In this tutorial, I will try to show to create an interactive chart by using plotly and leaflet function by using Corona dataset taken from the Kaggle. ( The source of the dataset: Johns Hopkins University


The dataset shows the following information related to nCoV virus, known as Corona.

Before reading the dataset, I divided dataset into two parts. I extracted the date column manually, then made a correction to simplify the analysis.

##   Sno Province.State Country  Time Confirmed Deaths Recovered  X
## 1   1          Anhui   China 12:00         1      0         0 NA
## 2   2        Beijing   China 12:00        14      0         0 NA
## 3   3      Chongqing   China 12:00         6      0         0 NA
## 4   4         Fujian   China 12:00         1      0         0 NA
## 5   5          Gansu   China 12:00         0      0         0 NA
## 6   6      Guangdong   China 12:00        26      0         0 NA
##         Date
## 1 22-01-2020
## 2 22-01-2020
## 3 22-01-2020
## 4 22-01-2020
## 5 22-01-2020
## 6 22-01-2020

To draw the plot, I changed the class of the date object as date.


Total Number of People having the disease between 22.01.2020-31.01.2020

I calculated the sum of the confirmed number of patients with respect to dates between 22.01.2020-31.01.2020.

sum_data=group_by(corona, Date) %>% summarize(sum_confirm = sum(Confirmed))
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
##    Date       sum_confirm
##    <date>           <dbl>
##  1 0022-01-20         555
##  2 0023-01-20         653
##  3 0024-01-20         941
##  4 0025-01-20        2019
##  5 0026-01-20        2794
##  6 0027-01-20        4473
##  7 0028-01-20        6057
##  8 0029-01-20        7783
##  9 0030-01-20        9776
## 10 0031-01-20       11374
p <-sum_data %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=Date, y=sum_confirm)) +
  geom_area(fill="#69b3a2", alpha=0.5) +
  geom_line(color="#69b3a2") +
  ylab("Total Number of Patients")+

# Turn it interactive with ggplotly
p <- ggplotly(p)

It is seen that the spread of the disease approximately shows linearly increasing trend over time.

Total Number of Deaths caused by the disease between 22.01.2020-31.01.2020

The total number of deaths caused by the disease is also visualized below.

death_data=group_by(corona, Date) %>% summarize(sum_death = sum(Deaths))
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
##    Date       sum_death
##    <date>         <dbl>
##  1 0022-01-20         0
##  2 0023-01-20        18
##  3 0024-01-20        26
##  4 0025-01-20        56
##  5 0026-01-20        80
##  6 0027-01-20       107
##  7 0028-01-20       132
##  8 0029-01-20       170
##  9 0030-01-20       213
## 10 0031-01-20       259
p1 <-death_data %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=Date, y=sum_death)) +
  geom_area(fill="#CC0000", alpha=0.5) +
  geom_line(color="#CC0000") +
  ylab("Total Number of Deaths caused by Corona") +

# Turn it interactive with ggplotly
p1 <- ggplotly(p1)

As seen that, the number of death patients shows similar behavior like spread of the disease. The number of deaths unfortunately shows increasing trend over time.

Total Number of Recovered Patients between 22.01.2020-31.01.2020

Now, the total number of recovered patients is also visualized below.

rec_data=group_by(corona, Date) %>% summarize(sum_rec = sum(Recovered))
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
##    Date       sum_rec
##    <date>       <dbl>
##  1 0022-01-20       0
##  2 0023-01-20      30
##  3 0024-01-20      36
##  4 0025-01-20      49
##  5 0026-01-20      54
##  6 0027-01-20      63
##  7 0028-01-20     110
##  8 0029-01-20     133
##  9 0030-01-20     187
## 10 0031-01-20     252
p2 <-rec_data %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=Date, y=sum_rec)) +
  geom_area(fill="#D55E00", alpha=0.5) +
  geom_line(color="#D55E00") +
  ylab("Total Number of Deaths caused by Corona") +

# Turn it interactive with ggplotly
p2 <- ggplotly(p2)

Drawing a map using Leaflet

First of all, we created the dataset showing total number of disease for each country.

country_data=group_by(corona, Country) %>% summarize(total= sum(Confirmed))
## # A tibble: 31 x 2
##    Country   total
##    <fct>     <dbl>
##  1 Australia    43
##  2 Brazil        0
##  3 Cambodia      5
##  4 Canada       13
##  5 China       549
##  6 Finland       3
##  7 France       31
##  8 Germany      20
##  9 Hong Kong    68
## 10 India         2
## # ... with 21 more rows

In order to draw a map using leaflet, we need to have lattiude and longitude of the countries. The following data set provides these information for the countries listed above.

lattitude_longitude=read.table("lattitude_longitude.txt",sep = "\t",header=T)
##    country   latitude   longitude                 name
## 1       AT  47.516231   14.550072              Austria
## 2       BR -14.235004  -51.925280               Brazil
## 3       CB  11.559720  104.917500             Cambodia
## 4       CA  56.130366 -106.346771               Canada
## 5       CN  35.861660  104.195397                China
## 6       FI  61.924110   25.748151              Finland
## 7       FR  46.227638    2.213749               France
## 8       DE  51.165691   10.451526              Germany
## 9       HK  22.396428  114.109497            Hong Kong
## 10      IN  20.593684   78.962880                India
## 11      IT  41.871940   12.567380                Italy
## 12      CI   7.539989   -5.547080          Ivory Coast
## 13      JP  36.204824  138.252924                Japan
## 14      MO  22.198745  113.543873                Macau
## 15      CN  35.861660  104.195397       Mainland China
## 16      MY   4.210484  101.975766             Malaysia
## 17      MX  23.634501 -102.552784               Mexico
## 18      NP  28.394857   84.124008                Nepal
## 19      PH  12.879721  121.774017          Philippines
## 20      RU  61.524010  105.318756               Russia
## 21      SG   1.352083  103.819836            Singapore
## 22      KR  35.907757  127.766922          South Korea
## 23      ES  40.463667   -3.749220                Spain
## 24      LK   7.873054   80.771797            Sri Lanka
## 25      SE  60.128161   18.643501               Sweden
## 26      TW  23.697810  120.960515               Taiwan
## 27      TH  15.870032  100.992541             Thailand
## 28      TH  51.477780   -0.001390       United Kingdom
## 29      AE  23.424076   53.847818 United Arab Emirates
## 30      US  37.090240  -95.712891        United States
## 31      VN  14.058324  108.277199              Vietnam

Then, merge the data sets.

##                 Country total country   latitude   longitude
## 1             Australia    43      AT  47.516231   14.550072
## 2                Brazil     0      BR -14.235004  -51.925280
## 3              Cambodia     5      CB  11.559720  104.917500
## 4                Canada    13      CA  56.130366 -106.346771
## 5                 China   549      CN  35.861660  104.195397
## 6               Finland     3      FI  61.924110   25.748151
## 7                France    31      FR  46.227638    2.213749
## 8               Germany    20      DE  51.165691   10.451526
## 9             Hong Kong    68      HK  22.396428  114.109497
## 10                India     2      IN  20.593684   78.962880
## 11                Italy     4      IT  41.871940   12.567380
## 12          Ivory Coast     0      CI   7.539989   -5.547080
## 13                Japan    61      JP  36.204824  138.252924
## 14                Macau    46      MO  22.198745  113.543873
## 15       Mainland China 45207      CN  35.861660  104.195397
## 16             Malaysia    41      MY   4.210484  101.975766
## 17               Mexico     0      MX  23.634501 -102.552784
## 18                Nepal     7      NP  28.394857   84.124008
## 19          Philippines     2      PH  12.879721  121.774017
## 20               Russia     2      RU  61.524010  105.318756
## 21            Singapore    59      SG   1.352083  103.819836
## 22          South Korea    39      KR  35.907757  127.766922
## 23                Spain     1      ES  40.463667   -3.749220
## 24            Sri Lanka     5      LK   7.873054   80.771797
## 25               Sweden     1      SE  60.128161   18.643501
## 26               Taiwan    51      TW  23.697810  120.960515
## 27             Thailand    94      TH  15.870032  100.992541
## 28                   UK     2      TH  51.477780   -0.001390
## 29 United Arab Emirates    12      AE  23.424076   53.847818
## 30                   US    39      US  37.090240  -95.712891
## 31              Vietnam    18      VN  14.058324  108.277199
##                    name
## 1               Austria
## 2                Brazil
## 3              Cambodia
## 4                Canada
## 5                 China
## 6               Finland
## 7                France
## 8               Germany
## 9             Hong Kong
## 10                India
## 11                Italy
## 12          Ivory Coast
## 13                Japan
## 14                Macau
## 15       Mainland China
## 16             Malaysia
## 17               Mexico
## 18                Nepal
## 19          Philippines
## 20               Russia
## 21            Singapore
## 22          South Korea
## 23                Spain
## 24            Sri Lanka
## 25               Sweden
## 26               Taiwan
## 27             Thailand
## 28       United Kingdom
## 29 United Arab Emirates
## 30        United States
## 31              Vietnam
# Center points for the map
center_lon <- median(leaflet_data$longitude, na.rm = TRUE)
center_lat <- median(leaflet_data$latitude, na.rm = TRUE)

leaflet(leaflet_data) %>%
  addProviderTiles("Esri") %>%
  addCircles(~leaflet_data$longitude, ~leaflet_data$latitude, weight =~leaflet_data$total^(1/2), popup = ~leaflet_data$name, color = "red") %>%
  setView(lng = center_lon, lat = center_lat, zoom = 2)

You can find the codes and dataset from my GitHub page. (