Hints from Life to AI, edited by Ugur HALICI, METU, 1994 ã
connectionist expert system
N. Alpaslan
R. Tolun
Department of Computer Engineering
Middle East Technical University
06531 Ankara - Turkey
The construction of a classical expert system needs to define IF-THEN
rules explicitly. In contrast, to build a connectionist expert system, training
examples must be used by employing the generalization capability of neural networks in which the network is coded in
the rules of expert system. The neural network models depend on the processing
elements which are connected through weighted connections. The knowledge in
these systems are represented by these weights and the topology of the
connections are explicit representations of the rules. This paper first makes a
comparison of expert systems and neural networks and second describes how these
can be integrated to obtain connectionist expert systems.
The term expert system was originally used to denote
systems that utilize a significant amount of expert knowledge about a
particular domain to solve problems in that domain. In general, an expert
system may be defined as a computer-based system that searches for a solution
within a body of knowledge formulated by an expert in a particular area of
expertise. The power of an expert system is characterized by the contents of
its knowledge base and its capabilities to explain or advise as efficient as
possible like human expert. Most classical expert systems has the following
Knowledge base, which is a
collection of concepts, facts, and rules,
Inference engine that is
capable of reasoning and manipulating the knowledge base,
User interface by which the
end-user interact with the system
The foundation of an expert system is its knowledge
base which is often the most difficult, time consuming, and expensive component
to build and debug. Knowledge for expert system must be derived from sources
like experts in the given field, journal articles, texts, reports, manuals,
databases, and so on. Elicitation of
the right knowledge can take a lot of time and cost too much. This
process of knowledge acquisition is recognized as one of the major bottlenecks
in building knowledge-based expert systems. Recognizing this has led to finding
new ways to improve and speed up the knowledge acquisition process. One of
these methods utilizing neural network models proved to be appropriate and
yielded itself in constructing flexible knowledge bases that can also cut down
the knowledge acquisition time [7,25].
Expert systems have been applied to many areas of research,
which prove, in fact, their ability to handle problems effectively. Designing
and implementing an expert system is a difficult job, and usually takes
experimentation and experience to achieve high performance. One of the most
important characteristics of an expert system is that, it should be easy to
modify, since expert systems evolve generally. This evolutionary or incremental
development technique has to be noticed as the dominant methodology in the
expert system area. Moreover, the expert knowledge should be arranged and
formalized by defining the problem, discovering the basic steps involved.
Generally, neural networks consist of processing
units -which resemble the neurons in human brain- connected by directed arcs,
each of which has a value called weight. Each weight represents the effect of
one of these processing elements on the other one which is directly connected
to it. These weights may have positive or negative values, which represent
reinforcement or inhibition, respectively. These weights are subject to change
during learning process in order to adapt the networks to its inputs from the
actual process allowing representation of complex systems which is not easy to
represent in knowledge-based systems. The application of these neural networks
has a greater degree of fault-tolerance because of their distributed
representation, and the ability to adapt and continue learning to improve
performance [18,24,26,28]. another advantage is that they can accommodate
variations in their input and still produce the correct output [4,9,20].
Neural networks accomplish the needed
generalizations by virtue of their structure rather than through elaborate
programming [2,9,13]. Neural networks are trained by examples rather than
programming. Neurons are viewed as processing elements combining input signals
using differential equations [14,16,1,2,27]. These processing elements are
treated as a simple transfer function. The network of these neurons can be
viewed as associative memory, in which they associate input patterns with the
desired output patterns. The number of associations in the network does not
determine the required time of this association between input and output.
However, the association time depends on the stability of the network, in which
the actual response is obtained after training the network many times. This
training process varies between supervised and unsupervised learning methods
2. A Comparison of Expert Systems and Neural Networks
Expert systems (in general all symbolic systems) and
neural networks are two "rival" approaches to Artificial
Intelligence, both having different application areas within this scope. expert
system design may take months of gathering information and testing. On the
other hand, a neural network may be designed and trained in a few days after
most examples related with the domain are gathered.
Assessing the available data is the most critical
step in deciding on a neural network or expert system solution. One can waste a
lot of time training, redesigning, and retraining a neural network that cannot
learn to solve the problem because of a poor training example set [17]. In a
similar fashion, an expert system can fail if there are too many conflicting
and ambiguous rules. A good rule of thumb is if the rules are not well defined
and there is a lot of training data then use neural network approach. If there
are no examples available then a classical expert system approach may be taken.
Apart from this, there are of course other criteria for deciding which approach
to follow:
Expert system technology is
a mature and well expressed technology which is currently available. it can be
stated that the desire for increased knowledge has brought expert systems out
of the research laboratories into the
Expert systems are good at
procedural types of problems such as strategy, scheduling, and teaching. They
are better than manuals because they ask the user only relevant information, they
incorporate past experience into solving the problem, and they answer questions
about their reasoning process [17].
Expert systems are not
capable of making generalizations and tolerating noisy data.
Connectionist Expert Systems - A Hybrid Approach
In recent years, neural network approaches have been
used to simulate human behavior in areas such as vision, speech, and
recognition. In fact, recognition and classification tasks can be done neural
nets better than human beings. Neural nets can find a solution by making
associations between known inputs and outputs by observing a large number of
Expert systems have been used in conjunction with
neural network technology [5,7,10,11,12] to eliminate the time-consuming part
of constructing and debugging the knowledge base. Neural networks can be used
to recognize patterns, such as financial or sensory data, which are then acted
on by the rules of an expert system. A neural network can be used as a model
that is run by an expert system to decide how to control something. An expert
system can train a neural network and a neural network can generate rules for
an expert system.
The use of an artificial neural network greatly
simplifies the knowledge engineering task because it allows the system itself
to construct the knowledge base from a set of training examples. Because the
correct output of the expert system is known according to given inputs, it is
more appropriate to deploy a supervised learning algorithm to train the system.
The resulting trained system is used to make expert decisions after it has been
provided with a set of test instances. Expert systems that use artificial
neural networks to develop their knowledge bases and to make inferences are
called connectionist expert systems [7].
Compared to rule-based expert systems, connectionist
expert systems seem to be a better
model of human-like reasoning. Although these models can be applied to any type
of decision problems, they are especially suitable when the creation of if-then
rules is not possible or the information is contradictory. A connectionist
expert system usually contains three major parts: knowledge base, inference
engine, and user interface. The knowledge base is a problem-dependent part that
contains expert knowledge. The
connectionist expert system data base is composed of neurons and connections
among them. The inference engine is a problem-independent driver program which
is responsible for reasoning. The user interface is a link between the
inference engine and the external user. The architecture of a connectionist
expert system is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. A Connectionist Expert
Experts are often not as much help as one would
like, because it is hard for experts to specify exactly what it is they are
doing to make them expert [21]. Furthermore, discovering the rules of the
expert systems domain by observations is a difficult task and requires powerful
learning procedures. Multilayered neural networks are of one source of such
learning procedures [6,8,15,22]. These networks have the ability to learn
arbitrary associations from a set of known variables to a set of target
variables or actions. The generalization ability of these networks makes them much
powerful than classical expert systems in which they generalize from a set of
examples to the broader class of situations they may be confronted with. These
networks can exhibit the rule chaining behavior knowledge based expert systems
without containing any explicit representations of the rules. Instead, the
rules are represented by cells which are interacting through the weighted set
of connections of real values. The knowledge in these models are represented by
the values of these weights and the topology of the connections. The
representation of different or complex engineering systems can be facilitated
by these models by modifying the weighted connections during the learning
process. However, the representations of these systems would also be represented
by traditional expert systems.
Much work has been done in the area of connectionist
expert systems. Gallant [7] introduces a two-program package for constructing
connectionist expert systems from training examples:
"The first program is a network knowledge base
generator that uses several
connectionist learning techniques, and the second is a stand-alone expert
system inference engine that interprets such knowledge bases. the system has
been tested on a large number of artificial problems and on several medical and
economic problems where data were
readily available" [7, p.152].
The connectionist medical expert system described in
[12] uses a learning algorithm developed by the authors that is based on a
potential function approach to supervised learning. Bradshaw et al. introduce a
three-layer connectionist expert system that learns to forecast flares [5].
They conclude that their connectionist expert system can perform the same task
as well as a conventionally built rule-based system. The architectures for
executing probabilistic rule-bases in a parallel manner using
information-theoretic models is discussed in [10]. The main concern in this
research is automatic generation of connectionist expert systems from data
using a rule-based representation. Hudli et al. [11] propose using artificial
neural networks to construct an expert system model consisting of vertically organized sets of simple neural
networks, each realizing a simple task. Two reasoning procedures, backward and
forward chaining, of expert systems have been implemented using neural network
The following example describes how training and
test patterns are generated from expert system rules.
The knowledge base for a medical expert system that contains
the rules to diagnose some illnesses and to recommend proper treatment can be
represented as a three layered-neural network. Each node represents a parameter
of the original expert system. The expert system contains the rules defined to
describe the illnesses and proper treatments. An example of one of the rules is
listed in Figure 2.
Figure 2. An Expert
System Rule
The training and test patterns have been generated
from the rules defined above. Training patterns are composed of 0's (unknown),
1's (true), and -1's (false). When generating a pattern from a rule, the nodes corresponding to the expert system
parameters whose values are used in the rule positively are represented as 1
whereas those whose values are used negatively are represented as -1. All the
remaining nodes are 0. As an example, to generate a training pattern from the
The system, then, can be trained and tested by using
a supervised learning algorithm, like backpropagation.
The idea of using neural networks to develop
knowledge bases for expert systems was suggested several years ago as a way of
eliminating the tedious chore of encoding knowledge from the experts. Expert
systems developed from neural networks are known as connectionist expert
systems. The advantage of using a connectionist expert system approach over
other conventional techniques to build expert systems are as follows:
A connectionist model is easier to maintain than conventional expert systems because the connectionist expert systems use training patterns, not human knowledge, to develop their knowledge base.
Connectionist expert systems are better models of human-like reasoning compared to conventional rule-based systems.
Connectionist expert systems are especially suitable
when the creation of if-then rules is not possible or would be contradictory.
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