MEHMETCİK PAMUK                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Department of Mathematics
Middle East Technical University
mpamuk at
(312) 210 2989    M 124    

Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Computational Topology.

Papers:  21. Homological properties of persistent homology (with Hanife Varlı and Yağmur Yılmaz), Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2024.
20. Involution Generators of the Big Mapping Class Group  (with Tülin Altunöz and Oğuz Yıldız), Journal of Topology and Analysis, 2024.
19. Generating the level 2 subgroup by involutions (with Tülin Altunöz, NaoyukiMonden and Oğuz Yıldız), Topology and its Applications, 2024.
18.On the Involution Generators of the Mapping Class Group of a Punctured Surface
(with Tülin Altunöz and Oğuz Yıldız), Mediterr. J. Math. 2023.
17.The twist subgroup is generated by two involutions (with Tülin Altunöz and Oğuz Yıldız), to appear in Tohoku Mathematical Journal.
16. Contiguity distance between simplicial maps (with Ayşe Borat and Tane Vergili), Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 
15. Generating the extended mapping class group by three involutions (with Tülin Altunöz and Oğuz Yıldız), Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 2023
14. Generating the Mapping Class Group of a Nonorientable Surface by Two Elements or by Three Involutions (with Tülin Altunöz and Oğuz Yıldız), Bull. Braz. Math. Soc., New Series, 2022.
13. Torsion generators of the twist subgroup (with Tülin Altunöz and Oğuz Yıldız), Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 2022.
12. Generating the twist subgroup by involutions (with Tülin Altunöz and Oğuz Yıldız), Journal of Topology and Analysis, 2022.
Decomposing Perfect Discrete Morse Functions on Connected Sum of 3-Manifolds (with Neza Mramor Kosta and Hanife Varlı), Topology and its Applications, 2019.
10. Perfect Discrete Morse Functions on Connected Sums (with Neza Mramor Kosta and Hanife Varlı),  Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 2018.
 9.  Integral Laminations on non-orientable surfaces (with S. Öykü Yurttaş), Turkish Journal of  Mathematics, 2018.
 8.  A Note on Generalized Matsumoto Relation (with Elif Dalyan and Elif Medetoğulları), Turkish Journal of  Mathematics, 2017.
 7. Homotopy Classification of PD_4-complexes Relative an Order Relation (with F. Hegenbarth and  D. Repovs), Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2015.
 6. Arbitrarily Long Factorizations in Mapping Class Groups (with E. Dalyan and M. Korkmaz), International Mathematics Research Notices, 2015.
 5. s-Cobordism Classification of Manifolds Through the group of Homotopy Self-Equivalences (with F. Hegenbarth and D.Repovs), Mediterr. J. Math., 2015. 
 4. Homotopy self-equivalences of 4-manifolds with pi_1-free second homotopy, J. Math Soc. Japan, 2011.
 3. Full Lutz twist along the binding of an open book (with B. Özbağcı), Geom. Dedicata, 2010.  
 2. Homotopy Self-Equivalences of 4-manifolds with Free Fundamental Group, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 2010.
 1. Homotopy Self-Equivalences of 4-manifolds with PD_2 Fundamental Group, Topology and its Applications, 2009.