METU Mathematics Graduate Seminars
2015-2016 Spring

Previous Seminars: Fall 2015.

The seminars will be held in Gündüz İkeda Room at 16:00 unless otherwise stated.

March 15
K. Ilker Berktav
Middle East Technical University
Spacetime Singularities
Please click for the abstract

March 22
Alperen Ergur
Middle East Technical University
A taste of convex geometry
In this talk we would like present a taste of convex geometry starting with classical ideas of Brunn and Minkowski then passing through modern idea of concentration of measure and time permits wrapping up with Dvoretzky's Theorem. This is joint work with B.Ergur and D.Espresso.

March 29
Hatice Çoban
Middle East Technical University
A 4-manifold with no real projective structure
Cooper and Goldman proved that the connected sum of two copies of real projective 3-space does not admit a real projective structure. This is the first known example of a connected 3-manifold without a real projective structure. In this talk, we will give an introduction of projective structures and show that the connected sum of two copies of real projective 4-space does not admit a real projective structure.

April 05
Adalet Çengel
Middle East Technical University
Introduction to Mapping Class Groups
Please click for the abstract

April 12
Ersin Kizgut
Middle East Technical University
On isomorphisms of Cartesian products of locally convex spaces
Please click for the abstract

April 20
Elçin Çaliskan
Middle East Technical University
Different Types of Symplectic Fillings
Please click for the abstract

April 27
Özhan Genç
Middle East Technical University
Stable Ulrich Bundles on Fano 3-folds with Picard Number 2
Please click for the abstract