MECİT HALİL ÖZTOP ( Research Assistant) (On leave)

B.S ,                     Middle East Technical University, Department of Food Engineering , 1999-2003.

Minor Program, Middle East Technical University, Department of Industrial Engineering ,'Production Planning  and      Control',2002-2003.

M.B.A,                 Bilkent University, Department of Management, 2003-2005 (Full Scholarship).

M.Sc.,                  Middle East Technical University, Department of Food Engineering, 2003-2005.

Ph.D,                   University of California,  Davis, Biological Systems Engineering Department, 2006-

Master's Thesis Title in Food Engineering

Optimization of Microwave  Frying of Potato Slices

Areas of Interest

Microwave Processing of Foods
Total Quality Management
Quality Control and Planning
Engineering Statistics and Probability
Optimization Techniques (Taguchi Technique, RSM)
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
Food Nanotechnology


1. Öztop Mecit, Optimization of Microwave  Frying of Potato Slices, M.Sc. thesis, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 2005.

2. Sumnu G., Turabi E. & Oztop M., (2005) Drying of carrots in microwave and halogen lamp–microwave combination ovens , LWT - Food Science and Technology,38,549-553.

3. Öztop M., Şumnu G. & Şahin S. , Optimization of Microwave  Frying of Potato Slices by Taguchi Technique, Oral Presentation in TUBITAK MRC-Food Inst. 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, 15-18 June 2005, İstanbul, Turkey.

4. Öztop, M., Şumnu G. & Şahin S., Mikrodalga ile Patates Dilimlerinin Kızartılması İşleminin Taguçi Tekniği ile Optimizasyonu, Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Gıda Mühendisligi Bölümü Gıda Kongresi, Poster Sunumu, 19-21 Nisan 2005, İzmir, Turkiye.

5. Öztop M., Şumnu G. & Şahin S., Optimization of Microwave Frying of Potato Slices by Taguchi Technique, Journal Food Engineering, 2006,(In Print).

6. Öztop M., Şumnu G. & Şahin S., Optimization of Microwave Frying of Osmotically Dehydrated Potato Slices by Taguchi Technique, Oral Presentation, CIGR 2006 Future of Food Engineering , 2006, Warsaw-Poland.

7. Öztop M., Şumnu G. & Şahin S., Optimization of Microwave Frying of Osmotically Dehydrated Potato Slices by Response Surface Methodology, European Food Research and Technology,2006 (In Print).

8. Öztop, M., Şumnu G. & Şahin S., Osmotik Dehidrasyona Mağruz Kalmış Patates Dilimlerinin Mikrodalga ile Kızartılması İşleminin Yanıt Yüzey Metodu ile Optimizasyonu, Türkiye 9. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, Poster Sunumu, 24-26 Mayıs 2006, Ankara, Turkiye.


Research Projects

1. Effect of Microwave Irradiation on Wheat and Corn Proteins, (Researcher) In Collobration with Hacettepe University Department of Food  Engineering.

2. Effect of Microwave Frying on the Formation of Acrylamide in French Fries, M.E.T.U Research   Fund Project, Researcher, BAP-2006.

Courses Assisted

Fd.E 305: Food Microbiology Laboratory  (Fall 2005)

Fd.E 431: Food Quality Control (Fall 2005)

Fd.E 426: Food Product & Plant Design (Spring 2006)

Fd.E 314: Physical Properties of Food Materials  (Spring 2006)

Curriculum Vitae