Tarkan Gürbüz

Education Activities
Professional Experience Courses Given
Conference Presentations & Publications
Research Interests
Projects Scholarships
Seminars Given Professional Organizations


MBA in International Business, MIB School of Management, Trieste, ITALY (2005).
Ph.D. in Computer Education & Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, Department of CEIT, METU, Ankara, TURKEY (2004).
M.Sc. in Computer Education & Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, Department of CEIT, METU, Ankara, TURKEY (1999).
B.Sc. in Mathematics, Faculty of Arts & Science, Department of Mathematics, METU, Ankara, TURKEY (1995).
High School Naval High School Command, Heybeliada, İstanbul, TURKEY (1988).
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8 June 2007 Utah Valley State College Certificate of Excellence.
given by Director, Distance Education, Utah Valley State College, Orem, USA.
28 May 2007 Intel Teach Program Essential Course Senior Master Teacher Certificate.
given by Intel Education Turkey, Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
19 September 2006 Process Management and Development Seminar Completion Certificate.
given by KalDer, Ankara.
18 October 2003 Human Participant Protections Education for Research Teams Course Completion Certificate.
given by the National Institutes of Health, USA.
26 December 1990 Responsible Manager Information Official Achievement Certificate.
given by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Tourism General Directorate of Travel Agencies, Ankara.


February 2006 - Present Instructor
Department of Computer Education & Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, METU
February 2002-December 2003 Academic Consultant
Web based education, Internet technologies,software development
Interak Ltd. Şti. Kosgeb-Tekmer, METU
02-08 September 2001 Tutor
Ministry of National Education, Inservice Training
Active Learning and Teaching Strategies
Computer Aided Instruction seminar for Elementary School Teachers
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Burdur Eğitim Fakültesi
17-29 July 2000 Tutor
Ministry of National Education, Inservice Training
Active Learning and Teaching Strategies
Computer Aided Instruction Seminar for Elementary School Inspectors
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Burdur Eğitim Fakültesi
January, 1999 Tutor
Educating Educators EĞİTEN II Faculty Development Project, Internet Based Synchronous Instruction
Computer Literacy course for the faculty members of CEIT departments in different universities in Turkey
Faculty of Education, METU
September 1998 Tutor
Ministry of National Education, Inservice Training
Computer Aided Instruction course for high school teachers
Faculty of Education, METU
June 1998 Tutor
Ministry of National Education, Inservice Training
Computer Aided Instruction course for high school teachers
Faculty of Education, METU
June 1998 - August 2004 Research & Teaching Assistant
Department of Computer Education & Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, METU
September1996 – June 1998 Research Assistant
Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, METU
June 1996 Tutor
TED Ankara College, Inservice Training
Computer Literacy course for the staff and teachers in the school
TED Ankara College
December 1995 – September 1996 Computer Specialist
Computer Center,Ted Ankara College
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Gürbüz, T. (2008) The Power of Knowledge Management in Higher Education. The International Consortium for Educational Development Conference (ICED 2008).12-15 June, The University Of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA. (p.29).
Gürbüz, T. (2008) Knowledge Management in Education. Teaching with Technology Idea Exchange 2008, The Open Conference on Technology in Education, (TTIX 2008). 5-6 June, Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah, USA.
Gürbüz, T. (2008) Knowledge Management in Education and Research: An Elective Course at METU. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC2008).06-09 May, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. (p.-).
Şerefoğlu, H., Durmaz, N., Gürbüz, T. (2008) Knowledge Management in Higher Education: An Overview Of Practices in a Department at METU. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC2008).06-09 May, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. (p.-).
Gürbüz, T. (2008) The Business Case for e-learning: A Graduate Course at METU. 2nd International Conference on Innovations In Learning for the Future: e-learning (Future-learning 2008).27-29 March, Istanbul University, Ortaköy Princess Otel, Istanbul, Turkey. (p.692-698).
Gürbüz, T., Arı, F., Öztürk, B.A., Kubuş, O., Çağıltay, K. (2008) METU Instructional Technology Support Office: Accelerating Return on Investment Through e-learning Faculty Development. 2nd International Conference on Innovations In Learning for the Future: e-learning (Future-learning 2008), 27-29 March, Istanbul University, Ortaköy Princess Otel, Istanbul, Turkey. (p.107-114).
Gürbüz, T. (2007) Factors Leveraging the Collaborative Potential of Online Learning Environments. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education (E-Learn 2007) , 15-19 October, Québec City, Québec, Canada. (p.44).
Gürbüz, T. (2007) Using New Technologies to Support Collaborative Methods of Instruction. Teaching with Technology Idea Exchange 2007, The Open Conference on Technology in Education, (TTIX 2007), 7-8 June, Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah, USA.
Gürbüz, T. (2006) Building Learning Communities: Online Collaboration and e-learning. 2nd International Language Learning Conference (ILLC), 23-25 November, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, (Abstract proceedings pp. 26).
Gürbüz, T. (2006) Globalization of Education with e-learning. 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium, 13-15 September, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Türkiye. (Proceedings, pp. 235-244)
Gürbüz, T., Yıldırım, S., Özden, M.Y. (2001) Comparison of On-Line and Traditional Computer Literacy Courses for Preservice Teachers: A Case Study. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 29(3), pp. 259-269.
Gürbüz, T., Yıldırım, S., Özden, M.Y. (2000) A Comparison of Student Teachers' Attitudes Toward Computers in On-Line And Traditional Computer Literacy Courses: A Case Study.Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2000) Technology and Teacher Education Annual, pp. 348-354.


Kubuş,O., Arı,F., Çağıltay,K., Gürbüz,T., Öztürk,B.A., (2008) ODTÜ Açık Ders Malzemeleri Projesi 2nd International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium (ICITS 2008) .16-18 April, Pine Bay Hotel, Kuşadası, Turkey. (p.-).
Gürbüz, T. (2008) Eğitimde Bilgi Yönetimi ve e-öğrenme 2nd International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium (ICITS 2008) .16-18 April, Pine Bay Hotel, Kuşadası, Turkey. (p.-).
Öztürk, B.A., Arı, F., Kubuş, O., Gürbüz, T., Çağıltay, K. (2008) Öğretim Teknolojileri Destek Ofisleri ve Üniversitedeki Rolleri. Akademik Bilişim 2008, 30 Ocak- 1Şubat, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale, Turkey.(p.20)
Gürbüz, T. (2006) Küreselleşme Sürecinde e-öğrenme. XV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, 13-15 Eylül, Muğla Üniversity, Muğla, Türkiye.
Gürbüz, T. (2004) Eğitimde Doğru Internet Kullanımı. Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi, BTIE 2004, May 20-22, METU, Ankara, Turkey. (proceedings pp. 129-134).
Gürbüz, T. (2003) Bilgisayar Okuryazarlığı ve Avrupa Bilgisayar Yetkinlik Sertifikası (ECDL). 1. Polis Bilişim Sempozyumu, October 21-22, Sheraton, Ankara, Turkey. (proceedings pp.336-340).
Gürbüz, T. (2003) ECDL Sınavları ve İçerikleri. Eğitim Teknolojisi, Eğitim, Öğretim ve Tedarik Dergisi, No.5, p. 10.
Gürbüz, T. (2002) e-Avrupa’nın yolu ECDL’den geçiyor. Avrupa Bilgisayar Yetkinlik Sertifikası. Eğitim Teknolojisi, Eğitim, Öğretim ve Tedarik Dergisi, No.4, pp. 10-12.
Gürbüz, T., Yıldırım, S., Özden Y. (2001) Öğretmen Adaylarının Cevrimiçi ve Geleneksel Bilgisayar Okuryazarlığı Derslerinde Bilgisayara Yönelik Tutumlarının Karşılaştırılması: Bir Durum Çalışması. Eğitim ve Bilim, 26(119), pp. 49-56
Gürbüz, T.(2001) Değişen Anlamıyla Bilgisayar Okuryazarlığı. Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi, BTIE 2001, May 3-5 , Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. (Bildiriler Kitabi pp.163-168).
Gürbüz, T., Yıldırım, S.(2001) Eğitimde Liderlik ve Teknoloji Planlaması. Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim Konferansı ve Sergisi, BTIE 2001, May 3-5 , Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. (Bildiriler Kitabi pp.305-312).
Gürbüz, T., Yıldırım, S., Özden, M.Y. (1999) Öğretmen Adaylarının On-Line ve Geleneksel Bilgisayar Okur-Yazarlığı Derslerinde Bilgisayara Karşı Tutumlarının Karşılaştırılması: Bir Durum Çalışması. 1st. International Symposium of Information Technologies in Education, October 14-16, Uludağ Universitesi, Bursa, Turkey.(Abstracts pp.20-22).
Gürbüz, T., Eryılmaz, A., Bulut, S. (1999) Öğretmen Adaylarına Verilecek Olan Bilgisayar Okuryazarlığı Dersinin İçeriği ve Adayların Ders Hakkındaki Görüşleri. D.E.Ü. Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Special edition. No.11, pp. 46-55.
Gürbüz, T., Eryılmaz, A., Bulut, S. (1999) Öğretmen Adaylarına Verilecek Olan Bilgisayar Okuryazarlığı Dersinin İçeriği ve Adayların Ders Hakkındaki Görüşleri. Öğretmen Eğitiminde Çagdaş Yaklaşımlar Sempozyumu, March 18-20, 9 Eylül University, İzmir, Turkey (Abstracts p.64).
Gürbüz, T. (1998) WWW Üzerinden Fonksiyon Konusu Öğretimi. III. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 23-25 September, Trabzon.
Gürbüz, T. (1998) Internet Nedir? Kolej’den Görünüm -TED Ankara Koleji Bülteni, January 1998. No.11, pp. 44-46.


MBA Thesis, (2005). Performance Appraisal in Human Resources Management: Trends, Issues, and Practices. MIB School of Management, Trieste.
Ph.D. Thesis, (2004). An Assessment of an online course environment based on the perceptions of students and the instructor: A case study. METU, Ankara.
M.Sc. Thesis, (1999). Comparison of online and traditional computer literacy courses for preservice teachers: A case study. METU, Ankara.

Reports and Documents

MEB 17. Millî Eğitim Şurası Genel Kurul Çalışmaları: Küreselleşme ve AB Sürecinde Türk Eğitim Sistemi İkinci Komisyon Raporu (MoNE, 17th National Education Council commission works: Turkish Education System and the process of EU and Globalization), 13-17 November 2006, Ankara, pp. 1-32. Worked as a moderator and contributed to the final report.
MEB 17. Millî Eğitim Şurası Ön Komisyon Çalışmaları: Küreselleşme ve Avrupa Birliği Sürecinde Türk Millî Eğitim Sistemi Raporu (MoNE, 17th National Education Council Pre commission works: Turkish Education System and the process of EU and Globalization), 08-16 June 2006, Ankara, pp. 28-106. Worked as a moderator and contributed to the pre report.
Türkiye 2. Bilişim Şurası Sonuç Raporu (Republic of Türkiye 2nd Informatics Council Final Report), 10-11 May 2004, METU, Ankara, pp. 355-414. Contributed to the final report for Education Group.
Akıllı Sınıf Tasarım ve İşletim Kılavuzu (Smart Classroom Design and Management Guide), prepared and submitted to the president office of METU, September, 2003, Ankara.
Uzaktan Eğitim Kılavuzu (Distance Education Guide), contributed to the final report for Turkish ICT Foundation Distance Education Group, August, 2003, Istanbul, pp.1-64.
Türkiye Bilişim Şurası Sonuç Raporu (Republic of Türkiye 1st Informatics Council Final Report), 10-12 May 2004 METU, Ankara, pp. 355-414. Contributed to the final report for Education and R&D Group (Ankara, May, 2002).
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March 2004 – continue Research Fellow
Online Police Training Portal Project
March 2003–continue Research Fellow
National Virtual Campus Project
February 2003–continue Research Fellow
Teacher Training Through Internet Project
January 2003–continue Research Fellow
Interactive Learning Center Project (Smart Classroom and The Distance Education in METU)
January 2003– June 2003 Research Fellow
The Distance Education Guide Project
June 2001– June 2002 Research Fellow
Research Fond Project (AFP-01-05-05-03)
Web based faculty development system for METU instructors
October 2000– February 2001 Research Fellow
METU Development Foundation School Five Year Instructional Technology Plan development project
May 1997-December 1998 Research Fellow
Research Fond Project (AFP-97-05-01-01)
Developing Computer Competency Model
June 1996– September 1998 Project Manager
TED Ankara College Web site construction, Web Page development project
December 1995– August 1996
TED Ankara College School Management and Administrative Control System development project
December 1995– August 1996
TED Ankara College Computer laboratory construction project
December 1995– March 1996
TED Ankara College Network construction and administration project
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3 April 2008 Developing Effective Presentation Skills and Powerful Presentations
Smart Classroom, Physics Department Building, METU, Ankara.
2 April 2008 Developing Effective Presentation Skills and Powerful Presentations
Seminar Room, Informatics Institute New Building, METU, Ankara.
5 November 2007 Developing Powerful Presentations
Smart Classroom, Physics Department Building, METU, Ankara.
4 May 2007 Communication Skills and Using Technology in Education
Gazi Osman Paşa Necla-İlhan İpekçi İlköğretim Okulu, Conference Hall, Ankara.
3 March 2007 Efective Instruction and Material Development for Distance Learning
Bahçeşehir Üniversity Distance Education Center Seminar Room, Istanbul.
5-7, 12-13 June 2006 Document Management
Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) Seminar Room, Ankara.
10-12 April 2006 Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) Seminar Room, Ankara.
11-12 March 2006 Effective Teaching and Training: Methods and Techniques to Engage Adult Learners
Meteksan Sistem ve Bilgisayar Teknolojileri A.Ş. Seminar Room, Ankara.
2 September 2003 Visual Design Principles and Preparing Effective Presentations
TED Ankara College Conference Hall, Ankara.
24 September 2002 Project Management
University Senate Meeting Room, METU, Ankara.
3-4September 2002 Instructional Technology, Computer Aided Instruction, Using Internet in Education
Yasemin Karakaya İlköğretim Okulu, Ankara
19-20 August 2002 Instructional Technology, Computer Aided Instruction, Using Internet in Education
Özel MEF Okulları, İstanbul
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23-28 May 2007 Participant
INTEL Teach Program Essential Course
Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
17-20 March 2007 Invited guest
CeBIT 2007
MESSE, Hannover, Almanya.
9-13 October 2006 Invited Participant
2006 Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) World Forum organized by World Bank
World Bank Premises, Washington DC, USA.
18-19 Eylül 2006 Participant
Process Management and Development Seminar by KalDer
METU Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Türkiye.
1 April 2006 Jury member
8th Science Festival Physics Projects Contest
Bilkent College, Ankara, Turkey.
28 December 2005 Jury member
Mathematics Projects Contest
Bilkent College, Ankara, Turkey.
2 June 2004 Jury member
Mathematics Projects Contest
Bilkent College, Ankara, Turkey.
10 July 2003 Participant
Microsoft Seminar for the faculty members in CEIT Departments
Microsoft Türkiye, Microsoft Akademik, İstanbul, Turkey.
3 July 2003 Guest speaker
Live Radio Program -Internet Gezgini- Chat on the subject "Distance Education"
Turkish Radio Television (TRT) Radio 1, Ankara, Turkey.
20-30 June 2003 Participant
3rd Amateur Painters Exhibition, participated with 2 oil paintings on canvas and 2 photos
METU Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey.
10 April 2003 Guest speaker
Live Radio Program -Internet Gezgini- Chat on the subject "Computer and Education"
Turkish Radio Television (TRT) Radio 1, Ankara, Turkey.
2-15 June 2002 Participant
2nd Amateur Painters Exhibition, participated with 4 oil paintings on canvas and 4 carbon drawings
METU Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey.
3-15 June 2001 Participant
1st Amateur Painters Exhibition, participated with 5 oil paintings on canvas and 4 pastel drawings
METU Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey.
June 1994 Participant
Mixed Painting Exhibition, participated with 2 oil paintings on canvas, 2 pastel 2 carbon drawings and 2 sculpture
METU Library Exhibition Hall, Ankara, Turkey.
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CEIT 100 Computer Applications in Education
CEIT 114 School Experience I
CEIT 209 Foundations of Computer Aided Instruction
CEIT 331 Measurement and Evaluation in Computer Education
CEIT 410 Teaching Practice
CEIT 414 School Experience II
CEIT 440 Special Problems in CEIT
CEIT 471 The Business of e-learning
CEIT 472 Knowledge Management in Education and Research
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  • Distance Education and e-Learning
  • The Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Instructional Technology and Integration of Technology in Education
  • Evaluation of Multimedia and Internet developments and products
  • Instructional Design
  • Teacher Education
  • Performance Management
  • Group work and Group Management, Team Building
  • Total Quality and Knowledge Management


  • Scholarship which cover the tuition fee (€21,000) for the 15th edition of the MBA in International Business, MIB School of Management (2004-2005).
  • Research Assistantship in METU (1996-2004).
  • Scholarship for undergraduate studies by Turkish Ministry of Education (1990-1995).


    Informatics Association of Turkey (IAT)
    Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)


    Tarkan Gürbüz is an Instructor at Middle East Technical University (METU), Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) in Ankara, Turkey. He is fluent in English, speaks also German and Italian, enjoy sports, traveling, scuba diving, music, movies and good food. Tarkan Gürbüz holds a PhD and MS in Computer Education and Instructional Technology, MBA in International Business, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. He has presented papers in several conferences and symposiums, has published papers in various journals, undertaken different projects, gave several seminars on different topics for different groups, and attended live radio programs as a guest speaker related with the topic of distance education. Tarkan Gürbüz's areas of research interest include Distance Education (DE), e-learning in business and the business of e-learning, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Virtual (innovative) Learning Environments (VLE), Knowledge Management (KM), Change Management and teacher education.

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    Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department | Faculty of Education | Middle East Technical University
    Created and maintained by Tarkan Gürbüz. Last update: May-2005.