92. Y. Meyva-Zeybek and C. Kaynak, “Electrospinning Parameter Optimization for Neat and POSS Filled PLA Nanofibers” , Book of Abstracts of the IX. Polymer Science and Technology Congress with International Participation, POLİMER 2024, METU Ankara, Turkey, page:16 (16-18 September 2024)
91. Y. Meyva-Zeybek and C. Kaynak, “Hızlandırılmış Yaşlandırmanın Termoplastik Elastomerlerle Toklaştırılan Polilaktitin Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkisi” , Proceedings of the 16th International Corrosion Symposium, KORSEM'24, Karaman, Turkey, pages 1-18 (23-25 May 2024)
90. B. Sari and C. Kaynak, “Effect of Electrospinning Parameters on Polylactic Acid / Nanocellulose Biocomposite Fibers”, Abstracts Book of the International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials - TAPPI NANO - 2022, Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Helsinki, Finland, page: 120 (13 – 18 June 2022)
89. Y. K. Ökten, E. Özaslan and C. Kaynak, “Effects of Specimen Preparation Parameters on the Tensile Strength of Unidirectional Towpreg Composites”, Congress Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Composite Materials - ICFCM 2021 (online) , University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia , 1 page on USB, (20 – 21 November 2021)
88. B. Sari and C. Kaynak, “Characterization of Cellulose Nanocrystals Produced via Acid Hydrolysis Method”, Congress Proceedings Book of the 20th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress - IMMC 2021, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , 1 page on USB, (10 – 12 June 2021)
87. B. Dogu and C. Kaynak, “Behavior of PLA / Microcrystalline Cellulose Biocomposites” , Abstracts of the 8th Iran International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Engineering - iMAT 2019 , Tehran, Iran, 1 page on USB (7-9 October 2019)
86. U. Can and C. Kaynak, “Importance of Nanofiller Content on the Mechanical Properties of PLA / TiO2 Nanocomposites” , Abstracts of the E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) 2018 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 1 page on USB (17-20 September 2018)
85. Y. Meyva-Zeybek and C. Kaynak, “Mechanical Properties of PLA Nanocomposites Filled with Various Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Structures” , Abstracts of the E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) 2018 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 1 page on USB (17-20 September 2018)
84. C. Kaynak and S.D. Varsavas, “Behavior of PLA / Short Glass Fiber Composites With and Without Elastomer Blending”, Book of Abstracts of the 6th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering – ACMME 2018 , Seoul, South Korea, page 51-52, (15-18 June 2018)
83. O. Polat and C. Kaynak, “Flame Retardancy Synergism of Zinc Borate and an Organophosphorus Compound in Polyamide and its Composite”, Book of Abstracts of the 2017 International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing - ICMIM 2017 , National University of Singapore, Singapore, page 68-69, (21-23 August 2017)
82. C. Kaynak and B. Sari, “Weathering Degradation of Polylactide / Montmorillonite Nanocomposites”, Book of Abstracts of the 14th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN17 , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, page 83, (4-7 July 2017)
81. S. Ertan, C. Kaynak, A. Cihaner, “A New Type of Soluble Hybrid Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxy Thiophene)”, Conferences Abstracts of The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies – ICRET 2017, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, page 20-21 , (22 - 24 January 2017)
B. Sari and C. Kaynak,
“Behavior of Polylactide / Montmorillonite Nanocomposites”,
Congress Proceedings Book of the 18th
International Metallurgy and Materials Congress -
IMMC 2016,
UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , pages: 258-260 , (29
September – 1 October 2016)
Y. Meyva,
C. Kaynak, “Polilaktitin
Farklı Elastomerik Malzemelerle Toklaştırma Amaçlı Harmanlanması”,
6.Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji
Kongresi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi,
Ankara, Bildiri Özetleri, sayfa:88, (4-7 Eylül 2016)
S. Ertan, C. Kaynak,
A. Cihaner, “A Novel Organic-Inorganic Based Electroactive Copolymer”,
Abstract Book of the 28th
National Chemistry Congress,
Mersin University, Mersin, page 418 , (15 - 21 August 2016)
S. Ertan, C. Kaynak,
A. Cihaner, “A New Platform to Obtain a Soluble Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxy Thiophene”,
Abstract Book of the 28th
National Chemistry Congress,
Mersin University, Mersin, page 186 , (15 - 21 August 2016)
C. Kaynak
Y. Meyva, “Toughening of
Polylactide (PLA) by Blending with Elastomeric Materials”
(invited talk) , Abstract Book of the
Energy Materials Nanotechnology – EMN Meeting on Polymer
2016, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong, China, page 69-70, (12-15 January 2016)
D. Doganay; S. Coskun; C.
Kaynak, H.E. Unalan,
“Electrical Properties of Silver Nanowire/Polylactide
Nanocomposite Films”, Abstracts of the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
, Boston, USA , Symposium H page
66 , (29 November -4 December 2015)
D. Doganay; S. Coskun; C.
Kaynak, H.E. Unalan,
“Electrical Conductivity of Silver
Nanowire/Polylactide Nanocomposite Films”, Uluslararası Katılımlı III. Ege Kompozit Malzemeler Sempozyumu -
KompEGE III -, Kuşadası,
Bildiriler Kitabı sayfa:4-5 , (5-7 Kasım 2015)
Y. Meyva
C. Kaynak, “Effects of Maleic
Anhydride Compatibilization on the Toughness and Other Properties of Polylactide
Blended with Thermoplastic Elastomers”, Abstract Book of the 8th
European Symposium on Biopolymers – ESBP 2015, Sapienza University, Rome,
Italy, page 107, (15-18 September 2015)
I. Kaygusuz and
C. Kaynak, “Mechanical and Thermal Behaviour of Polylactide Nanocomposites
Reinforced with Halloysite Nanotubes”, Extended Abstract Book of the
6th International Conference on Science and Technology of Composite
Materials – COMAT 2015, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2 pages,
(7-8 May 2015)
D. Doganay; S. Coskun; H.E.
Unalan, C. Kaynak, “Effects of
Silver Nanowires on the Behavior of Polylactide Nanocomposite Films”,
Abstracts of the 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of TMS Society -
TMS 2015,
Orlando, USA , page 206 , (15-19 March 2015)
A.R. Erdogan, I. Kaygusuz, C.
Kaynak, “A Comparison of the Effects
of Modified and Unmodified Halloysite Nanotubes on the Mechanical Behaviour of
Polyamide-6”, Congress Papers e-Book
of the 17th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress -
IMMC 2014, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , 7 pages on
DVD , (11-13 September 2014)
B. Sarı,
C. Kaynak, “Polilaktit/Montmorillonit
Nanokompozitlerinin Mekanik ve Isıl Davranışları”,
5.Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Tokat, Bildiri Özetleri, sayfa:78,
(1-4 Eylül 2014)
Y. Meyva and
C. Kaynak, “Changes in the Thermal and Other Properties of Polylactide by Blending
with Thermoplastic Polyurethane”, Book of Abstracts of the
International Conference on
Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials – THERMAM 2014,
University of Rostock & Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, page 55 , (12-15
June 2014)
C. Kaynak, Y. Meyva, A.R. Erdogan, I. Kaygusuz, “Morphological
Studies of Polylactide Blends and Composites by Scanning Electron Microscopy”,
Abstract Book of the 17th International
Conference of Focus on Microscopy – FOM 2014, University of Sydney,
Australia, page 69 , (13-16 April 2014)
H. Yalcinkaya, E. Ozdemir, N.A. Isitman,
C. Kaynak, J. Hacaloglu, “Poly(lactic
acid)/Clay Nanocomposites”, Abstracts of the
IUPAC 10th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via
Macromolecular Engineering - APME2013, Durham, England, 1 page on CD ,
(18-22 August 2013)
C. Kaynak and S. Sankal, “Influences of
Silanized Carbon Nanotubes on the
Properties of Polyamide Nanocomposites”, Abstracts of the
Annual World Conference on Carbon – Carbon 2013, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 2 pages on CD , (14-19 July 2013)
C. Kaynak, N.A. Isitman, B.M. Sipahioglu “Preferential
Exfoliation and Compatibilization in Fire-Retardant Polystyrene/Organoclay
Nanocomposites Containing Brominated Epoxy Oligomer and Antimony Oxide” ,
Abstracts of the E-MRS (European
Materials Research Society) 2012 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 1 page on USB
(17-21 September 2012)
N.A. Isitman, C. Kaynak,
“Towards Understanding the Physical Mode of Action of Nanoparticles in
Flame-Retarded Polymer Nanocomposites”,
Congress Papers e-Book of the 16th International Metallurgy-Materials
Congress - IMMC 2012,
UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , 6 pages on DVD ,
(13-15 September 2012)
S. Sankal, C. Kaynak, “Oksidatif
Fonksiyonelleştirilen ve Aminosilanlanan Karbon Nanotüplerin Poliamid-6
Nanokompozitlerine Etkileri”,
4.Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi ve Sergisi,
Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale, Bildiri Özetleri CD sayfa:37, (5-8
Eylül 2012)
S. Sankal and C. Kaynak, “Oxidative
Functionalization and Aminosilanization of Carbon Nanotubes for Polymer
Nanocomposites”, Abstracts of the 8th
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Congress –
NanoTR-VIII, Ankara, Turkey, 1 page on CD, (25-29 June 2012)
C. Kaynak
and A. C. Ozkaraca, “Using Micro- and
Nano-Composite Approaches to Improve Flame Retardancy of ABS” , Proceedings
of the 15th
European Conference on Composite Materials – ECCM 15, Venice, Italy,
6 pages on USB, (24-28 June 2012)
E. Ibibikcan, M. H. Demirhan and C.
Kaynak, “Flammability of Low Density
Polyethylene with Boron Compounds and Aluminum Hydroxide” , Abstract Book of
the 17th
International Symposium on Boron, Borides and Related Materials ISBB
2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 150, (11-17 September 2011)
N. A. Isitman, F. Unlu and C. Kaynak,
“Use of Colemanite as a Synergistic Fire
Retardant Additive in High Impact Polystyrene/Brominated Epoxy Oligomer/Antimony
Oxide Compounds” , Abstract Book of the
International Symposium on Boron, Borides and Related Materials ISBB
2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 149, (11-17 September 2011)
A. C. Ozkaraca and C. Kaynak, “Flammability
of Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate with Boron Compounds and Two Traditional
Flame Retardants” , Abstract Book of the
International Symposium on Boron, Borides
and Related Materials ISBB 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 148, (11-17 September
O. Polat, Y. İnal and C. Kaynak,
“Synergistic Effects of Boron Compounds on
the Flammability of Polyamide-6 with Organophosphorus Flame Retardant” ,
Abstract Book of the 17th
International Symposium on Boron, Borides
and Related Materials ISBB 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 131, (11-17 September
A. C. Ozkaraca and C. Kaynak, “Use
of Montmorillonite with Traditional Flame Retardants in Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene by Nanocomposite Approach” , Book of Abstracts of the
European Clay Conference EUROCLAY 2011,
Antalya, Turkey, pp 206-207, (26 June - 1 July 2011)
C. Kaynak and N.A. Işıtman, “Flame Retardancy Synergism by Using Aluminum Tri-Hydroxide (ATH) and
Nanoclay in High-Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)”, Extended Abstracts of the SPE Society of Plastics Engineers ASIATEC
2011 Conference, SPE Japan
Section, Tokyo , 2 pages on CD , (15-17 February 2011)
N. A. Isıtman and C. Kaynak, “Do
Filler Nanoparticles Always Act as Synergists in Flame Retardant Polymers?
Investigations on Potentials of Functionally - filled Novel Polymer
Nanocomposites.” , Book of Abstracts of the
Materials Research Society MRS 2010 Fall
Meeting, Boston, USA (29 November -3 December 2010)
N. A. Isıtman and C. Kaynak, “Tailored
Flame Retardancy via Nano - filler Dispersion State: Nanomorphology and Reaction
to Fire of High - impact Polystyrene/Aluminum Tri - Hydroxide/Organoclay
Nanocomposites.” , Book of Abstracts of the
Materials Research Society MRS 2010 Fall
Meeting, Boston, USA (29 November -3 December 2010)
N.A. Işıtman, H. O. Gunduz, B.M. Kuşçuoğlu, C. Kaynak,
“Yüksek Alevlenme Dayanımlı Polimer Bazlı Karbon-Nanotüp ve Kil Katkılı
Nanokompozitler”, Congress Papers e-Book of the 15th International
Metallurgy-Materials Congress - IMMC
2010, UCTEA Chamber of
Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , 8 pages on DVD , (11-13 November 2010)
N. A. Isıtman and C. Kaynak, “Kısa
Elyaf Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerde Elyaf/Matris Arayüzey Mukavemetinin
Uygulamalı Olarak Tahmini.” ,
Abstracts Booklet of the 13th
International Materials Symposium – IMSP 2010, pp 125, Pamukkale University,
Denizli (13 - 15 October 2010)
C. Kaynak and N. A. Isıtman, “Effects of
Nanoclays and Carbon Nanotubes on the Flame Retardancy of Poly(methyl
methacrylate)”, Book of Abstracts of
the 10th International Conference on
Nanostructured Materials – NANO 2010 , pp: 190, Sapienza University, Rome,
Italy (13-17 September 2010)
H. O. Gunduz, N. A. Isıtman and C.
Kaynak, “Influences of Nanoclays on
the Flammability Behaviour of Polyamide Compounds”,
Book of Abstracts of the 7th
International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN 2010 ,
Ouranoupolis Halkidiki, Greece (11-14 July 2010)
N.A. Işıtman, C. Kaynak, “Polimer/Kil
Nanokompozitlerde Nano-Morfoloji ve Nanodağılımın İyileştirilmesi”,
9.Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi,
Bildiri CD 4 sayfa, Gazi
Üniversitesi, Ankara, (22-25 Haziran 2010)
N. A. Isıtman and C. Kaynak, “Functionally
Filled Polymer Nanocompos ites: A Novel Class of Flame-Retardant Materials”
, Book of Abstracts of the 6th
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – NANO TR-VI , Izmir Institute of
Technology, Izmir, Turkey (15-18 June 2010)
N. A. Isıtman and C. Kaynak, “Tailoring
The Interfacial Properties and Flame Retardancy of Polymer/Short-Fiber
Composites Through a Reinforcement at Nano-Scale” ,
Book of Abstracts of the
14th European Conference on Composite
Materials, Budapest, Hungary (7-10 June 2010)
N.A. Işıtman, C. Kaynak, “Nanokil
Yardımıyla Fonksiyonel Katkılı Poliamid-6 Kompozitlerde Elyaf/Matris
Arayüzeyinin Güçlendirilmesi”,
3.Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi ve Sergisi,
Bildiri CD, sayfa: 18-26, Kocaeli
Üniversitesi, Kocaeli, (12-14 Mayıs 2010)
N. A. Isıtman, G. I. Nakas, C. Kaynak,
“O-MMT ile Polimer Nanokompozitlerinde
Yüksek Alevlenme Dayanımı ve Mekanik Özellikler”,
14. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu
Bildiriler Kitabı , sayfa: 794-800,
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon (1-3 Ekim 2009)
H. O. Gunduz, N. A. Isıtman and C.
Kaynak, “Use of Nanoclays as an
Environmentally Friendly Flame Retardant Synergist in Polyamide”,
Book of Abstracts of the
International Conference on Nanoscience
and Technology
– ChinaNANO 2009 , pp 36,
Beijing, China (1-3 September 2009)
N. A. Isıtman, C. Kaynak and M.
Aykol, “Applied Interfacial Strength
Estimations in Reinforced Polymers” ,
e-Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Composite Structures
ICCS 15 , 2 pages on CD, Porto,
Portugal (15-17 June 2009)
N. A. Isıtman, C. Kaynak and H.
O. Gunduz, “Flame Retardancy of Polyamide
6 and 6.6”, Book of Abstracts of the
European Polymer Congress
EPF 2009 , pp 198, Graz, Austria
(12-17 July 2009)
C. Kaynak and G.I. Nakas, “Effects of Clay
Surface Modification in Epoxy Nanocomposites“,
Proceedings of the 17th
International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advance Materials
- PFAM XVII, IIT Delhi - Indian
Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, Volume II, pp: 530 -537, (15-17
December 2008)
E.Akgül, C. Kaynak, N.A. Işıtman,
“Reçine Aktarım Kalıplaması (RTM) Yönteminde Kalıp Sıcaklığı, Reçine İlk
Sıcaklığı ve Vakumun Etkileri”,
e-Proceedings of the 14th International Metallurgy-Materials Congress
- IMMC 2008,
UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , pp: 267 - 276 ,
(16-18 October 2008)
E.Akgul and C. Kaynak, “Influences
of Mold Temperature and Vacuum on the Resin Transfer Molded Polymer Composite
Plates”, Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Engineering - ICEE 2008,
9 pages on CD, Military Technical College, Kobry Elkobbah, Cairo, EGYPT (27-29
May 2008)
N.A. Işıtman, M. Aykol, C. Kaynak,
“Elyaf Uzunluğu Dağılımının Kısa Elyaf
Takviyeli Polimer Kompozitlerin Teorik Mukavemetine Etkisi”,
2.Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji
Kongresi ve Sergisi, Bildiri CD 3
sayfa, Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlıurfa, (30 Nisan -2 Mayıs 2008)
C. Kaynak and C.C. Tasan, “Synthesis of Resol
Type Phenolic Resin / Layered Silicate Nanocomposites”,
Abstract Proceedings of the
IUPAC and ACS Conference on
Macromolecules for a Safe, Sustainable and Healthy World - IUMACRO 2007, pp
W-33, Polytechnic University Brooklyn, New York, USA (10-13 June 2007)
G.I. Nakas and C. Kaynak , “Polimer
Bazlı Nanokompozitlerde Kullanılan Katmanlı Silikatların Yüzey Modifikasyonu”,
e-Proceedings of the 13th International Metallurgy-Materials
Congress, IMMC 2006, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , pp:
1017-1024, (9-12 November 2006)
C. Kaynak and O. Cagatay, Effects of Nitrile
Rubber and Amino Silane on the Toughening of Phenolic Resin, ,
Abstract Book of the
1st European Chemistry
EuCheMS 2006 , pp 282, Budapest,
Hungary (27-31 August 2006)
C.C. Tasan and C. Kaynak , “Fenol
Formaldehit / Tabakalı Kil Nanokompozit Malzemelerinin Üretilmesi ve Mekanik
Davranışları”, e-Proceedings of the
12th International Metallurgy-Materials Congress,
Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , pp: 247-254, (28 September-2
October 2005)
C. Kaynak and Y.O. Kas,
“Influences of RTM Injection Pressure on
the Production of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites”,
European Congress on Advanced Materials
and Processes EUROMAT 2005, 1 page Abstract, Prague, Czech Republic (5-8
September 2005)
C. Kaynak, O. Orgun, and T. Tincer,
“Modification of Epoxy With Short Carbon Fibers and HTPB Rubber”,
Proceedings of the European Polymer
Congress 2005 EPF 2005, pp: 3 pages on CD, Moscow State University, Russia
(27 June - 1 July 2005)
C.C. Tasan and C. Kaynak, “Production of Phenolic Resin /
Layered Silicate Nanocomposites”,
Proceedings of the International Symposium of Research Students on Materials
Science and Engineering ISRS 2004, pp: 10 pages on CD, Indian Institute of
Technology Madras, Chennai, India (20-22 December 2004)
C. Kaynak, O. Orgun, and T. Tincer,
“SEM fractography of short carbon fiber/ epoxy matrix composites”,
Proceedings of the 13th
European Microscopy Congress EMC 2004, Volume II Materials Sciences, pp
81-82, University of Antwerp, Belgium (22-27 August 2004)
S. Boylu, C. Kaynak, and A. Kalkanli,
“Fatigue Behaviour of Aluminum Matrix SiC Particulate Reinforced
Composites”, Proceedings of the 6th
International Fracture Conference, eds. M. Doruk, A. Avci, A. Akdemir, and
G. Onal, Selcuk University, Konya, pp 339-345
(10-12 September 2003)
C. Kaynak, C. Celikbilek, and G. Akovali,
“Effects of Recyced Car Tyre Rubber
Particles on the Mechanical Behaviour of Epoxy”,
Proceedings of the 24th International SAMPE Europe Conference
of the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering with
JEC Composite Show, Eds. K. Drechsler,
pp 179-186, Paris, France (1-3 April 2003)
C. Kaynak, C. Celikbilek, and G. Akovali,
“Recycling of Car Tyre Rubber Particles in
Epoxy”, Proceedings of the GAP IV
Engineering Congress, Eds. B. Yesilata, H. Bulut and I. Yesilnacar, Volume
1, pp 266-272, Harran University, Urfa, (6-8 June 2002)
C. Kaynak, A. Arıkan, and T. Tincer,
“Effects of Liquid Rubber Modification on the Flexibility of Fiber
Reinforced Epoxy Composites”,
Proceedings of the Annual Technical Conference of Society of Plastics Engineers,
ANTEC 2002, Volume II: Materials, pp 2125-2129, San Francisco, USA (5-9 May
C. Celikbilek, G. Akovali and C. Kaynak,
“Studies to Increase the Toughness of Epoxy Matrices”,
Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society 2001 Regional Meeting,
PPS-2001, Antalya, p-583, (22-24 October 2001)
C. Kaynak, A. Ozturk, and T. Tincer,
“Studies on Epoxy Resin Used in Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites”,
Proceedings of the Automotive and Transportation Technology, Congress &
Exhibition, ATTCE’01, Volume 4: Materials, pp 145-152, Barcelona, Spain (1-4
October 2001)
A. Arikan, C. Kaynak, and
T. Tincer, “A Fractographic Study of Short
Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Modified With Liquid Rubber”,
Proceedings of the 5th International Fracture Conference, eds.
M.H. Kelestemur and M. Doruk, Firat University, Elazig, 245-251
(6-8 September 2001)
O. Mat, and C. Kaynak, “Damage
Mechanisms of Glass Fiber Wound EpoxyComposite Tubes Under Axial Cyclic Loading”,
Proceedings of the 5th International Fracture Conference, eds.
M.H. Kelestemur and M. Doruk, Firat University, Elazig, 151-157
(6-8 September 2001)
A. Ozturk, C. Kaynak, and
T. Tincer, “Behaviour of Epoxy Resin
Modified With Liquid Rubber”, Book of
Abstracts of the 2nd Eastern Mediterranian Chemical Engineering
Conference, EMCC2, Ankara, p-207, (20-24 May 2001)
A. Arikan, C. Kaynak, and
T. Tincer, “Behaviour of Short Glass Fiber
Reinforced Epoxy Resin Modified With Liquid Rubber”,
Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Eastern Mediterranian Chemical
Engineering Conference, EMCC2, Ankara, p-231, (20-24 May 2001)
A. Öztürk, C. Kaynak and T. Tinçer, “Flexibility Improvement of an Epoxy Resin Used in Fiber Reinforced
Composites”, Abstracts of the
Polychar World Forum on Polymer Applications and Theory, POLYCHAR-9,
University of North Texas, Denton, USA, P-22 (9-12 January 2001)
C. Kaynak,
“Short Fatigue Crack Problem in a Steel”,
in Materials for Transportation
Technology, EUROMAT’99 Volume 1,
ed. P.J. Winkler, published by Wiley-VCH, Germany, ISBN: 3-527-30124-0, pp
129-134, (27-30 September
O. Mat and C. Kaynak , “Fatigue
Behaviour of Filament Wound Composite Tubes Under Axial Loading”,
Proceedings of the 10th International Metallurgy and Materials
Congress, Volume 2, METALLURGY and
MATERIALS 2000, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul ,
1085-1092 (24-28 May 2000)
E. Sipahi-Sağlam, G. Akovalı, and C. Kaynak, “Recycled Rubber Modification of Epoxy”, Proceedings of the 10th International Metallurgy and
Materials Congress, Volume 3,
METALLURGY and MATERIALS 2000, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers,
Istanbul , 1909-1916 (24-28 May
E.Sipahi-Saglam, C. Kaynak
and G. Akovalı “Interface Studies
Between Epoxy and Recycled Rubber”,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Micro Materials,
eds. B. Michel, T. Winkler, M.Werner and H. Fecht, MICROMAT 2000 – IZM, DVM,
Berlin, Germany , 413-416, (17-19
April 2000)
C. Kaynak , “Short
Crack Consideration in Fatigue Design”,
4. Ulusal Kırılma Konferansı Bildirileri, editörler M. Doruk ve A.
Topuz, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul , 100-109
(18-20 October 1999)
C. Kaynak and A. Ankara,
“Behavior of Short Fatigue Cracks in a Steel with Elongated Inclusions”,
Abstracts of the European Conference on
Materials - Junior Euromat’98, JUNIOR EUROMAT’98 - FEMS, DGM,
Lausanne, Switzerland , 138-139 (7-11 September 1998)
C. Kaynak and A. Ankara,
“SEM Fractography of Inclusion Induced Anisotropy in Short Fatigue Crack Growth”,
Proceedings of the 13th
National Electron Microscopy Congress (With International Participation),
eds. E. Tekin and Y. Canberk, METU, Ankara, 703-708 (1-4 September 1997)
C. Kaynak , A. Ankara ve T.J. Baker, “Kısa ve Uzun Yorulma Çatlaklarının Çelikteki Farklı Büyüme
Davranışları”, Proceedings of the 9th
International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, Volume 1, UCTEA Chamber of
Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul , 701-706
(11-15 June 1997)
C. Kaynak and A. Ankara,
“Short Fatigue Crack Initiation at Inclusions”,
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Advanced
Materials and Processes and Applications: Materials, Functionality & Design,
Volume 1, eds. L. Sarton and H. Zeedijk, EUROMAT’97 - FEMS, Maastricht, The
Netherlands , 1/45-1/48 (21-23 April 1997)
C. Kaynak and A. Ankara,
“SEM Fractography of Crack Initiation at Inclusions”,
Proceeding Abstracts of the 12th National Congress on
Electron Microscopy (With International Participation), Akdeniz University,
Antalya, Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences - supplement , ed. R. Demir,
TUBITAK , 166 (11-15 September 1995)
C. Kaynak , A. Ankara ve T.J. Baker, “Kısa Yorulma Çatlaklarının Çeliklerdeki Kalıntılardan Başlama ve
Büyüme Davranışları”, Proceedings of
the 8th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, Volume 1,
UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, Istanbul, 711-716
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