Spring 2013 PHYS 505 Electromagnetic Theory I


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Instructor:  Seckin Kürkcüoglu, kseckin@metu.edu.tr

Meeting Times:

Tuesday:            9:40-12:30   P7        


Gönül Ünal, Room:122, Phone:4320, E_mail: ugonul@metu.edu.tr


John David Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics,(3rded.,JohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,1999)

Supplementary References:

Jack Vanderlinde, Classical Electromagnetic Theory, (2nded.,KluwerAcademicPub.,2005)

Asım O. Barut, Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles,(2nded.,Dover,1980),


There will be two midterm examinations and a final. Your midterm average will comprise 50% each. If your midterm average is greater than your final, the midterm average and the final will contribute 60% and 40 %, respectively, to your final grade; otherwise the midterm average and the final will contribute 50% each to your final grade.

Exam Dates and places:

1st Midterm Exam: 12 April 2014, Saturday

2ndMidterm Exam: 24 May  2014, Saturday

Final Exam: To be announced later.

To see your midterm grades and download a copy of your self-study assignments visit Metu-Online.