Seminars and Lectures


Conference Organizations

·         World Geothermal Congress 2005 (Antalya) – Member of the Organizing Committee

·         Istanbul Technical University (ITU) - First Inernational  Symposium on Earth Sciences and Engineering 2002 (Istanbul) – Convener of theSpecial Session on “Extensional Tectonics, Basin Formation and Volcanism in the Aegean Region”

·         53. Turkish Geological Congress 2000 (Ankara)- Member of the Organizing Committee

·         Third International Turkish Geology Symposium 1998 (Ankara) - Member of the Organizing Committee

·         IAVCEI  1994 (Ankara )- Inernational Volcanological Congress, Field Excursion Co-Leader (Post-Congress Excursion B3 - Geothermal Fields of Western Anatolia).

·         IAVCEI  1994 (Ankara)Inernational Volcanological Congress, Member of the Organizing Committeee

·         IESCA  1990 (Izmir)  –Earth Sciences Congress on Aegean Regions (IESCA), Field Excursion Co-Leader (Field Excursion B3- Neogene Volcanism of Western Anatolia).

Membership in Scientific Boards

·         Turkish Geothermal Association  (2002 - )

·         Turkish National Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Türkiye Ulusal Jeodezi ve Jeofizik Birliği- TUJJB) (2002-2006 )