SOC 104

Introduction to Sociology
Spring 1998-99


Erdogan Yildirim
Department of Sociology
Faculty of Arts & Sciences


In this elective course, which is intended primarily for the students of the Department of Economics, our aim is to introduce some major issues, fundamental concepts, theories and methods applied in sociology as to help the students to form a basic idea of the subject matter of sociology in their minds. However, it must be noticed that within the discipline of sociology there is not a consensus even on the subject matter of sociology, and this course, being designed as an elective course, does not aim to cover all the crucial (and controversial) issues. Keeping this in mind, we will try to discuss some basic topics (or rather, fields of specialisation) in sociology such as gender, family, deviance, stratification, political power, mass media, religion, as well as sociological research methods and theory.

Attendance to the course is a must though it will not bring extra points to the student for that. Lectures may not cover whole of the assigned material, but it is strongly recommended the students to read them. Besides, there may be some extra supplied reading material throughout the course which must be read by the students. There will be two mid-term exams (30 % each) and a final exam (40 %).

The main book which will be followed through the course is Giddens, A., Sociology, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1998 which can be found at the bookstore of our university. The book may not be found in the library, but photocopies of the relevant parts of the book and other reading materials will be available at the reserve desk of the library.

1.    Introduction: What is Sociology? The study of the society, culture and individual.
  • Giddens, A., Sociology, Chps. 1 & 2
  • C. W. Mills, Sociological Imagination, (pages will be given)
  • Durkheim, Emile, The Rules of Sociological Method, Collier-MacMillan Ltd., London, pp. 1-13.
          2.    Types of Society
          • Giddens, A., Sociology, Chp. 3
          • Sahlins, Marshall, Stone Age Economics, Tavistock Publications, London, 1978, pp. 9-14.
          • Barfield, Thomas J., The Nomadic Alternative, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993, pp. 4-18.

          3.    Gender, Body, Family

          • Gender and Sexuality: Giddens, A. Sociology, pp. 90-104
          • Sociology of the Body: Giddens, A. Sociology, pp. 118-127
          • Foucault, Michel, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, trans. by Alan Sheridan, Vintage Books, New York, 1979, pp. 135-149.

          4.    Sociology of the Family

          • Giddens, A., Sociology, Chp. 7

          8.    Mass Media & Popular Culture

          • Giddens, A., Sociology, Chp. 14

          9.    Sociology of Religion

          • Giddens, A., Sociology, pp. 434-459

          10.   Urban Sociology

          • Giddens, A., Sociology, Chp. 18

          11.   Research Methods in Sociology

          • Giddens, A., Sociology, Chp. 20

          12.    Sociological Theory

          • Giddens, A., Sociology, Chp. 21
          • Bilton, T., Bonnett, K., Introductory Sociology, Chp. 13


    last updated: 19.02.1999