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Fall 2004

EE 209  : Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Middle East Technical University

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department


Course Outline:


A concise introduction to the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. EE 209 is the accelerated  and abridged version of the core courses in circuits and systems and electric power courses in the EE curriculum. Some diversions on transistors and operational amplifiers are given to introduce the major components of electronic design also.




Dr. Nevzat Yildirim, Dr.  Mirzahan Hizal, Dr. Nevzat Ozay, Dr. Cagatay Candan



Reference Books:

1.      Electric Circuit Analysis, D.E. Johnson and J.R. Johnson and J.L. Hilburn

2.      Schaum’s Outline Series for Electric Circuits,  J.A. Edminister,  TK454 E46 1997




1.      Introduction, Circuit Variables, Lumped Elements and Lumped Circuits, Kirchhoff’s  Laws,

2.      Linear, non-linear, time-invariant, time-variant resistive circuits,

a.      Linearity

b.      Node, Mesh, Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Equivalents

3.      Dynamic Elements, Inductors – Capacitors,

4.      AC Steady State Analysis, Phasors, RMS values,

5.      AC Steady State Power, Power Compensation, Three Phase Systems,

6.      Basics of Electrical Machines,

7.      Operational Amplifiers, Diodes, Transistors ,





(Section 04)