Abstract Algebra
Math 367 - Fall 2015
The semester is over. Have a nice holiday.
Your final letter grade will be determined by three exams, several quizzes and attendance. The quizzes will be given in lectures or recitations and may not be announced in advance. The worst quiz score will be dropped and there will be no make-up for quizzes.
Midterm 1, Solutions (% 30 - November 9)
Midterm 2, Solutions (% 30 - December 14)
Final, Solutions (% 30 - January 19)
Quizzes and Attendance (% 10)
Office Hours
Sezen Bostan (Office: Z48)
Tuesday 12:40-14:30
Omer Kucuksakalli (Office 141)
Tuesday 8:40-10:30
Wednesday 15:40-17:30.
The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of algebra and teach basic techniques and examples of the area. By the end of the course, students will be familiar with basic algebraic concepts and learn some proof techniques.
Course Outline (Tentative)
Groups: Groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, normal subgroups, isomorphism theorems, direct products. Groups acting on sets. Class equation. Statements of Sylow theorems and the fundamental theorem on finite abelian groups.
Rings: Rings, ideals, prime ideals, maximal ideals, isomorphism theorems. Integral domains, field of fractions. Euclidean domains, principal ideal domains, unique factorization domains. Polynomials, polynomials in several variables.
Fields: Field extensions. Impossibility of certain geometric constructions. Finite fields.
The main reference for this course is the following book. I may change its terminology and notation and I may cover some extra topics.
Malik, Mordeson, Sen - Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra
The textbook is available in Reserve with call no QA162 .M346.
Course Policy
Only one make-up examination will be offered. The excuse for not attending an examination must be proved with documents. The make-up examination will take place shortly after the final exam.