MATH 463 Introduction to Group Theory

2010-2011 FALL Semester Web Page



Office Hours

To Be Announced


Lecture Hours

Tuesday 13:40-15:30    (M-102)

Thursday 10:40-11:30  (M-102)


Computer Algorithms with GAP

Erkan Murat TÜRKAN & Fuat ERDEM

Office Hours

To Be Announced

                Lab Sessions

                Thursday 15:40-16:30 (*)

*Lab sessions will be held on 7.10.2010, 28.10.2010, 18.10.2010, 9.11.2010, 30.11.2010



GAP                                                      Visual Group Theory



There will be no textbook to purchase. We list some books below according to topic:

·       General Group Theory

o  J. Rotman, An Introduction to Theory of Groups

o  J. Rose, A Course on Group Theory


·       GAP and Computational Group Theory

o  Information about GAP is obtained from its web site http://www.gap-system.org/

o  From this site you can download GAP free of charge to your own computer.

o  From this page click on 'GAP support', then 'manual', then 'tutorial' to get a tutorial

o  From the same page as before click on 'About GAP', then 'examples', then 'Rubik's cube' to get a useful example

o  A.M. Cohen et al, Some tapas of computer algebra, Springer 1999, ISBN 3540634800 (chapter 8, projects 5 and 6).

o  D.F. Holt, B. Eick, E.A. O’Brien, Handbook of computational group theory, Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2005

o  J. Neubueser, An elementary introduction to coset table methods in computational group theory, pp. 1-45 in Groups - St. Andrews 1981 (C,M, Campbell and E.F. Robertson, eds), Cambridge UP.

o  C.C. Sims, Computation with finitely presented groups, Cambridge University Press 1994, ISBN 0521432138

Course Content

This semester there will be two parallel courses, one addressing the theoretical side of finite groups, the other dealing with computer algorithms in group theory using the computer system GAP. The theoretical side will be taught on 2 days each week. We intend to teach the use of the computer package GAP during 5 sessions in the computer lab, teaching both the use of the GAP commands and language, and simultaneously the theory behind the algorithms which are used. No prior programming experience is necessary. We will start by learning the basics of the language which GAP uses, and go on to learn how to do computations with groups given as permutation groups, by presentations, and as matrix groups. As part of this we will learn how the algorithms we use work, and thereby gain some insight into their limitations. On the theoretical side we will start with Group Actions and continue with Sylow Theorems, Composition Series, Semidirect Product, Wreath Product, Solvable Groups and Nilpotent Groups.


Course Assessment
There will be one midterm (%25) and one final examinations (%35). We will assign one theoretical and one computational homework (%40) altogether. You do not have to obtain correct solutions to these questions, only make genuine attempts. We believe that it is extremely difficult to obtain a sound and permanently-lasting command of the material presented without doing some work which actively involves the student.

Expectations of written work
Most of the time in the conventional homework problems, to satisfy our criterion of making a genuine attempt you will need to write down explanations for the calculations and arguments you make. Where explanations need to be given, these should be written out in sentences i.e. with verbs, capital letters at the beginning, periods at the end, etc. and not in an abbreviated form.
Some of the homework will be computer exercises in GAP. An essential part of what you hand in for these exercises will be a transcript of a GAP session, but it will help if you insert explanatory comments. We do prefer to see a hard copy of what you have done.

 We encourage you to form study groups. However everything to be handed in must be written up in your own words. If two students hand in identical assignments, they will both receive no credit.