As part of his Ph.D. research studies, Prof. Cetin has researched on seismic soil liquefaction triggering response of fully saturated cohesionless soils. The manuscript, which presents the proposed triggering relationship, received the “Thomas A. Middlebrooks Outstanding Professional Accomplishment Award”offered by ASCE Geo-Institute in 2006. Additionally, the resulting seismic soil liquefaction triggering methodology has been widely accepted and used in practice, as well as, established the basis of engineering design for a number of engineering codes, including but not limited to AASHTO 2010. Among his research studies, the ones aiming to assess post liquefaction ground deformations in the form of lateral spreading, deviatoric and volumetric settlements, soil-structure interaction-induced seismic soil liquefaction, CPT-based soil characterization and classification are listed as significant contributors to the state of engineering practice. Currently, involved in research projects in the area of experimental and theoretical soil mechanics and foundation engineering, Prof. Cetin has supervised 13 master of science and 5 Ph.D. research studies. His reasearch publications exceeding a total of 100 mansucripts and conference papers has received over 200 references. He continues to serve happily and enthusiastically the engineering community as a referee, lecturer, consultant, and researcher.