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Algebra II
Math 504 - Spring 2014

Course Policy

If you attend less than %60 percent of classes than you may receive NA. Only one make-up examination will be offered. The excuse for not attending an examination must be proved with documents. The make-up examination will take place shortly after the final exam.

Homeworks (%40)

Homework 1 (due March 5)

Homework 2 (due March 12)

Homework 3 (due March 26)

Homework 4 (due April 16)

Homework 5 (due April 30)

Homework 6 (due May 21)

Exams (%30 + %30)

Midterm, April 16

Final, May 30

Textbook and Reference

Textbook: Hungerford - Algebra

Reference: Dummit, Foote - Abstract Algebra

Course Outline

Modules: Modules, homomorphisms and exact sequences. Free modules and vector spaces. Projective and injective modules. Tensor products. Modules over a PID.

Fields: Field extensions. The fundamental theorem of Galois theory. Splitting fields, algebraic closure and normality. Finite fields. Seperability. Cyclic, cyclotomic and radical extensions.