Who is Who in the MODEM world
· Bell 103, V.21
- These modems are the
early examples of the modem systems. They are FSK modems. Ones and zeros
are sent by changing the frequency of a carrier. Baud rates are 300
bauds/s for both of them which also corresponds to the bitrates for these
modems, namely 300 b/s.
V.22, V.22bis
- These modems are
more developed modems than the Bell 103 and V.21 series. This is obvious
since their baud rate is doubled (600 bauds). V.22 modem uses BPSK (600
b/s) and QPSK (1200 b/s) modulations. V.22 bis modem is a better version
for the V.22 series modems. QPSK(1200 b/s) and 16 QAM (2400 b/s)
modulations are used for transmission. Channel separation is
established by using separate frequency bands for transmission and
reception. The rolloff of the pulse shaping filter is 0.75 for these
V.26, V.26ter
- V.26 modem is a four
wire modem. Therefore it uses different lines for transmission and
reception (namely leased lines). V.26 and V.26ter modems operate with
1200 bauds. V.26 modem uses QPSK (2400 b/s) modulation for transmission.
V.26ter is the first example of the echo cancellation modems. It
separates the receiving channel through echo cancellation. V.26ter uses
QPSK (2400 b/s) and BPSK (1200b/s) modulations. The rolloff of the pulse
shaping filter is 1.
- V.32 is the first
example of the modern modems. It uses echo cancellation for channel
separation. It is a powerful modem with a baud rate of 2400 bauds/s. QPSK
(4800 b/s), 16 QAM (9600 b/s) and 32 QAM (Viterbi coding)( 9600 b/s)
modulations are selected depending on the channel conditions. The rolloff
of the pulse shaping filter is not specified in the standards but a value
within the 0.125-0.2 range can be considered as a good choice.
