve object perception by way of such
complicated interactive processing, which involves the so-called "world
knowledge" and disambiguating mechanisms, then we should wait a long while
before robots can do the job. But we know that artificial intelligence has
reached a certain degree of success in determining the boundaries of entities,
thus segregating them from each other and their backgrounds. We also know that most
of this achievement comes from data-driven processing, conceptual guidance
being negligible as compared to the human case. Perhaps, psychology should get
a hint from this achievement; segregation of objects from each other and their
backgrounds can, in principle, be achieved by data-driven processing alone.
This hint confronts us with a sobering question: Are we, as psychologists,
overcomplicating the issue?
there is no simple answer to this question. The literature on pattern perception
abounds in evidence pointing to the complexity of the matter. Deciding what a
certain pattern represents, sticking to the same decision despite variations in
the retinal image information of the pattern (shape constancy), and many
related phenomena present real challenges. But on the other hand, must the
perception of an object as a segregated entity always involve the complex
perception of meaningful form? In other words, can the natural system not
behave like artificial vision systems first, detecting the existence of a
segregated entity through data-driven processing alone and then wonder about
its meaning? I think this is entirely possible, but since no one has put forth
a question in this form, there is no experimental support that I know of. However,
phenomenal experience undoubtedly attests to it; we occasionally find ourselves
in a perceptual situation where we identify an object but cannot make anything
out of it. Thus, the "pattern" is not perceived, but the
"object" is.
perhaps, is where our failure lies. We may be overcomplicating the issue by not
differentiating between object perception and pattern perception, thereby
drowning the relatively simple mechanism(s) of object segregation in the
complexity of interactive processing. In other words, object segregation may
proceed via data-driven processing alone, and upon the identification of the
figure as a meaningless entity, pattern perception may begin operating in
interactive ways. This is a sensible two-stage approach, wherein the system
first determines the figural boundaries, and later invokes top-down processing
to make some sense out of it. In fact, as long as figural boundaries are not
delineated as a foundation for further processing, how will the system know
where to apply top-down knowledge? Hence, it seems only rational to suppose
that the perception of form, in general, should have a data-driven component,
working independently of higher processes, so that the stage is set for
perceptual analysis.
approach in psychology that comes closest to a primitive, data-driven process
in object perception as described above is the famous Gestalt laws of
perceptual organization. According to these, the ingredients of a visual
stimulus are grouped together by obeying certain principles. For instance, if a
collection of dots share the same intensity or color, then the system groups
them together and perceives them as belonging to the same entity.
if certain ingredients are close to each other, there is a strong tendency to
see belongingness. In case some components share the same primitive shape or
orientation (i.e., tilt), grouping is again inevitable. If there are small gaps
in a contour, the system tends to close them and perceive segments as parts of
the same figure. Furthermore, the natural system "prefers" to see two
line segments as belonging to each other if they show smooth continuations
rather than if they exhibit abrupt changes of direction. Such principles and
many more are proposed as the basis of object perception. The fact that
successful camouflage impairs object perception is a victory for Gestalt in
that certain ingredients of the figure are grouped together with those of the
background, thereby preventing the emergence of the figure.
these principles sufficient to explain object perception as a primitive
data-driven process, working independently of top- down influences to initially
produce the figure as a meaningless entity? I think not for the following
1. In perceiving a human face, for example, the
ingredients of the hair, forehead, and eye-brows get grouped together as
separate entities. But it remains a mystery as to how these separate regions
are connected to each other. On the other hand, when one looks at an area of
mosaic, he/she can often see human faces. Such percepts are not necessarily
dictated by grouping principles; running counter to Gestalt laws in such
situations is the rule rather than an exception. It seems the human system is
well "prepared" to carve out human faces from a random collection of
dots. Furthermore, hints and suggestions to the perceiver can have an enormous
influence on figure-ground perception (see Kennedy, 1974).
2. Counts of the number of Gestalt laws that
explain object perception reaches 114 (Pomerantz, 1986). Such a huge number of
rules can hardly be built into a primitive, purely data-driven process. The
sheer number seems to speak to higher levels of processing.
3. Gestalt theorists (Wertheimer, 1923; Koffka,
1935; and Khler, 1947) asserted that grouping operations are automatic because
they are "isomorphic" (i.e., similar) to neurological functions of
the brain. These neurological functions, they argued, involve electromagnetic
fields in the brain which produce "forces." Hence, groupings are
"forced" by these electromagnetic fields which mediate nativistic
organizational tendencies. Such tendencies are assumed to replicate the
organizational structure of the whole universe. In other words, since the human
brain is part of the universe, its functional characteristics must obey the
"master" laws of organization. When put in these terms, the Gestalt
explanation of object perception boils down to a nativistic and automatic
mechanism that does not require top-down influences or "world
knowledge." But unfortunately, research has not supported the neurological
basis of Gestalt theory (Hatfield & Epstein, 1985; Pomerantz & Kubovy,
1981). Therefore, we cannot accept Gestalt psychology as providing the
primitive, automatic mechanism by which figural boundaries are delineated.
theories that adopt a data-driven or bottom-up approach can be listed as
Campbell & Robson's (1968) multi- channel theory of spatial frequency
analysis, Marr's (1982) three-stage theory of image representation, and
Biederman's (1985) theory of segmentation into regular shapes. However, all of
these theories are more concerned with "pattern" perception than
"object" perception. That is, they emphasize decoding of the pattern
information contained within the object so that the object is perceived as a
segregated entity. Because they put the emphasis as such, they are all
criticized by those who believe top-down processing is indispensable in
decoding of the pattern (e.g., Hochberg, 1971). Hence, these theories do not
seem to provide the purely bottom-up processing for the delineation of figural
boundaries, one that could proceed without reference to pattern information
contained within the figure.
Search for a Possible Mechanism
search of a purely bottom-up process that carves out the figure as initially a
meaningless entity, we seem to find nothing specific in the psychological
literature. However, this does not mean that the literature provides no hints
or suggestions in that regard. If we combine three things, namely, some
specific laboratory findings, phenomenal experience, and laboratory
"secrets" that do not always appear in the print, we may arrive at a
coherent hypothesis about that data-driven process. Such a line of thinking may
even go beyond a mere hypothesis and allow us to assess the problem with a
broader perspective. This is the thrust of the present article.
begin the discussion with a somewhat familiar phenomenal experience, we should
consider the following situation: We sometimes find ourselves confronting a
two-dimensional (2-D) display where we are totally unable to identify a figure.
Meaningless regions of various brightnesses and colors seem to blend into one
another. The interesting observation, however, is that we almost never have
this kind of difficulty in three- dimensional (3-D) perception. In 3-D, no
matter how much an object and its surrounding may be unfamiliar, the figure
stands out solidly against its background. This brings a very important question
to mind: Is the primitive, data-driven process that carves out the figure as
initially a meaningless entity connected to the mechanisms of stereoscopic
depth perception? More specifically, does the natural system make a
point-by-point comparison of left versus right eye's images, thereby detecting
disparity for certain regions of the visual field, and consequently segregating
these regions as figures for further processing? In other words, are objects
identified as objects because of depth differences alone? If so, this
means depth perception precedes form perception and allows object segregation
to be independent of pattern identification. This, then, may be the way by
which we bypass the complicated interactive processing for object perception,
at least in the natural 3-D viewing situations which constitute the
overwhelming majority of visual stimulation.
there is an experimental counterpart of the phenomenal experience described
above. Julesz (1971) started an experimental investigation of the possibility
that depth perception may precede form perception by means of the so-called
random-dot stereogram technique. In these studies, subjects are presented in a
stereoscope a pair of visual displays, one for each eye, which consist of a
large number of small black and white squares. The series of black and white
squares are randomly generated by a computer. In each display, there is nothing
to be discerned in the form of an object because there is neither any contour
information, nor is there a variation of texture, color, or brightness at any
region so as to define an object. However, the experimenter arbitrarily selects
a region in the left display, in the form of a "T", for example, and
shifts the corresponding region in the right display towards the left by the
distance of a couple of squares. The columns thus vacated in the right display
are again filled in randomly by black and white squares. So, we have a
situation here which gives no information about an object in monocular viewing.
But in binocular viewing via a stereoscope, the displays effectively produce
the so-called "crossed disparity," the very information that serves
to see the shifted region as floating over the remaining unshifted parts.
Hence, subjects report seeing a "T" made up of small black and white
squares as floating above a background of similar squares. Since no subject
knows in advance what is to be seen, the success in reporting the object is
taken as evidence that the natural system achieves object perception in the absence
of form information. This
experimental finding is also a nice support for the conceptual distinction
between "object" perception and "pattern" perception, which
was discussed earlier. In this paradigm, subjects can perceive the
"pattern" only after they perceive the "object" and the
pattern of the object is of no help whatsoever for the segregation of the
object from the background. So, there seems to exist a primitive, data-driven
and independently working process of object perception. In another manner of
speaking, the natural system appears to behave like artificial intelligence in
that it seems to indulge in a pixel-by-pixel analysis of the visual
information and finish the job without top-down aid.
question now is whether we should conclude that the natural system ordinarily
achieves object segregation through disparity detection or this is, perhaps, a
very special case. This is to say that the natural system can be forced to do
it under special circumstances such as the random-dot stereogram situation but
it may prefer another mechanism in natural settings. There seem to be certain
suggestive evidences pointing in the direction of the second possibility.
aspect of the random-dot stereogram situation that has not received much publicity
is the fact that subjects taking part in these kinds of experiments generally
have a hard time in seeing the floating object. They either see it after a
relatively extended period of time or they do not see any object, or still,
they see things which are not intended to be there. For instance, during the
review process of an article of mine, an anonymous reviewer who had happened to
be working with random-dot stereograms remarked that his subjects saw "the
darndest things in the stereoscope!" This is first-hand information,
almost a laboratory secret, to the effect that object segregation through
disparity alone is a laborious process.
another aspect of the situation seems to bolster this belief; if the
experimenter shifts the corresponding arbitrary region rightwards in the right
picture, thereby producing uncrossed disparity for the intended object, there
appear greater difficulties of perception of the figure. The "T"
figure, for instance, should then be perceived not as a floating figure, but as
a hole in the form of T. Some subjects eventually see this hole, but obviously,
with much greater difficulty. The message here is that, if the natural system
ordinarily uses disparity as the basis of object segregation, then that
mechanism would be expected to work in both directions with equal facility.
That there is a tendency to see the "T" as a figure rather than as
the visible portion of the background surface indicates that whenever a Gestalt
principle of figure-ground segregation is allowed to operate, that principle
easily overrides disparity computation (see Rock, 1975). More specifically, the
Gestalt principles of "sorroundedness" and "smallness"
enable the "T" to float as a figure, but resist seeing the larger,
surrounding part of the display as such. In conclusion, then, object perception
via disparity alone is possible and relatively easy only if there is no
competing principle at work. This causes quite a bit of doubt as to whether
disparity computation is the natural means of primitive object segregation.
contrast to what happens in the laboratory with regard to random-dot
stereograms, if a cardboard cutout with a checkered surface pattern in the form
of a T is to be placed in front of a background with again a checkered surface
pattern, no subject would encounter any difficulty in identifying the T as the
figure. That is, as we mimic the stimulation intended in the stereoscope in a
physical setting and allow subjects free-viewing access to the stimulus, none
of the difficulties described in the preceding paragraphs will be observed.
Identification of the figure will be immediate, effortless, and accurate. What
is it, then, in the natural setting that allows the speedy formation of such an
accurate percept? Whatever it is, we know that it is something more than
search of the facilitatory factor in natural settings, we could make use of a
hierarchy of difficulties encountered by subjects. We know that the greatest
difficulty is to be found in the random-dot stereograms. This is where
disparity works alone and is understood to be barely sufficient for object
segregation. Next, as we had once tried out in a class demonstration,
identification of a floating figure is much facilitated when figural boundaries
are drawn by solid lines on a checkered surface pattern. Here, disparity is
complemented by boundary lines, and therefore, works much better. So, we cannot
disregard the importance of contour information in object segregation -- a
victory for Gestalt principles. However, when a 2-D display is presented with
zero disparity, subjects can be made to confuse figures with backgrounds if
drawings are ambiguous enough. But the same drawings with disparity injected
present identifiable figures. From such manipulations we understand that disparity
and contours do not constitute levels in a hierarchy, but simply complement
each other.
complementary relationship between disparity and organizational principles
based on pictorial cues is evident only if pictures are ambiguous with respect to
figure-ground relations. In unambiguous pictures, there is not much evidence of
complementation. For instance, what happens when a pair of unambiguous pictures
in a stereoscope are interchanged, i.e., the left picture is placed in front of
the right eye and vice versa? Unfortunately, there is no formal literature
relating to this playful manipulation but phenomenal experience shows some
clear consequences. The net result of the manipulation is, of course, reversal
of disparity information, so that depth relations via disparity are brought
into conflict with those mediated by pictorial cues. The point of interest
within the present context is what happens with respect to figure-ground
relations. One clear result is that disparity reversal does not interfere with
object segregation. Objects are perceived as such without any confusion or
effort, but whenever an object is disconnected with any other object in terms
of contour, reversed disparity brings the more distant object to the fore. On
the other hand, whenever objects' contours touch each other, the effect of
disparity is reduced to nil, so that a collection of objects in contour contact
appear two-dimensional. What are we to infer from this? The most plausible
inference seems to be that pixel-by-pixel computation of disparity serves
object segregation only when disparity is left alone or when contour
information is ambiguous. Whenever unambiguous contour information is available
to the natural system, it prefers to give that kind of information absolute priority.
Hence, pairing identical objects in stereo human vision does not appear to be
based on disparity computation as the primary process, but that object
segregation (without involvement of disparity) occurs in the first stage, then
it is followed by object correspondence in the left and right images, and then
comes disparity computation.
have still not captured the primitive, data-driven process for object
segregation. Use of contour information is certainly not primitive and
automatic enough. To continue our quest by way of the hierarchy of
difficulties, we can see that contour utilization for object perception does
not constitute the easiest level; the hierarchy continues. Those who work with
stereoscopes know well that not all people successfully see depth the first
time they look into a stereoscope, even if the pictures are unambiguous and
full of visual cues. Despite repeated exposures, some continue to see the
pictures as flat, wondering about the difference other people are talking about
as comparisons are made with ordinary photographs. Had these people, failing in
the stereoscope, been stereo-blind, nothing could have been made out of this.
But such people begin to see depth in the stereoscope all of a sudden, and
after that point, are very much surprised at not having seen this remarkable
third dimension previously. I think there is another lesson for us here, which
merits careful analysis.
might be the factor that delays some people's perception of depth in the
stereoscope? Our overall assessment of the literature, as reviewed so far,
suggests that there must be a three-stage process going on in stereoscopic
depth perception. The first stage is object segregation, the second is object
correspondence (or pairing of identical objects in the right and left images),
and the third is disparity computation of paired objects. Could these people
have a problem in the first stage? Definitely not because they readily identify
objects in the picture. What about disparity computation? We have no reason to
expect so because these persons prove themselves to be stereo- sighted, i.e.,
they can eventually see depth in the stereoscope and report that what they see
now is like real life, thereby indicating that they are capable of disparity
computation in the natural setting as well. Through a process of elimination,
then, we seem to end up with suspecting a problem in the second stage, that on
object correspondence.
speculative approach leads us to an interesting point. The cortical images
generated by the stereoscope and real life are not different from each other in
any respect but the system appears to encounter a difficulty in finding
correspondences when the image comes from the stereoscope. Why should this be
so? We cannot attribute the difference in phenomenal experience to a difference
in the cortical state of affairs because there is no difference there. In both
cases, the cortex carries superimposed double images, relayed by the left and
right eyes. Logically, the difference in the facility of finding
correspondences must be due to a non-cortical factor which can be explored by
looking for a difference between the real life versus stereoscope stimulations.
careful inspection and comparison of the two sources of stimulation reveals
only one major difference. Because pictures in the stereoscope are actually
2-D, all objects therein stand at the same physical distance from the viewer.
As a consequence of this, head movements that occur during looking into the
stereoscope cause retinal images of all objects in the pictures to move at the same
speed and in the same direction. In contrast to this, head
movements that occur during looking at the real world cause retinal images of
objects to move at differential speeds and in different directions.
This is a straightforward dictation of geometry and optics. In real life
situations, head movements -- no matter how minor they may be -- are bound to
cause retinal image movements that are differential as a function of objects'
distances from the viewer. Retinal image movements produced by head movement
present two aspects: First, images of objects further away than the point of
fixation move in the same direction as the head, whereas those closer than the
fixation point move in the opposite direction. Second, images of two objects,
both of which are closer than the fixation point, move at different speeds, the
closer object projecting a faster moving retinal image. As for the images of
two objects, both of which are further away than the fixation point, the more
distant one projects a faster image. This phenomenon, referred to as
"motion parallax," is what lacks in the stereoscope.
is interested in motion parallax primarily as an important cue to depth but the
present analysis suggests that parallax information may have another important
function, that of finding object correspondence in the speediest and easiest
way. To repeat the rationale behind this suggestion, the following steps in
thinking should be considered: (1) Stimulation from the stereoscope achieves
depth in a more belabored manner as compared to that from the real world. (2)
The difficulty in the stereoscope can be pinpointed as a problem of detecting
object correspondence. (3) The only difference between the two kinds of
stimulation seems to be the presence of motion parallax information in the real
world. Therefore, (4) motion parallax seems to serve object correspondence.
then, is what appears to happen in the natural system as it views the real
world: With every slight head or body movement, points across the retinal
mosaic are set into motion. Amongst this huge pool of points moving at
different speeds and directions, certain collections of points share the same
direction and speed. Let us now analyze what this means to the system in
monocular and binocular conditions.
the monocular condition, this uniform speed and direction in certain regions of
the visual field could be used by the system to carve out a meaningless entity,
upon which pattern perception processes could begin to operate. But there is
still some ambiguity in this information; differential motions of points need
not emanate from variable distances of separate entities, but could result from
variable motion of different parts of the stimulus complex at the same
distance. Since the system does not know about distances in the monocular case,
motion parallax information obtained in a single eye is not unambiguous enough
to serve object segregation.
binocular viewing, on the other hand, we see that this information is readily
transformed into a very clear kind of help. Specifically, for every region in
the right eye's image that moves in uniform speed and direction, there is a
corresponding region in the left eye's image that gives the same motion
information. Without attempting to delineate figural boundaries and decode the
pattern information at this stage, the system may simply detect the presence of
corresponding regions in the left and right images. The system does not yet
know whether the region of uniform speed represents a segregated entity; the
ambiguity mentioned before still persists. However, now that corresponding
regions have been detected, "candidates" for separate entities have
emerged, and hence, it would be wise to apply a disparity computation on such
regions. This is much more speedy and economical than pixel-by-pixel comparison
for disparity in an overwhelming pool of points and without any foresight about
what regions might represent possible entities. If the regions corresponding in
motion do indeed represent a separate entity, then disparity computation will
quickly render that region to stand out in depth. At this point the system will
know that it encounters a segregated entity and will immediately apply whatever
processing is necessary to decode the pattern. The difficulty in random-dot
stereograms is now understandable; since motion parallax is lacking in that
situation, the system cannot utilize this primitive but efficient mechanism of
finding corresponding regions, and therefore, it relies solely on pixel-
by-pixel comparison for disparity detection, so that the figure is identified
via depth. This is a laborious task, and sometimes is impossible. In natural
situations, motion parallax seems to come to the rescue.
foregoing treatment suggests that the natural system has multiple mechanisms
for object segregation. In the most natural, free-viewing situation, the system
looks at a 3-D world binocularly, often indulging in head and body movements.
Motion parallax allows detection of corresponding regions and disparity
computation applied thereafter secures segregation of objects. Pattern
perception in this case seems to be the last stage. If, however, the system is
not allowed motion parallax information, then object segregation mechanisms,
which involve both bottom-up and top-down processes, come into play as the
first stage, then comes object correspondence, followed by disparity
computation. This is the situation with stereoscopes containing ordinary
pictures and is the next comfortable case for the system. Barring both motion
parallax and disparity leaves the system with object segregation mechanisms
alone. This is the case of viewing 2-D pictures and we know that the system has
a hard time in resolving ambiguities. Finally, we can give the system nothing
but disparity (the case of random-dot stereograms) and we find the system is
often overtaxed. Hence, this hierarchy of difficulties in various perceptual
situations can suggest the present hypothesis that motion parallax is not only a mechanism of depth perception but is also
essential in object segregation and pairing identical objects in stereo human
primitive and purely data-driven mechanism for object segregation, as suggested
in the present paper, may be one of our essential inheritances from lower
species. Perhaps it will be proper to close this treatment with two amusing
hints in that direction. One of these is that I have heard many pet owners
saying that their cats and dogs do not show much interest in watching
television or in looking at poster pictures of other animals. I could add to
these my own personal observations. Why should it be so? Could it be that lower
species cannot achieve object segregation in 2-D displays and thus see nothing
of interest in them? If the present thesis is on the right track, then these
animals' lack of interest in pictures is quite understandable. Television
screens and posters do not contain motion parallax (due to all objects' being
equidistant), and hence, these animals are left without the essential mechanism
of object segregation. They could achieve segregation through top- down
processing but we know that their "tops" are not as good as ours!
This is some fuel for thought, to say the least.
second hint comes from science fiction. The scientist in "Jurassic
Park" keeps yelling to others, "Don't move! If you stay still, she
won't see you." The message is clear: The perceptual apparatus of the
primitive dinosaur is totally geared to motion for detecting objects. Shall we
believe it? Well, this is not the first time that science fiction is more
perceptive than science.
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