Images of manuscripts from the following poems are to be found on this page: Wordsworth: Yew Trees, Wordsworth's The Vale of Esthwaite, Keats: Ode to the Nightingale, To Autumn, Lamia, T.S> Eliot, first page of a manuscript of The Wasteland, Virginia, Yeats "Wild Swans at Coole", Plath "Stings" (manuscripts and typescripts with corrections)
Wordsworth: early draft of Yew Trees (www.sfu.ca/~curtis/
The first page of the manuscript ofWordsworth's The Vale of Esthwaite(www.sfu.ca/~curtis/ Wordsworth/images/Vale.jpg) From DC MS. 3, as represented on p. 153 of Early Poems and
Fragments, 1785-1797;
Sylvia Plath STINGS Original Drafts of the Poem
With an Essay by Susan R. Van Dyne Northhampton, Massachusettes Copyright 1982, by Smith College and the Estate of Sylvia Plath
Manuscript, on Memorandum
paper, 3 pages
Typescript, with
manuscript revision, on Memorandum paper, 2 pages
Typescript, with minor
corrections, on Memorandum paper, 2 pages
Typescript, carbon copy,
2 pages; the reverse of the original was used for writing the first draft of "Winter trees" (page 2 reproduced)
Typescript, with
correction of typing errors, 2 pages