


This home-page contains some personal data and academic activities of Sakir Erkoc.





Academic title : Professor

Present address :

Department of Physics, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

Telephone Numbers : (Ofis): +90-312-2103285 , (Fax): +90-312-2105099

E-Mail and internet addresses :



Date of birth : October 7, 1948

Country and place of birth : Turkey, Akviran (Konya)

Citizenship : Turkish










- ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
- Advances in Engineering Software
- Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
- Chemical Papers
- Chemical Physics
- Chemical Physicas and Physical Chemistry
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Computational Materials Science
- Current Applied Physics
- E-Journal of Chemistry
- Energy and Environmental Science
- Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- International Journal of Modern Physics B
- International Journal of Physical Sciences
- International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- International Journal of Quantum chemistry
- International Nano Letters
- Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- Journal of American Chemical Society
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Journal of Arts and Sciences (Cankaya Univ.)
- Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- Journal of Crystal Growth
- Journal of Hazardous Materials
- Journal of Materials Science
- Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
- Journal of Molecular Structure
- Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C
- Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
- Materials Chemistry and Physics
- Materials and Manifacturing Processes
- Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Micro and Nano Letters
- Modern Physics Letters B
- Molecular Physics
- Molecular Simulation
- Nano Letters
- Nano Trends
- Nanoscale
- Nanothechnology
- Nature
- Philosophic Nature
- Physica A
- Physica B
- Physica E
- Physica Status Solidi (a)
- Physica Status Solidi (b)
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: PCCP
- Physical Review B
- Physical Review D
- Physical Review E
- Physical Review Letters
- Physics Letters A
- Research on Chemical Intermediates
- Spectrochimica Acta A
- Superlattices and Microstructures
- The European Physical Journal D
- The Open Physical Chemistry Journal
- Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
- Thin Solid Films
- Trakya University Journal of Science
- Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- Turkish Journal of Chemistry
- Turkish Journal of Physics
- World Applied Science Journal







1. S. Erkoc, "Optimization of Non-linear Parameters of Wave Functions for Two-Electron Systems", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1974. (Supervised by Assist. Prof. Dr. I. Oksuz)

2. S. Erkoc, "Theory of Energy Levels and Line-Width of Resonance States of Atoms: Calculations for He and H^{-}", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 1977. (Supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Oksuz)

3. S. Erkoc, "Energy Transfer in Atom-Molecule Collisions", Habilitation (Associate Professorship) Thesis, METU, 1982. (in Turkish)




1. S. Erkoc and T. Uzer, " Lecture Notes On Atomic and Molecular Physics", " World Scientific Publications", Singapore, 1996.

2. S. Erkoc, "Empirical Potential Energy Functions Used in the Simulations of Materials Properties", in "Annual Review of Computational Physics", Ed. D. Stauffer, Vol. IX, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001, pp. 1-103.

3. S. Erkoc, "Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics", Taylor & Francis CRC Press, New York, 2006.

4. S. Erkoc, O.B. Malcioglu, E. Tasci, "Thermal Stability of Carbon Nanosystems: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", in "Nanomaterials: Design and Simulation", Eds. P.B. Balbuena, J.M. Seminario, Elsevier, 2007, pp: 201--226. (Invited chapter).

5. O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Thermal stability of carbon nanostructures", in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Ed. H.S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, 2011. Vol. 24, pp: 407-443. (Invited chapter). (25 volumes set).

6. H. Toffoli, S. Erkoc, D. Toffoli, "Modeling of Nanostructures", in Handbook of Computational Chemistry", Ed. J. Leszczynski, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012. Ch. 27, pp: 995-1041. (Invited chapter). (4 volumes set).

7. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, "Boron Carbide Nanostructures: Structural, Mechanical and Thermal Properties", in Boron Carbide: Structure, Processing, Properties and Applications", Ed. K.M. Reddy, Nova 2020. Ch. 3.

8. O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Nano assembilies of porphyrin derivatives", in Topics in Current Nanoscience: Background, Typical Results, Future Developments, Eds. E. Meletis, C. Politis, W. Schommers, World Sci. 2022. Ch. 1.

9. M. Kurban, O.B. Malcioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Ternary II-VI Alloys Promising for Application in Photodetectors", in "Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors, Volume 1, Materials and Technology". Ed. G. Korotcenkov, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. Chapter 4, pp: 87-107.

10. M. Kurban, Y. Simsek, and S. Erkoc, "II-VI Semiconductors Bandgap Engineering", in "Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors, Volume 1, Materials and Technology". Ed. G. Korotcenkov, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. Chapter 5, pp: 109-131.




1. S. Erkoc, T. Uzer, and I. Oksuz, "S Autoionizing States of He", Phys. Rev. A 15, 1805(1977).

2. S. Fakioglu and S. Erkoc, "Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Nd3+ in Scheelite Type Crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 89, 289(1978).

3. S. Erkoc and I. Oksuz, "S Autoionizing States of H-", Physica Scripta 18, 175(1978).

4. S. Erkoc, "S Autoionizing States of Li+", J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 12, 705(1979).

5. S. Erkoc and I. Oksuz, "Theory of Atomic Resonances", Physica Scripta 20, 657(1979).

6. S. Erkoc and I. Oksuz, "Improved Line-Width Expression for Atomic Resonances", Chem. Phys. Letters 66, 587(1979).

7. S. Erkoc, J.N. Murrell, and D.C. Clary, "Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Collinear Atom-Triatom Transition Probabilities for Anharmonic Triatom Potentials", Chem. Phys. Letters 72, 264(1980).

8. S. Erkoc and J.N. Murrell, "Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Vibrational Transition Probabilities in Collinear Atom-Triatom Collisions", Int. J. Quant. Chem. 19, 105(1981).

9. A. Berki and S. Erkoc, "Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Vibrational Transition Probabilities in Collinear Atom Polyatom Collisions", Chem. Phys. Letters 79, 261(1981).

10. S. Erkoc, M. Tomak, and S. Ciraci, "Vacancies in Si(111) Thin Films", Solid State Commun. 40, 919(1981).

11. S. Ciraci and S. Erkoc, "Electronic Energy Structure of Vacancy and Divacancy in SiO2", Solid State Commun. 40, 801(1981).

12. S. Ciraci, S. Ellialtioglu, and S. Erkoc, "An Investigation of the Interface Electronic Structure of Si-SiO Junctions", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 21, 402(1982).

13. M. Simsek, S. Simsek, and S. Erkoc, "S Autoionizing States of Lithium", Chem. Phys. Letters 91, 456(1982).

14. S. Ciraci, S. Ellialtioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Interpretation of the Spectra Obtained From Oxygen Adsorbed and Oxidized Silicon Surfaces", Phys. Rev. B 26, 5716(1982).

15. S. Ciraci, S. Erkoc, and S. Ellialtioglu, "States of Water Molecule Adsorbed on Si(111) Surface", Solid State Commun. 45, 35(1983).

16. T. Halicioglu, H.O. Pamuk, and S. Erkoc, "Multilayer Relaxation Calculations for Low Index Planes of an fcc Crystal", Surf. Sci. 143, 601(1984).

17. S. Erkoc and N. Kolsuz, "Quantum Calculations of Vibrational Harmonic Energy Transfer in Collinear Collosions of X2Y2+A and X2Y2+A2", Chem. Phys. Letters 109, 56(1984).

18. S. Erkoc and R. Sever, "Path-Integral Solution for Mie-Type Potential", Phys. Rev. D 30, 2117(1984).

19. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and H.O. Pamuk, "Stability Diagrams for Simple Crystals", Materials Chem. Phys. 14, 299(1986).

20. S. Erkoc and R. Sever, "1/N Expansion for a Mie-Type Potential", Phys. Rev. D 33, 588(1986).

21. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and H.O. Pamuk, "A Parametrical Investigation for the Structure of Small Clusters", Surf. Sci. 169, L273(1986).

22. S. Erkoc and S. Ciraci, "Localized States in the Barrier of Superlattices", Phys. Rev. B 34, 4360(1986).

23. S. Ozder, S. Erkoc, and E. Iltan, "Scattering of He From a Cu(110) Surface", Chem. Phys. Letters 135, 582(1987).

24. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and W.A. Tiller, "Computer Simulation of Thin Amorphous Si Films on Crystalline Si Substrates", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 94, 28(1987).

25. S. Erkoc, "Quantum Size Effect in Superlattices", Phys. Rev. B 36, 3459(1987).

26. D.K. Choi, T. Takai, S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and W.A. Tiller, "Free Surfaces and Multilayer Interfaces in the GaAs/AlAs System", J. Crystal Growth 85, 9(1987).

27. S. Erkoc and R. Sever, "Path-Integral Solution for Pseudo Harmonic Potential", Phys. Rev. A 37, 2687(1988).

28. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Gold Microclusters", Chem. Phys. Letters 147, 476(1988).

29. T. Halicioglu, H.O. Pamuk, and S. Erkoc, "Interatomic Potentials with Multi-Body Interactions", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 149, 81(1988).

30. B. Uslu and S. Erkoc, "Self-Consistent Field Calculations for GaAs/GaAlAs Sawtoot Superlattices", Solid State Commun. 68, 277(1988).

31. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Metallic Phase of Amorfhous Silicon", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 107, 328(1989).

32. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Gallium Microclusters", J. Crystal Growth 94, 807(1989).

33. S. Erkoc, "A New Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function: Application to Microclusters", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 152, 447(1989).

34. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Aluminum Microclusters", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 152, K37(1989).

35. S. Erkoc, "A New Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function: Application to Microclusters: Elements in bcc, fcc and hcp Structures", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 155, 461(1989).

36. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Dissosiation of Au(n) (n=3,4) Microclusters: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation", Molecular Simulation 4, 247(1989).

37. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and W.A. Tiller, "Adsorption of Gold Adatoms on GaAs(110) Surface: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 156, K105(1989).

38. T. Halicioglu, H.O. Pamuk, S. Erkoc, and W.A. Tiller, "The Effect of a Potential Function Range on Surface Properties", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 156, K113(1989).

39. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and W.A. Tiller, "Simulation Calculations on Energetics and Reconstruction Patterns for the GaAs(100) Surface", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 157, K23(1990).

40. S. Erkoc, "Structural Stability and Energetics of FCC Metal Microclusters: Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 161, 211(1990).

41. S. Erkoc, "Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function For Silver And Gold: Application to Microclusters", Chem. Phys. Letters 173, 57(1990).

42. Y. Tahtamoni and S. Erkoc, "Structural Stability and Energetics of Xn (X=V,Cr,Nb; n=3-7) Microclusters: Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 162, K5(1990).

43. H. Yilmaz and S. Erkoc, "Energetics and Structural Stability of Sulfur Microclusters: A MNDO Calculation", J. Molec. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 231, 63(1991).

44. S. Erkoc, "Structural Stability and Energetics of C, Ge, and Si Microclusters: Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation", Z. Phys. D: Atoms Molecules and Clusters 19, 423(1991).

45. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Structural Stability and Energetics of As, Sb and Bi Microclusters: Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation", Chem. Phys. Letters 182, 451(1991).

46. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Structural Stability and Energetics of Si4 Isomers: Total Electronic Energy Calculation", Chem. Phys. Letters 184, 118(1991).

47. Z. El-Bayyari and S. Erkoc, "Molecular-Dynamics Computer Simulation of Aluminum Clusters (Al(n); n=3-55): Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 170, 103(1992).

48. S. Erkoc, "A New Class of Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function for Bulk and Cluster Properties: Application to fcc Metals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 171, 317(1992).

49. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and W.A. Tiller, "Simulation Calculations for Gold Clusters on the GaAs(110) Surface", Surf. Sci. 274, 359(1992).

50. S. Katircioglu, S. Erkoc, and T. Halicioglu, "Electronic Energy Calculation for C60 Clusters" Materials Chem. Phys. 34, 78(1992).

51. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Empirical Tight-Binding Total Electronic Energy Calculation for Si(n)H(2m) (n=1-6, m=1-3) Clusters", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 177, 373(1993).

52. Z. El-Bayyari and S. Erkoc, "Bulk and Surface Properties of Aluminum: A Molecular-Dynamics Simulation", Materials Chem. Phys. 37, 382(1994).

53. S. Erkoc, K. Allahverdi, and Z. Ibrahim, "Electronic States of InSe/GaSe Superlattice", Solid State Commun. 90, 553(1994).

54. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Dependence of Resonance States on Doping Level and Doping Distribution Type in GaAs/Ga(0.75)Al(0.25)As Superlattice", Surf. Sci. 311, L682(1994).

55. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Adsorption Sites of Ge Adatoms on Stepped Si(110) Surface", Surf. Sci. 311, L703(1994).

56. S. Erkoc, "An Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Constructed from Pair-Interactions", Z. Phys. D: Atoms Molecules and Clusters 32, 257(1994).

57. N. Kolsuz, M. Civi, and S. Erkoc, "Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation for Lithium Clusters in BCC and FCC Surface Symmetries, and Chemisorption Energy of Atomic Oxygen on Lithium BCC Clusters", Modern Phys. Letters A 10, 125(1995).

58. A. Buldum, S. Ciraci, and S. Erkoc, "Lateral Translation of an Xe Atom on Metal Surfaces", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 7, 8487(1995).

59. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Water Adsortion on the Stepped Si(110) Surface", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 196, 77(1996).

60. S. Erkoc, "Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Used In Computer Simulations Of Condensed Matter Properties", Physics Reports 278, 79(1997). (invited review article)

61. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Adsortion of H2O on Double Layer Stepped Si(111) Surface", Surf. Sci. 374, 208(1997).

62. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Optical Transitions in Si/Ge Superlattices", Thin Solid Films 295, 206(1997).

63. C. Ozdogan and S. Erkoc, "Molecular-dynamics simulation of the structural stability, energetics, and melting of Cu(n)(n=13-135) clusters", Z. Phys. D: Atom. Molec. Clust. 41, 205(1997).

64. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Decomposition of C60 molecules on Si(111) Surface", Surf. Sci. 383, L775(1997).

65. H. Mehrez, S. Ciraci, C.Y. Fong, and S. Erkoc, "Atomistic Study on the Stretching of Nanowires", J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 9, 10843(1997).

66. S. Katircioglu, S. Erkoc, and K. Allahverdi, "Optical Transitions in InSe/GaSe Superlattices", Thin Solid Films 323, 194(1998).

67. S. Erkoc, "Physics of Clusters", ARI 51, 11(1998).

68. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Dependence of Energy Levels and Optical Transitions on Layer Thicknessess in InSe/GaSe Superlattices", J. Cryst. Growth 194, 331(1998).

69. S. Erkoc and S. Ozkaymak, "Energetics of Carbon Nanotubes", Eur. Phys. J. D 4, 331(1998).

70. S. Erkoc and H.J.F. Jansen, "Application of Density Functional Theory to Atomic Resonances", Phys. Rev. A 59, 2490(1999).

71. S. Erkoc, T. Bastug, M. Hirata, and S. Tachimori, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of Uranium Microclusters", Jap. Phys. Soc. J. 68, 440(1999).

72. T. Bastug, S. Erkoc, M. Hirata, and S. Tachimori, "Stability of Lutetium Microclusters: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", Phys. Rev. A 59, 3690(1999).

73. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Atomic and Electronic Properties of Spherical Silicon Clusters", Physica E 4, 185(1999).

74. S. Erkoc and L. Turker, "Electronic Structure of Carbon Nanotubes", Physica E 4, 192(1999).

75. S. Erkoc and R. Shaltaf, "Monte-Carlo Computer Simulation of Copper Clusters", Phys. Rev. A 60, 3053(1999).

76. S. Erkoc, T. Bastug, M. Hirata, and S. Tachimori, "Energetics and Structural stability of Lanthanum Microclusters", Chem. Phys. Lett. 314, 203(1999).

77. S. Erkoc and T. Yilmaz, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Silver Clusters", Physica E 5, 1(1999).

78. S. Erkoc and L. Turker, "Energetics and Stability of Ga_m, As_n, and Ga_mAs_n Microclusters: PM3 Calculation", Physica E 5, 7(1999).

79. N. Aktekin, S. Erkoc, and M. Kalay, "The Test of the Finite-Size Scaling Relations for the Five-Dimensional Ising Model on the Creutz Cellular Automaton", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 10, 1237(1999).

80. S. Erkoc "Structural and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 175(2000).

81. S. Erkoc, T. Bastug, M. Hirata, and S. Tachimori, "Size dependence in adsorption on model surfaces", Chem. Phys. Lett. 321, 321(2000).

82. S. Erkoc and E. Guneyler, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of Water Clusters", Physica E. 8, 40(2000).

83. S. Erkoc and L. Turker, "Energetics and Stability of Small Si_mC_n Clusters: AM1 and PM3 Calculations", Physica E. 8, 50(2000).

84. P. Gunes, S. Simsek, and S. Erkoc "A Comparative Study of Empirical Potential Energy Functions: Applications to Clusters", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 451(2000).

85. S. Erkoc "The Effect of PBC on the Simulation of Nanotubes", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 547(2000).

86. S. Erkoc "Stability of Gold Clusters: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", Physica E. 8, 210(2000).

87. T. Bastug, S. Erkoc, M. Hirata, and S. Tachimori, Zirconium microclusters: Molecular dynamics simulations and density functional calculations", Physica E. 8, 223(2000).

88. N. Aktekin and S. Erkoc, "The test of the finite-size scaling relations for the six-dimensional Ising model on the Creutz cellular automaton", Physica A 284, 206(2000).

89. S. Erkoc and H. Oymak, "Rules for the distribution of point charges on a conducting disk", Phys. Rev. E 62, 3075(2000).

90. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "Borazine embedded cyclacenes: A theoretical study", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM). 531, 401(2000).

91. H. Oymak and S. Erkoc, "Distribution of point charges on a thin conducting disk", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 891(2000).

92. S. Katircioglu, S.A. Salman, and S. Erkoc "Molecular dynamics simulations of stepped Si(100) surfaces", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 999(2000).

93. S. Erkoc, B. Gunes, and P. Gunes, "Molecular-dynamics simulations of Nickel clusters", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1013(2000).

94. S. Erkoc, "Molecular-dynamics simulation of radiation damage on copper clusters", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1025(2000).

95. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Decomposition of C_60 molecules on Si(100)(2x1) surface", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1067(2000).

96. S. Erkoc, "General analytical charge density distribution function for atoms", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1167(2000).

97. S. Erkoc and H. Kokten, "Energetics of Arsenic Terminated GaAs(001) Surfaces", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1225(2000).

98. S. Erkoc, "From carbon nanotubes to carbon nanorods", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11, 1247(2000).

99. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc "Structural and Electronic Properties of bare and hydrogenated silicon clusters", Physica E 9, 314(2001).

100. N. Aktekin and S. Erkoc, "Seven-Dimensional Ising Model", Physica A 290, 123(2001).

101. S. Erkoc, F. Erkoc, and L. Turker, "Structural and Electronic Properties of Perchlorocoronene", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 535, 159(2001).

102. S. Erkoc, F. Erkoc, and L. Turker, "Structural and Electronic Properties of Halogenated Coronene", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 538, 91(2001).

103. S. Erkoc, H. Kokten, and Z. Guvenc, "Fragmentation of water clusters: Molecular-dynamics study", Eur. Phys. J. D 13, 361(2001).

104. B. Gunes and S. Erkoc, "Melting and Fragmentation of Nickel Nanoparticles: Molecular-Dynamics Simulation", Int. J. Mod. Phys. 11, 1567(2000).

105. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of borazine cyclacenes", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 540, 153(2001).

106. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of single-wall BN nanotubes", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 542, 89(2001).

107. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of MTA", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 542, 95(2001).

108. S. Erkoc, S. Katircioglu, and T. Yilmaz, "Structural and Electronic Properties of In_{m}Se_{n} Microclusters: Density Functional Theory Calculations", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 542, 101(2001).

109. S.A. Salman, S. Katircioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Electronic band structure of stepped Si(100) surfaces", Surf. Rev. Lett. 8, 61(2001).

110. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Density Functional Theory Calculations of Small Zn_{m}S_{n} Clusters", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 546, 99(2001).

111. S. Erkoc and F. Erkoc, "Structural and Electronic Properties of HEME and HEME-X; X = O_{2}, CO, NO", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 546, 175(2001).

112. H. Oymak and S. Erkoc, "Energetics and stability of discrete charge distribution on the surface of a sphere", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 12, 293(2001).

113. S. Erkoc and F. Erkoc, "Structural and Electronic Properties of PFOS and LiPFOS", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 549, 289(2001).

114. S. Katircioglu, S.A. Salman, and S. Erkoc, "Adsorption of water on single and double layer stepped Si(100) surfaces", Surf. Rev. Lett. 8, 251(2001).

115. S. Erkoc and H. Kokten, "Optical Transitions in Parabolic GaAs/Ga_{1-x}Al_{x}As Superlattices", Surf. Rev. Lett. 8, 321(2001).

116. S. Erkoc and D.C. Vural, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Carbon Nanocage Structures: Nanoballs and nanotoroids", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 12, 685(2001).

117. S.A. Salman, S. Katircioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Adsorption of hydrogen and oxygen on single and double layer stepped Si(100) surfaces", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 15, 2261(2001).

118. S. Erkoc, "Interaction of nitric oxide with elements", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 574, 127(2001).

119. S. Erkoc and O.B. Malcioglu, "Effect of Chirality on the Stability of Carbon Nanotubes: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations" Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 12, 865(2001).

120. S. Erkoc and H. Oymak, "Energetics and stability of discrete charge distribution on a conducting disk", Phys. Lett. A 290, 28(2001).

121. S. Erkoc and L. Turker, "Structural and electronic properties of carbon nanoballs: C_{20}, C_{60}, and C_{20}@C_{60}", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 12, 1391(2001).

122. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "Electronic properties of open-ended single wall carbon nanotubes", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 577, 131(2002).

123. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, Borazine embedded cycleacenes - MNDO/3 treatment", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 578, 65(2002).

124. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of rubreneperoxides", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 578, 99(2002).

125. S. Erkoc and F. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of porphyrin skeleton of chlorophyll", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 579, 41(2002).

126. S. Erkoc, "Stability of Carbon Nanoonion C_{20}@C_{60}@C_{240}: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", Nano Letters 2, 215(2002).

127. S. Erkoc and O.B. Malcioglu, "Structural properties of carbon nanorods: Molecular-dynamics simulations", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 13, 367(2002).

128. F. Erkoc and S. Erkoc, "Theoretical investigation of flavonoids naringenin and genistein", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 583, 163(2002).

129. S. Erkoc, M. Yilmazer, and F. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of Xanthohumol Metabolite", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 583, 169(2002).

130. S. Erkoc, F. Erkoc, and N. Keskin, "Theoretical investigation of melatonin and it's hydroxy isomers", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 587, 73(2002).

131. F. Erkoc and S. Erkoc, "Interaction of nitrite with alkali oxides", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 587, 81(2002).

132. F. Erkoc and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of guanine and guanosine", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 589-590, 405(2002).

133. S. Erkoc, L. Amirouche, and L. Rouaiguia, "Gold Deposition on GaAs(001) Surfaces: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 13, 759(2002).

134. H. Oymak and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of Al_{k}Ti_{l}Ni_{m} microclusters: Density functional theory calculations", Phys. Rev. A 66, 33202(2002).

135. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Decomposition of SiH_{4} on the S_{A} type stepped Si(100) surface", Surf. Rev. Lett. 9, 1401(2002).

136. E.S. Tasci and S. Erkoc, "Simulation of the Casimir-Polder Effect for Various Geometries", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 13, 979(2002).

137. S. Erkoc, "Structural and Electronic Properties of Zn_{m}Cd_{n} Microclusters: Density Functional Theory Calculations", Chem. Phys. Lett. 369, 605(2003).

138. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "A theoretical study on certain iron-sulfur and iron-selenium clusters", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 623, 17(2003).

139. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of neodymium diiodide", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 623, 79(2003).

140. F. Erkoc, N. Keskin, and S. Erkoc, "Theoretical investigation of hydroxytyrosol and its radicals", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 625, 87(2003).

141. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of diamond nanorods: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 14, 441(2003).

142. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of magnesium diboride", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 14, 483(2003).

143. S. Erkoc, K. Leblebicioglu, and U. Halici, "Application of genetic algorithms to geometry optimization of microclusters: A comparative study of empirical potential energy functions for silicon", Mater. Manuf. Proces. 18, 329(2003).

144. S. Erkoc, N. Keskin, and F. Erkoc, "Resveratrol and its analogues resveratrol-dihydroxyl isomers: Semi-empirical SCF-MO calculations", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 631, 67(2003).

145. S. Erkoc, F. Erkoc, and N. Keskin, "Theoretical investigation of quercetin and its radical isomers", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 631, 141(2003).

146. S. Erkoc, S. Sumer, and F. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of ajoene molecule", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 631, 271(2003).

147. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "AM1 treatment of substitutionally Al and P doped cyclacenes", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 636, 143(2003). [The publisher published this paper twice by mistake. The same paper appears also in (THEOCHEM) 637, 189(2003)].

148. S. Erkoc and L. Turker, "Structural and electronic properties of endofullerenes X@C_{60}", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 634, 195(2003).

149. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "AM1 treatment of endohedrally hydrogen doped fullerene, nH_{2}@C_{60}", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 638, 37(2003).

150. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of "benzorods"", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 639, 157(2003).

151. S. Erkoc and L. Turker, "Ammonia deposition in fullerene: (NH_{3})_{n}@C_{60}", J. Mol. Struc. (THEOCHEM) 640, 57(2003).

152. L. Amirouche and S. Erkoc, "Structural features and energetics of Zn_{n-m}Cd_{m} (n=7,8) microclusters, and Zn_{50}, Cd_{50} and Zn_{25}Cd_{25} nanoparticles: Molecular-dynamics simulations", Phys. Rev. A 68, article no: 043203 (2003).

153. S. Erkoc and H. Oymak, "AlTiNi ternary alloy clusters: molecular-dynamics simulations and density-functional-theory calculations", J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 12118(2003).

154. L. Amirouche and S. Erkoc, "Structural features and energetics of Zn_{k}Cd_{l} microclusters", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 14, 905(2003).

155. S. Erkoc and O.B. Malcioglu, "Structural and electronic properties of AlP doped Huckel type cyclacene with 4 benzonoid rings", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 14, 1183(2003).

156. H. Oymak and S. Erkoc, "Structural and energetic features of Al_nTi_nNi_n (n=1-16) nanoparticles: molecular-dynamics simulations", Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 12, 109(2004).

157. L. Amirouche and S. Erkoc, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Surface and Bulk Properties of Zn, Cd, and ZnCd Systems", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 241, 292(2004).

158. N. Chakraborti, P. Mishra, ans S. Erkoc, "A study of the Cu clusters using gray-coded genetic algorithms and differential evolution", J. Phase Equilibria 25, 16(2004).

159. S. Erkoc, O.B. Malcioglu, and E. Tasci, "Structural and electronic properties of single-wall GaN nanotubes: Semi-empirical SCF-MO calculations", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 674, 1(2004).

160. S. Erkoc, Semi-empirical SCF-MO calculations for the structural and electronic properties of single-wall InP nanotubes", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 676, 109(2004).

161. H. Oymak and S. Erkoc, "Titanium Coverage on a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", Chem. Phys. 300, 277(2004).

162. E. Yazgan, E. Tasci, and S. Erkoc, "An Algorithm to Generate Toroidal and Helical Cage Structures Using Pentagons, Hexagons and Heptagons", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 15, 267(2004).

163. S. Erkoc and K. Takahashi, "A comparative study of empirical potential energy functions: Applications to silicon microclusters", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 15, 403(2004).

164. E. Yazgan, E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotoroidal Structures", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 681, 231(2004).

165. S. Erkoc, "Structure and electronic properties of heterofullerene C_{30}B_{15}N_{15}", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 684, 117(2004).

166. S. Erkoc, "Does tubular structure of carbon form only from graphine sheet?", Physica E 25, 69(2004).

167. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Stability of C_{60} chains: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", J. Molecular Graphics and Modelling 23, 367(2004).

168. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "Density Functional Theory Calculations for Mercury Fulminate", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 712, 139(2004).

169. S. Erkoc and F. Erkoc, "Theoretical investigation of sulforaphane molecule", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 714, 81(2005).

170. F. Erkoc, M. Yilmazer, and S. Erkoc, "Theoretical investigations of the equol molecule: Semi-empirical and density functional theory calculations", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 713, 37(2005).

171. S. Erkoc and F. Erkoc, "Quantum chemical investigation of thalidomide molecule", J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) 719, 1(2005).

172. L. Amirouche and S. Erkoc, "Correlations between the energetics of ZnCd nanoparticles and some of their corresponding bulk properties: molecular-dynamics simulations", J. Cryst. Growth 275, e361(2005).

173. E. Yazgan and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of (C_{n}Li)^{+} cluster ions", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 16, 271(2005).

174. E. Tasci, E. Yazgan, O.B. Malcioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Stability of Carbon Nanotori Under Heat Treatment: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures 13, 147(2005).

175. S. Erkoc and H. Kokten, "Structural and electronic properties of single-wall ZnO nanotubes", Physica E 28, 162(2005).

176. O.B. Malcioglu, E. Tasci, and S. Erkoc, "Structural and molecular electronic properties of BN ring doped single-wall carbon nanotubes", Physica E 28, 296(2005).

177. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Thermal Stability of Benzorod Arrays: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 16, 827(2005).

178. S. Erkoc, "Cluster, surface and bulk properties of ZnCd binary alloys: Molecular-dynamics simulations", Materials Science Forum 502, 51(2005).

179. E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Junction Formation in Crossed Nanotubes Under Pressure: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 16, 1371(2005).

180. M.G. Papadopoulos, H. Reis, A. Avramopoulos, S. Erkoc, and L. Amirouche, "A comparative study of the dipole polarizability of some Zn clusters", J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 18822(2005).

181. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Thermal Stability of Benzorods: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", J. Molec. Graph. Moddeling 24, 213(2005).

182. S. Erkoc, "Metal atom endohedrally doped C_{20} cage structure: (X@C_{20}; X=Ni,Fe,Co)", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 16, 1553(2005).

183. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Structural stability of C_{m}Ti_{n} microclusters and nanoparticles: Molecular-dynamics simulations", Computing Letters 1, 204(2005) (e-journal). [This issue, issue 4, of the Computing Letters 1(4) has been also published as a book Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, Vol. 5, "Structures and Properties of Clusters: From a few Atoms to Nanoparticles", Ed. G. Maroulis, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 2006, pp: 61-66.]

184. S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of bamboo-like carbon nanostructure", Physica E 31, 62(2006).

185. S. Erkoc, H. Tezcan, E.D. Calisir, F. Erkoc, "Synthesis of bis-formazan molecule and quantum chemical calculations", Int. J. Pure and Appl. Chem. 1, 37(2006).

186. E.D. Calisir, S. Erkoc, H. Yildirim, A. Kara, T.S. Rahman, M. Selvi, F. Erkoc, "Theoretical comparative study of the structure, dynamics and electronic properties of two Allyl molecules: S-allyl cysteine (SAC) and S-allyl mercaptocysteine (SAMC)" Int. J. Pure Appl. Chem. 1, 47(2006).

187. O.B. Malcioglu, E. Tasci, and S. Erkoc, "Single wall bamboo shaped carbon nanotube: A molecular dynamics and electronic study", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 187(2006).

188. H. Kokten and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of c-BN(110) surface and surface point defects", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 795(2006).

189. M.G. Papadopoulos, H. Reis, A. Avramopoulos, S. Erkoc, L. Amirouche, "Polarizabilities and second hyperpolarizabilities of Zn_mCd_n clusters", Molec. Phys. 104, 2027(2006).

190. S. Erkoc, F. Korkmaz, "Structural and electronic properties of the DPPC molecule", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 967(2006).

191. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "Comment on "Modeling complexes of H2 molecules in fullerenes" by H. Dodziuk [Chem. Phys. Lett. 410 (2005) 39]", Chem. Phys. Lett. 426, 222(2006).

192. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "Density functional theory calculations for [C_2H_4N_2O_6]^(n) (n=0,+1,-1)", J. Hazardous Materials 136, 164(2006).

193. H. Yildirim, A. Kara, T.S. Rahman, E.D. Calisir, S. Erkoc, M. Selvi, F. Erkoc, "Theoretical comparative study of the structure, dynamics and electronic properties of two Allyl molecules: Allicin, Methyl Propyl Disulfide (MPD) and Allyl Methyl Sulfide (AMS)", Int. J. Pure Appl. Chem. 1, 171(2006).

194. F. Erkoc, M. Yilmazer, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic features of Daidzein molecule", Int. J. Pure Appl. Chem. 1, 183(2006).

195. N. Dugan and S. Erkoc, "Structural Properties of Copper Nanoparticles: Modified Diffusion Monte Carlo Simulations", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 1171(2006).

196. E.D. Calisir and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of dipropyl sulfide: A theoretical investigation", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 1179(2006).

197. E.D. Calisir and S. Erkoc, "Structural, electronic and QSAR properties of the cyfluthrin molecule: A theoretical AM1 and PM3 treatment", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 1391(2006).

198. E.D. Calisir, O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Density functional theory investigation of 1-chloroborepin and propargyl benzene planar molecules", Int. J. Pure Appl. Chem. 1, 509(2006).

199. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Geometry optimization of Zn_n Cd_m and (AlTiNi)_n clusters by the modified diffusion Monte Carlo method", Computing Letters C 2, 221(2006).

200. E. Tasci and S. Erkoc, "An algorithm for constructing various kinds of nanojunctions using zigzag and armchair nanotubes", J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 7, 1653(2007).

201. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of lithium endohedral doped carbon nanocapsules", Physica E 36, 211(2007).

202. N. Chakraborti, R. Jayakanth, S. Das, E.D. Calisir, S. Erkoc, "Evolutionary and genetic algorithms applied to Li+-C systems: Calculations using differential evolution and particle swarm algorithm", J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 28, 140(2007).

203. N. Chakraborti, S. Das, R. Jayakanth, R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Genetic algorithms applied to Li+ ions contained in carbon nanotubes: An investigation using particle swarm optimization and differential evolution along with molecular dynamics", Mater. Manuf. Processes, 22, 562(2007).

204. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of defected carbon nanocapsules", J. Comp. Theo. Nanosci. 4, 764(2007).

205. H. Ustunel and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties and stability of nanoclusters", J. Comp. Theo. Nanosci. 4, 928(2007). (Invited review)

206. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Impact of geometry on the hydrogen storage properties of titanium carbide: A DFT study on the model TiC4H4", Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 18, 1951(2007).

207. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Monte Carlo geometry optimization of Si_n (n <= 71) clusters", J. Comp. Meth. Sci. Engi. 7, 233(2007).

208. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of lithium clusters: A Monte Carlo application", J. Comp. Meth. Sci. Engi. 7, 409(2007).

209. E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of carbon nanogears", Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 16, 30(2008).

210. E.D.C. Tekin, F. Erkoc, I. Yildiz, S. Erkoc, "Quantum chemical calculations of warfarin sodium, warfarin and its metabolites", Commun. Comput. Phys. 4, 161(2008).

211. N. Dugan and S. Erkoc, "Stability analysis of graphene nanoribbons by molecular dynamics simulations", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 245, 695(2008).

212. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Functionality of C(4,4) carbon nanotube as molecular detector", J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 8, 469(2008).

213. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Li+ and Li interactions with carbon nanocage structures", J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 8, 675(2008).

214. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "Quantum chemical treatment of Li/Li+ doped defected carbon nanocapsules", Physica E 40, 2752(2008).

215. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "Density Functional Theory Study on the Structural Properties and Energetics of Zn_m Te_n Microclusters", Physica E 40, 2921(2008).

216. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "Endohedral Li/Li+ doped Stone-Wales defected carbon nanocapsules", J. Comp. Theo. Nanosci. 6, 30(2009).

217. N. Dugan and S. Erkoc, "Genetic Algorithm - Monte Carlo Hybrid Geometry Optimization Method for Atomic Clusters", Comput. Mater. Sci. 45, 127(2009).

218. N. Dugan and S. Erkoc, "Genetic algorithm application to the structural properties of Si-Ge mixed clusters", Mater. Manuf. Processes 24, 250(2009).

219. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "A density functional theory study on the structures and energetics of Cd_{m}Te_{n} clusters (m+n <= 6)", Comput. Mater. Sci. 45, 912(2009).

220. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "On the possibility of a polymer-like nanorod based on columnar stacked single benzenoid carbon rings", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 6, 903(2009).

221. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "Structural and Electronic Properties of Ga_m Se_n Microclusters: Density Functional Theory Calculations", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 6, 908(2009).

222. E. Tasci and S. Erkoc, "Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations of carbon based nanogears", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 6, 921(2009).

223. H. Kokten, H. Ustunel, S. Erkoc, "Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of BN nanotubes doped with Mn and Cr: exploring the potential for device technology", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 6, 926(2009).

224. A.K. Onay and S. Erkoc, "Enhancement of H_2 Storage in Carbon Nanotubes via Doping with a Boron Nitride Ring", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 6, 933(2009).

225. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Genetic Algorithms in Application to the Geometry Optimization of Nanoparticles", Algorithms 2, 410(2009). (Invited review)

226. N. Didis, S. Erkoc, "History of science for science courses: 'Spin' example from physics", Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 3, 9(2009).

227. B. Bhattacharya, G.R.D. Kumar, A. Agarwal, S. Erkoc, A. Singh, N. Chakraborti, "Analyzing Fe-Zn system using molecular dynamics, evolutionary neural nets and multi-objective genetic algorithms", Comput. Mater. Sci. 46, 821(2009).

228. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "Structural and Thermochemical Properties, and Energetics of C8(NO2)8 and C20(NO2)4n (n=0-4)", Comput. Mater. Sci. 46, 849(2009).

229. S. Kurban, F. Erkoc, S. Erkoc, "Quantum chemical treatment of linoleic acid molecule and two of its conjugated isomers", Eu. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 111, 1035(2009).

230. H. Kokten, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of carbon-doped c-BN(110) surface", Physica B 404, 4937(2009).

231. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "A theoretical study of chemical doping and width effect on zigzag graphene nanoribbons", Physica E 42, 110(2009).

232. S. Erkoc, F. Erkoc, A. Sepici-Dincel, "Quantum chemical investigation of nitrotyrosine (3-nitro-L-tyrosine) and 8-nitroguanine", Amino Acids 38, 319(2010).

233. S. Kurban, F. Erkoc, S. Erkoc, "Quantum chemical treatment of beta-sitosterol molecule", Pharmaceutical Biology 48, 637(2010).

234. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "Density functional theory calculations on polyacene molecules", Adv. Sci. Lett. 3, 43(2010).

235. H. Oymak, S. Erkoc, "Detailed Density Functional Theory Analysis of the SmCo Dimer", J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 1897(2010).

236. R. Pekoz and S. Erkoc, "Effects of water related defects on pentacene and picene molecules", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 7, 1889(2010).

237. E.D. Tekin and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic features of the ubiquinone and ubiquinol molecules: Molecular dynamics and quantum chemical treatments", Molec. Simul. 36, 763(2010).

238. N. Didis, A. Eryilmaz, S. Erkoc, "Pre-service physics teachers' comprehension of quantum mechanical concepts", Eurasia J. Math. Sci. Technol. Edu. 6, 227(2010).

239. N. Dugan, I. Kanik, S. Erkoc, "Wavefunction correction scheme for non fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo", J. At. Mol. Sci. 2, 1(2011).

240. A. Ince, S. Erkoc, "Silicene nanoribbons: Molecular-dynamics simulations", Comput. Mater. Sci. 50, 865(2011).

241. S. Polad and S. Erkoc, "Investigation of metal and non-metal doped dimer and trimer C60 fullerene chains as prospective spin cluster qubits", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 8, 694(2011).

242. N. Dugan and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of Boron Carbide Nanoparticles: Application of a New Set of Stillinger-Weber Parameters", Comput. Mater. Sci. 50, 2950(2011).

243. H. Kokten and S. Erkoc, "Energetics and structural properties of carbon and oxygen doped hexagonal boron nitride sheets", Physica E 44, 215(2011).

244. Y. Erdogdu and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of Ti doped Aluminum clusters: Density Functional Theory calculations", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 9, 837(2012).

245. A. Ince, S. Erkoc, "Molecular-dynamics simulations of Silicene nanoribbons under strain", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 249, 74(2012).

246. B. Ozdamar, S. Erkoc, "Molecular-dynamics simulations of sawtooth-like graphene nanoribbons under strain", Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 4, 459(2012).

247. H. Oymak, S. Erkoc, "Group 12 elements and their small clusters: Electric dipole polarizability of Zn, Cd, and Hg, Zn2 dimer and higher Zn_n microclusters, and neutral, cationic, and anionic zinc oxide molecules (ZnO, ZnO+ and ZnO-)", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 26, 1230003(2012). (Invited review).

248. B. Tuzun, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of unusual carbon nanorods", Quantum Matter 1, 136(2012).

249. B. Ozdamar, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of silicon nanorods under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 10, 1(2013).

250. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamics simulations of ZnO nanostructures under strain: I - nanoribbons", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 10, 104(2013).

251. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamics simulations of ZnO nanostructures under strain: II - nanorods", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 10, 112(2013).

252. B. Tuzun, S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamic simulations of pristine and defective graphene nanoribbons under strain", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 10, 470(2013).

253. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnO nanoparticles and nanorings: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 10, 1490(2013).

254. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnO nanotubes under uniaxial strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. nanosci. Nanotech. 13, 6597(2013).

255. Y. Erdogdu, S. Erkoc, "Evolution of the Electronic Structure and Properties of Charged Titanium doped Aluminum Nanoclusters", Comput. Mater. Sci. 79, 599(2013).

256. S. Alaei, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of beta-Fe2O3 nanorods under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 11, 242(2014).

257. R. Pekoz, H. Oymak, S. Erkoc, "Binary alloy clusters: Structures and electronic properties", Rev. Theor. Sci. 2, 301(2014). (Invited review)

258. S. Alaei, S. Jalili and S. Erkoc, "Study of the influence of transition metal atoms on electronic and magnetic properties of graphyne nanotubes using density functional theory", Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 23, 494(2014).

259. B. Ozdamar and S. Erkoc, "Structural and thermal properties of boron nitride nanoparticles: Molecular dynamics simulations", In. J. Nanotech. Appl. 1, 41(2013).

260. M.E. Kilic and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of defected ZnO nanoribbons under uniaxial strain:Molecular Dynamics Simulations", Current Appl. Phys. 14, 57(2014).

261. M. Kurban and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnxCd1-xTe (x= 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75) ternary nanorods: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", Res. Rev. J. Pure Appl. Phys. 1, 35 (2013).

262. S. Alaei, S. Jalili, S. Erkoc, "Study of electronic and magnetic properties of (Fe2O3)n clusters using density functional theory", Quantum Matter 5, 607(2016).

263. H. Kokten and S. Erkoc, "X-doped (X=C,N,F,P) ZnO sheet: DFT calculations", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 395 (2015).

264. E.S. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Carbon nanobuggy is ready for a test drive!", J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 1083(2015).

265. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, and S. Erkoc, "Structural and thermal properties of Indium Phosphide nanoparticles: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. Comput. Theoret. Nanosci. 12, 2134(2015).

266. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of monolayer boron carbide nanoribbons under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. Comput. Theoret. Nanosci. 12, 2180(2015).

267. M. Kurban and S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of Zn_m Cd_n Te_k (m+n+k=2-4) clusters: DFT calculations", J. Comput. Theoret. Nanosci. 12, 2605(2015).

268. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, Structural properties of monolayer boron carbide nanosheets under biaxial strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", Quantum Matter 5, 103 (2016).

269. N. Didis, A. Eryilmaz, and S. Erkoc, "Investigating student's mental models about the quantization of light, energy, and angular momentum", Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 10, 020127(2014).

270. M.E. Kilic and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of pristine and defected ZnO nanosheets under biaxial strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 16, 1506(2016).

271. M. Kurban and S. Erkoc, "Investigation of the structural properties of CdTe and ZnTe binary nanorods under heat treatment: Molecular dynamics simulations", Quantum Matter 5, 602(2016).

272. M.E. Kilic and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of the hexagonal cross-sectional ZnO nanorods under compression and torsion: Molecular dynamics simulations", Adv. Sci. Engin. Med. 8, 13(2016).

273. N. Didis-Korhasan, A. Eryilmaz, S. Erkoc, "The influence of instructional interactions on students' mental models about the quantization of physical observables: A modern physics course case", Eur. J. Phys. 37, 015701(2016).

274. M. Kurban, O.B. Malcioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Structural and thermal properties of Cd-Zn-Te ternary nanoparticles: Molecular-dynamics simulations", Chem. Phys. 464, 40(2016).

275. M. Kurban and S. Erkoc, "Mechanical properties of CdZnTe nanowires under uniaxial stretching and compression: A molecular dynamics simulation study", Comput. Mater. Sci. 122, 295(2016).

276. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of indium phosphide nanorods: molecular dynamics simulations", Int. J. nanotechnol. 13, 809(2016).

277. M. Kurban and S. Erkoc, "Segregation formation, thermal and electronic properties of ternary cubic CdZnTe clusters: MD simulations and DFT calculations", Physica E, 88, 243(2017).

278. A.O. Kiraz, H. Kan, N. Kolsuz, S. Erkoc, "On the Mn-In-Ni diatoms: Electronic properties depending on spin multiplicity", Int. J. Engi. Res. Appl. 7, 30(2017).

279. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "A density functional theory study on the structural and electronic properties of Pb_x Sb_y Se_z (x+y+z=2,3) clusters", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 31, 1850024(2017).

280. N. Nayir, A.C.T. van Duin, S. ErkoƧ, "Development of a ReaxFF Reactive Force Field for Interstitial Oxygen in Germanium and Its Application to GeO_2 /Ge Interfaces", J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 1208(2019).

281. N. Nayir, A.C.T. van Duin, S. ErkoƧ, "Development of a ReaxFF Reactive Force Field for Inherent Point Defects in the Si/Silica System", J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 4303(2019).




1. I. Oksuz and S. Erkoc, "Theory of Electron-Atom Collision. Resonances", Proc. of FICAP, Berkeley, California, July, 1976, Proc. p. 45.

2. S. Ciraci, S. Ellialtioglu, and S. Erkoc, "An Investigation of the Interface Electronic Structure of Si-SiO Junctions", PCSI 9 Proc., MS 901-24, Asilomar, California, Feb. 1982.

3. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and W.A. Tiller, "A Structural Analysis of Thin Amorphous Silicon Films", 1987 Spring Meeting of Mat. Res. Soc., Los Angeles, April 1987, MRS Symp. Proc. Vol. 95, p. 177.

4. S. Erkoc, "Structural Stability and Energetics of C, Ge, and Si Microclusters: Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calulation", ISSPIC5, Konstanz, W. Germany, Sep. 1990. Abstracts, T113.

5. S. Erkoc and S. Katircioglu, "Stability and Energetics of Elemental Microclusters: Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation for BCC Elements", in "Cluster Models for Surface and Bulk Phenomena", NATO-ASI Series B, Vol. 283, p. 59, Plenum, New York 1992.

6. S. Ciraci, A. Buldum, Z. Gedik. and S. Erkoc, "Controlled Motion of Atoms on the Surface", Abstracts of the American Physical Society Meeting, March 1993.

7. A. Buldum, S. Ciraci, and S. Erkoc, "Controlled Motion of Xe Atom on Metal Surfaces", in "Forces in Scanning Probe Methods", NATO-ASI Series E, Kluwer Academic Pub. 1995, p. 149.

8. S. Erkoc, "Physics of Clusters", International Symposium on Lasers, Atomic and Molecular Physics (LAMP-97), 16-20 Sept. 1997, Istanbul. (Invited talk)

9. T. Bastug, M. Hirata, S. Varga, B. Fricke, S. Erkoc, and T. Mukoyama, "Molecular-dynamics Simulations of gold clusters", in "Advances in Quantum Chemistry: DV-Xa for Atomic Spectroscopy and Materials Science", Proceedings of the 1998 Korea-Japan DV-Xa Joint Symposium, Ed. P.O. Lowdin, Vol. 37, p. 353, Academic Press, San Diego, 2001.

10. S. Erkoc, "Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Functions Used In Computer Simulations Of Condensed Matter Properties", Summer School On Multiscale Modelling, University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria, 25-31 August 2001 (Invited lecture).

11. S. Erkoc, "Stability of carbon nanostructures: Balls, tubes, rods, toroids", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing" (ICAMMP-2002), Eds. N. Chakraborti and U.K. chatterjee, 1-3 February, 2002, IIT-Kharakpur, India. Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Com. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002, pp: 356-363. (Invited talk).

12. S. Erkoc, "Structural and Electronic Properties of Nanocage Structures", HERMES Project Workshop, METU, Ankara, June 10-11, 2002.

13. S. Erkoc, "Empirical potential energy functions used in the modeling of interfacial structures in advanced materials and their joint", Proceedings of the International Conference on Designing of Interfacial Structures in Advanced Materials and their Joints (DIS'02)", Ed. M. Naka, 26-28 November 2002, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. Joining and Welding Research Institute of Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka, 2002, pp: 80-85. (Invited talk).

14. H. Oymak and S. Erkoc, "Titanium coverage on a single-wall carbon nanotube: Molecular-dynamics simulations", NATO-ASI, Nanoengineered Nanofibrous Materials, Antalya, 1-12 September 2003. (Poster). Proceeding: NATO Science Series II/169, Eds. S. Guceri, Y.G. Gogotsi, and V. Kuznetsov, 2004 Kluwer, p. 153.

15. O.B. Malcioglu, V. Tanriverdi, A. Yildiz, and S. Erkoc, "Structural stability of carbon nanocapsules: Molecular-dynamics simulations", NATO-ASI, Nanoengineered Nanofibrous Materials, Antalya, 1-12 September 2003. (Poster). Proceeding: NATO Science Series II/169, Eds. S. Guceri, Y.G. Gogotsi, and V. Kuznetsov, 2004 Kluwer, p. 219.

16. E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Simulation of carbon nanotube junction formation", NATO-ASI, Nanoengineered Nanofibrous Materials, Antalya, 1-12 September 2003. (Poster). Proceeding: NATO Science Series II/169, Eds. S. Guceri, Y.G. Gogotsi, and V. Kuznetsov, 2004 Kluwer, p. 237.

17. E. yazgan, E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu, and S. Erkoc, "Stability of carbon nanotori", NATO-ASI, Nanoengineered Nanofibrous Materials, Antalya, 1-12 September 2003. (Poster). Proceeding: NATO Science Series II/169, Eds. S. Guceri, Y.G. Gogotsi, and V. Kuznetsov, 2004 Kluwer, p. 241.

18. L. Amirouche and S. Erkoc, "Stability of ZnCd nanoparticles: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", The 3 rd Int. Cong. on Mat. Sci. and Eng. (CISGM3), 25-27 May 2004, Jijel University, Jijel, Algeria.

19. S. Erkoc, "Physics and Chemistry of Clusters", The 3 rd Int. Cong. on Mat. Sci. and Eng. (CISGM3), 25-27 May 2004, Jijel University, Jijel, Algeria. (Invited talk).

20. S. Erkoc, "Cluster, Surface and Bulk Properties of ZnCd Binary Alloys: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", International Conference on New Frontiers of Process Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials (PSEA'04), The 14 th Iketani Conferenece, 24-26 Nov. 2004, Kyoto, Japan. (Invited talk).

21. E.D. Calisir, S. Erkoc, H. Yildirim, A. Kara, T.S. Rahman, M. Selvi, F. Erkoc, "Theoretical Comparative Study of the Structure, Dynamics and Electronic Properties of Five Ally Molecules: Allicin, Methyl Propyl Disulfide (MPD), Allyl Methyl Sulfide (AMS), S-allyl cysteine (SAC) and S-allyl mercaptocysteine (SAMC)", E2006 APS March Meeting, March 13-17, 2006; Baltimore, MD, Abstract: C1.00067. (poster).

22. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Application of quantum Monte Carlo method to geometry optimization of atomic nanoparticles", NANOMAT-2006 International Workshop on Nanostructured Materials, June 21-23, 2006, Antalya, Turkey, Book of Abstracts, p. 198. (poster).

23. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Li$^+$ and Li interactions with carbon nanocage structures", NANOMAT-2006 International Workshop on Nanostructured Materials, June 21-23, 2006, Antalya, Turkey, Book of Abstracts, p. 200. (poster).

24. O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Functionality of carbon nanotubes as molecular detectors", NANOMAT-2006 International Workshop on Nanostructured Materials, June 21-23, 2006, Antalya, Turkey, Book of Abstracts, p. 211. (poster).

25. E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Encountering the same old solid mechanics in the realm of nano dimensions: an investigation of the interaction between two nanogears", NANOMAT-2006 International Workshop on Nanostructured Materials, June 21-23, 2006, Antalya, Turkey, Book of Abstracts, p. 212. (poster).

26. E.D. Calisir, S. Erkoc, "Structural, electronic and QSAR properties of the cyflutrin molecule: A theoretical AM1 and PM3 treatment", Third Humboldt Conference on Computational Chemistry (CompChem-2006), June 24-28, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, Book of Abstracts, p. 110, (poster).

27. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of defected carbon nanocapsules", 13th Int. Workshop on Comp. Phys. and Mater. Sci.: Total energy and force methods", 11-13 January 2007, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, (poster).

28. S. Erkoc, "DFT treatment of binary and ternary alloys microclusters", 3rd Int. Workshop on DFT Applied to Metals and Alloys: The Materials Genome Project, 2-4 May 2007, Oran, Algeria. (Invited talk).

29. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of Li/Li+ doped carbon nanocapsules with mono-vacancy defects", The 2nd International Conference Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection (CESEP'07), 2-6 September 2007, Krakow, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p. 186, (poster).

30. N. Didis, A. Eryilmaz, S. Erkoc, "Students' comprehension of fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics: A qualitative study", GIREP-EPEC Conference Frontiers of Physics Education, 26-31 August 2007, Opatija, Croatia, Book of Abstracts, p.115.

31. N. Didis, S. Erkoc, "History of `spin' concept in physics: For bounded and free electrons", GIREP-EPEC Conference Frontiers of Physics Education, 26-31 August 2007, Opatija, Croatia, Book of Abstracts, p.174.

32. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Genetic algorithm - Monte Carlo hybrid method for geometry optimization of atomic clusters", European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (E-MRS 2007), 17-21 September 2007, Warsaw, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p. 181.

33. S. Erkoc, "Empirical potential energy functions and their applications", International Winter School of Aplications of Computer Simulation and Modelling in Contemporary Solid State Physics and Nanotechnology, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP), 28 January - 6 February 2008, Turunc, Marmaris. (Invited talk).

34. N. Dugan, I. Kanik, S. Erkoc, "Fermion sign problem in diffusion Monte Carlo", Quantum Monte Carlo and the CASINO program III, The Towler Institute, 2008 Summer School, 3-10 August 2008, Tuscany, Italy.

35. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties and energetics of doped graphene nanoribbons", ICTP Conference: Graphene Week 2008, 25-29 August 2008, ICTP-Trieste, Italy. (Poster)

36. N. Dugan, I. Kanik, S. Erkoc, "Wavefunction shift in diffusion Monte Carlo for fermionic systems", 14th International Workshop on Computational Physics and materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods, 8-10 January 2009, ICTP-Trieste, Italy. (Poster)

37. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Density functional theory calculations of the energetics and the electronic properties of nitrogen- and boron-doped carbon nanoribbons", 14th International Workshop on Computational Physics and materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods, 8-10 January 2009, ICTP-Trieste, Italy. (Poster)

38. I. Kanik, N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "wavefunction shift technique for exact diffusion Monte Carlo computations", 13th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC), June 22-27, 2009, Helsinki, Finland, Abstracts Book, p: 219. (Poster)

39. H. Kokten, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of carbon-doped c-BN(110) surface", 25th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-25), July 20-24, 2009, St Petersburg, Russia, Book of Abstracts, p: 361. (Poster)

40. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "DFT Study on Defect-Free Polyacene Molecules and the Comparison with the Defected Pentacene and Picene Molecules", Carbon Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoteC09), 26-29 August, 2009, Brussels, Belgium. (Poster)

41. H. Kokten, S. Erkoc, "Oxygen-doped c-BN(110) surface: DFT calculations", 11th Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (EURODIM-2010), 12-16 July, 2010, Pecs, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, p: B49 (Poster). IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 15 (2010) 012075 (Proceeding).

42. L. Amirouche, S. Erkoc, "On structural phase transitions in Cd50Zn50 nanoalloys clusters", The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-16), August 8-13, 2010, Beijing, China.

43. A. Ince, S. Erkoc, "Silicene nanoribbons: Molecular-dynamics simulations", 6th EFCATS Summer School, September 13-19, 2010, Izmir, Turkey. Book of Abstracts, p: 81. (Poster)

44. S. Erkoc, A. Ince, "Silicene nanoribbons: Molecular-dynamics simulations", Turkish-Italian Workshop on the Frontiers in Nanomaterial Research and Applications, December 8-10, 2010, Istanbul. (Invited talk).

45. H. Kokten, S. Erkoc, "Theoretical study of fluorine-doped c-BN(110) surface", International Conference on Innovative Technologies (IN-TECH-2011), 1-3 Sep. 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia. (Poster and Proceeding. Proceedings, p. 298.)

46. H. Kokten, S. Erkoc, "Density functional theory study of aluminum doped hexagonal zinc oxide sheets", International Conference on Innovative Technologies (IN-TECH-2012), 26-28 Sep. 2012, Rijeka, Croatia. (Poster and Proceeding. Proceedings, p. 311).

47. S. Alaei, S. Erkoc, S. Jalili, "Density functional theory study for the interaction of transition metal atoms with graphyne nanotubes: Electronic and magnetic properties", 7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics International Conference (MQM-2013), 2-7 June 2013, Lugano, Switzerland. Book 0f Abstracts, p. 234. (Poster)

48. H. Kokten and S. Erkoc, "Carbon and phosphorus doped ZnO sheet: DFT calculations", 27th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors 2013 (ICDS27), 21-26 July 2013, Bologna, Italy. Book of Abstracts, p. 356. (Poster and Proceeding).

49. L. Amirouche, M. Bouaziz, S. Erkoc, "On the Energetics and Structural Behavior of some Sin Clusters: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-17), 11-16 August 2013, Warsow, Poland, Book 0f Abstracts, p. 17

50. H. Kokten and S. Erkoc, "A study on Si and P doped h-BN sheet", XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014), July 13-18, 2014, Moscow, Russia, Abstracts, p. 952. (Poster)

51. N. Didis, A. Eryilmaz, S. Erkoc, "Student's mental models about the quantization of physical observables", GIREP-MPTL Conference, 7-12 July 2014, Palermo, Italy. Book of Abstracts, pp: 193-194.

52. S. Alaei, S. Jalili, S. Erkoc, "Study of electronic and magnetic properties of (Fe2O3)n clusters using density functional theory", AVS 61st International Symposium and Exhibition, 9-14 Nov. 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Technical and Exhibitor Program, p: 131. (Poster)

53. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of indium phosphide nanorods under mechanical effects and heat treatment", 2015 Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research (CC3DMR), 15-19 June 2015, Busan, Korea (invited talk). Abstract Book, p. 249.

54. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, Z.I. Ozyurt, S. Yerci, S. Erkoc, "Optimization of seed-induced lateral liquid beam epitaxy growth of germanium on insulator by molecular dynamics", 2015 Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research (CC3DMR), 15-19 June 2015, Busan, Korea (Poster). Abstract Book, p. 425.

55. M. Kurban and S. Erkoc, "Geometrical and energetic properties of 15-atom ternary Cd-Zn-Te clusters", 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union - BPU9, 24-27 August 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, Book of Abstracts, p. 373. (Poster)

56. N. Didis, A. Eryilmaz, S. Erkoc, "Interaction of students' mental models with instructional elements: A physics course case", Int. J. Arts and Sci.' Int. Conference for Teaching and Education, 2015, Vienna, Austria. Publication No: 1601060.

57. N. Nayir, A.C.T. van Duin, S. Erkoc, "ReaxFF development for growth of germanium on amorphous SiO2 by lateral liquid phase epitaxy", Chemistry Graduate Open House 2018, PennState University, University Park, PA, USA, March 16 2018. (Poster)

58. L. Amirouche, N. Boulkaboul, S. Erkoc, "On The Medium Sized Silicon Nanoparticles: EDIP vs. Tersoff Potential", 19th Int. Conf. on Crst. Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-19), July 28 - August 2, 2019, Keystone, Colorado,USA. Abstract Book.




1. H.O. Pamuk, S. Erkoc and C. Trindle, "Calculation of Ionization Potential and Excitation Energies by Approximation Methods and the Contribution of Correlation Energy to These Values", Spektroskopi Dergisi 2, 15(1976). (in Turkish)

2. S. Erkoc, "Optimization of Non-Linear Parameters of Wave Functions and Ground State Energy Calculations for He", METU J. Pure and Applied Sciences 10, 249(1977).

3. H.O. Pamuk, S. Erkoc and C. Trindle, "Interpretation of the Photoelectron Spectrum of Urotropin by Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations", Spektroskopi Dergisi 3, 33(1977). (in Turkish)

4. S. Erkoc and F. Bayrakceken, "Autoionization Probabilities in He Atom", Spektroskopi Dergisi 4, 56(1978). (in Turkish)

5. S. Simsek, M. Simsek, and S. Erkoc, "S Resonance Widths and Autoionization Rates of Li", DOGA Bilim Dergisi A 9, 129(1985).

6. S. Erkoc, "Many-Body Interactions and Screening in Solids", DOGA Bilim Dergisi A 9, 203(1985).

7. E. Iltan, S. Erkoc and S. Ozder, "Quantum Calculations of Vibrational Energy Transfer in Collinear XY2+XY2 Collisions", DOGA TU J. Phys. and Astrophys. 11, 65(1987).

8. S. Simsek, M. Simsek, and S. Erkoc, "Line Profile for Atomic Resonances", Doga-Tr. J. Phys. 14, 37(1990).

9. N. Kolsuz and S. Erkoc, "Quantum Calculations of Vibrational Transition Probabilities in Collinear Collisions of X2Y2+He", Doga-Tr. J. Phys. 14, 275(1990).

10. R. Sever and S. Erkoc, "On Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation", Doga-Tr. J. Phys. 14, 381(1990).

11. N. Kolsuz and S. Erkoc, "Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation for the Chemisorption Energy of Atomic Hydrogen on Lithium BCC and FCC Clusters", F.U. Fen ve Muh. Bilimleri Dergisi 5, 89(1993).

12. S. Erkoc, "An Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function for Copper: Application to Small Clusters", Tr. J. Physics 18, 507(1994).

13. S. Erkoc, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Arsenic Microclusters", Tr. J. Physics 19, 639(1995).

14. S. Erkoc, "An Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function for Bulk and Cluster Properties: Application to fcc Metal Clusters", Tr. J. Physics 19, 1182(1995).

15. M. Vidal Tureli and S. Erkoc, "Structural Stability and Energetics of Carbon Clusters: Tersoff Potential Energy Function Calculation", Tr. J. Phys. 20, 1074(1996).

16. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "Investigation of HMO Spectra of Huckel and Mobius Type Cyclacenes", Tr. J. Chem. 21, 167(1997).

17. S. Erkoc and L. Turker, "Electronic Structure of Optimized Si(m)H(n) Clusters: MINDO3 and AM1 Calculations", Tr. J. Phys. 22, 1069(1998).

18. H. Kokten and S. Erkoc, "Energetics of Spherical Clusters", Tr. J. Phys. 23, 517(1999).

19. S. Erkoc, "Relativistic density functional theory method: Applications to autoionization states of atoms", Tr. J. Phys. 30, 231(2006).

20. M.O. Fen and S. Erkoc, "Distribution of circles on a circle and correlation between vortex rings of superfluids", Tr. J. Phys. 31, 151(2007).

21. H. Kokten and S. Erkoc, "A study on Si and P doped h-BN sheet: DFT calculations", Tr. J. Physics 38, 369(2014).

22. H. Yagli, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of copper, silver and gold nanorods under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", J. Defence Sci. 13, 59(2014).

23. S. Erkoc, "Two common terminological mistakes in scientific papers", Tr. J. Phys. 39, 314(2015).




1. S. Erkoc ve I. Oksuz, "Atomlarda Rezonans Hallerin Cizgi Genisligi Hesabi", I. Fizik Kongresi, ODTU, Ankara, Kasim 1976, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 98.

2. H.O. Pamuk, S. Erkoc ve C. Trindle, "Yaklasik Molekul Yorungemsi Yontemleri ile Urotropin Molekulunun Fotoelektron Spektrumunun Aciklanmasi", I. Fizik Kongresi, ODTU, Ankara, Kasim 1976, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 97.

3. S. Erkoc ve I. Oksuz, "Lineer Olmayan Parametrelerin Dalga Fonksiyonlarina Etkisi ve Optimizasyonu", TUBITAK VI. Bilim Kongresi Tebligleri, AU, Ankara, Ekim 1977, s. 35.

4. S. Erkoc ve I. Oksuz, "Yeni Bir Teorem ve Elektron--Atom Carpismalarina Uygulanmasi", TUBITAK VI. Bilim Kongresi Tebligleri, AU, Ankara, Ekim 1977, s. 331.

5. S. Erkoc ve F. Bayrakceken, "Salisilaydin Anilin Bilesikleri ve Izomerlerinin Iyonlasma Potansiyellerinin Hesabi", TUBITAK VI. Bilim Kongresi Tebligleri, AU, Ankara, Ekim 1977, s. 347.

6. S. Erkoc, "Atomlarda Kendiliginden Iyonlasan Hallerin Hesabinda Yeni Bir Yontem", II. Fizik Kongresi, BU, Istanbul, Eylul 1978, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 26.

7. S. Erkoc, F. Cimen ve F. Bayrakceken, "Turev Yontemi ile Helyum'un Bazi S Rezonanslarinin Hesabi", II. Fizik Kongresi, BU, Istanbul, Eylul 1978, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 26.

8. S. Erkoc ve S. Fakioglu, "Nd(3+) Iyonunun Scheelite Tipindeki Kristaller Icinde Magnetik ve Termal Ozellikleri", II. Fizik Kongresi, BU, Istanbul, Eylul 1978, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 26.

9. S. Erkoc, "Kendiliginden Iyonlasma Olayi", III. Spektroskopi Kongresi, ODTU, Ankara, Eylul 1978, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 25.

10. H. Karal, S. Erkoc ve I. Oksuz, "Helyum'da Kesikli ve Surekli Bolge Enerji Seviyelerinin Hesabi", III. Spektroskopi Kongresi, ODTU, Ankara, Eylul 1978, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 28.

11. S. Erkoc ve I. Oksuz, "Elektronik Hesap Makinelerinin Atom ve Molekul Fiziginde Kullanimi ve Onemi", II. Ulusal Bilisim Kongresi, ODTU, Ankara, Aralik 1978, Bildiriler, s. 122.

12. S. Erkoc, S. Ciraci, S. Ellialtioglu ve M. Tomak, "Si ve SiO_{2} Kristallerinde Bosluklarin Elektronik Ozellikleri", TUBITAK Kati Hal Fizigi Unitesi II. Kollokyumu, ODTU, Ankara, Subat 1982, Tebligler, s. 23.

13. S. Ellialtioglu, S. Ciraci ve S. Erkoc, "Oksijen Baglanmis Silisyum Yuzeylerinin Elektronik Enerji Spektrumu", TUBITAK Kati Hal Fizigi Unitesi II. Kollokyumu, ODTU, Ankara, Subat 1982, Tebligler, s. 26.

14. S. Ciraci, S. Ellialtioglu ve S. Erkoc, "Si-SiO_{2} Eklemlerinde Arayuzey Elektronik Yapisi", TUBITAK Kati Hal Fizigi Unitesi II. Kollokyumu, ODTU, Ankara, Subat 1982, Tebligler, s. 29.

15. E. Iltan, S. Erkoc ve S. Ozder, "CO_{2}+CO_{2} Inelastik Carpismasinda Enerji Transferi Hesabi", Kimyasal Fizik Sempozyumu, BU, Istanbul, Mayis 1986.

16. S. Ozder, S. Erkoc ve E. Iltan, "He+Cu(110) Elastik Carpismasinda Difraksiyon Genligi Hesabi", Kimyasal Fizik Sempozyumu, BU, Istanbul, Mayis 1986.

17. E. Iltan, S. Erkoc, and S. Ozder, "Vibrational Energy Transfer in Collinear XY_{2}+XY_{2} Collisions", FIZIK'86, Turk Fizik Dernegi 8. Ulusal Fizik Kongresi, ODTU, Ankara, Eylul 1986.

18. S. Ozder, S. Erkoc, and E. Iltan, "Scattering of He from Cu(110) Surface", FIZIK'86, Turk Fizik Dernegi 8. Ulusal Fizik Kongresi, ODTU, Ankara, Eylul 1986.

19. S. Erkoc ve T. Halicioglu, "Monte Carlo ve Molekuler Dinamik Simulasyon Yontemleri ve Fizik'te Uygulamalari", Bilgisayar Benzetisim Yontemleri Sempozyumu, BU, Istanbul, Ocak 1987.

20. S. Erkoc, T. Halicioglu, and W.A. Tiller, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Au Adatom on GaAs(110) Surface", SST'88, Spring School on Surface Science and Technology, BU, Ankara, May 1988.

21. B. Uslu and S. Erkoc, "Self-Consistent Field calculations for GaAs/Ga_{1-x}Al_{x}As Superlattices",SST'88, Spring School on Surface Science and Technology, BU, Ankara, May 1988.

22. S. Katircioglu ve S. Erkoc, "As, Sb ve Bi 'Microcluster'larinin Yapilari ve Enerjileri", II. Ulusal Bilgisayar Benzetisim Sempozyumu, ODTU, Ankara, Subat 1990.

23. N. Kolsuz, M. Civi ve S. Erkoc, "Yeni Bir Cok-Cisim Potansiyel Enerji Fonksiyonunun Lityum 'Cluster'larina Uygulanmasi", 13. Ulusal Fizik Kongresi (TFD-13), AU, Eskisehir, 30 Eylul - 2 Ekim 1992,

24. S. Erkoc, " 'Cluster' Fizigi", 1. Ulusal Atom ve Molekul Fizigi Sempozyumu, ODTU, Ankara, 24-26 Haziran 1996, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 9 (Cagrili konusma).

25. C. Ozdogan ve S. Erkoc, "Cu_{n} 'Cluster'larinin Molekuler-Dinamik Bilgisayar Simulasyonu ile Yapilari, Enerjileri ve Erimesinin Incelenmesi", 1. Ulusal Atom ve Molekul Fizigi Sempozyumu, ODTU, Ankara, 24-26 Haziran 1996, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 42.

26. C. Ozdogan, M. Boyukata ve S. Erkoc, "Cu_{n}(n=3-7) 'Cluster'larinda Radyasyon Hasarinin Molekuler-Dinamik Bilgisayar Simulasyonu", 1. Ulusal Atom ve Molekul Fizigi Sempozyumu, ODTU, Ankara, 24-26 Haziran 1996, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 43.

27. N. Kolsuz, M. Civi ve S. Erkoc, "bcc, fcc Yuzey Simetrisine Sahip Lityum Kumeleri ile Oksijen ve Hidrojen Atomu Etkilesmeleri", 1. Ulusal Atom ve Molekul Fizigi Sempozyumu, ODTU, Ankara, 24-26 Haziran 1996, Teblig Ozetleri, s. 45.

28. S. Erkoc, S. Katircioglu ve K. Leblebicioglu, "Atomik 'Cluster'larda Geometri Optimizasyonu", Workshop - Scientific Computation, Selcuk Universitesi, Konya, 29-30 Temmuz 1996.

29. S. Erkoc, "Karbon Nanoyapilar: Toplar, tupler, cubuklar", 19. Ulusal Fizik Kongresi (TFD-19), Firat Universitesi, Elazig, 26-29 Eylul 2000. (Cagrili konusma)

30. S. Erkoc, "Carbon Nanocage Structures: Stability Against Heat Treatment", Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 13 Kasim 2001. (Davetli konusma)

31. S. Erkoc, "ODTU Fizik Bolumu'nde nanobilim-nanoteknoloji calismalari", Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Programi: Nanoteknoloji, Akilli Malzemeler ve Yeni Uretim Surecleri Calistayi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 12 Temmuz 2002.

32. L. Turker and S. Erkoc, "Electronic properties of open-ended single-wall carbon nanotunes", Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Programi: Nanoteknoloji, Akilli Malzemeler ve Yeni Uretim Surecleri Calistayi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 12 Temmuz 2002. (Poster).

33. S. Katircioglu and S. Erkoc, "Silicon clusters, C_{60}-Si(100) and C_{60}-Si(111) systems", Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Programi: Nanoteknoloji, Akilli Malzemeler ve Yeni Uretim Surecleri Calistayi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 12 Temmuz 2002. (Poster).

34. E.S. Tasci and S. Erkoc, "Calculation of the Casimir-Polder effect between various nanosystems", Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Programi: Nanoteknoloji, Akilli Malzemeler ve Yeni Uretim Surecleri Calistayi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 12 Temmuz 2002. (Poster).

35. H. Oymak and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of Al_{k}Ti_{l}Ni_{m} nanoparticles", Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Programi: Nanoteknoloji, Akilli Malzemeler ve Yeni Uretim Surecleri Calistayi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 12 Temmuz 2002. (Poster).

36. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of carbon nanorods: Molecular dynamics simulations", Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Programi: Nanoteknoloji, Akilli Malzemeler ve Yeni Uretim Surecleri Calistayi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 12 Temmuz 2002. (Poster).

37. O.B. Malcioglu and S. Erkoc, "Effect of chirality on the stability of carbon nanotubes: Molecular dynamics simulations", Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Programi: Nanoteknoloji, Akilli Malzemeler ve Yeni Uretim Surecleri Calistayi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, 12 Temmuz 2002. (Poster).

38. S. Erkoc, "Ammonia deposition in fullerene", Recent Advances in Nanoscience: A conference for the occasion of Professor Salim Ciraci's 60th birtday. Bilkent University, Ankara, 4 November 2002. (Invited talk)

39. S. Erkoc, "Nanobilim ve nanoteknoloji: Gelismeler, uygulamalar", XIII. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, Gaziantep Universitesi, Gaziantep, 8-12 Eylul 2003. (Cagrili konusma).

40. O.B. Malcioglu ve S. Erkoc, "Karbon nanotup ve nanocubuklarin yapisal ozellikleri", Turk Fizik Dernegi 22. Fizik Kongresi (TFD22), Bodrum, 14-17 Eylul 2004. (Poster).

41. E. Yazgan, E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu ve S. Erkoc, "Karbon nanotoroid yapilarin kuramsal incelenmesi", Turk Fizik Dernegi 22. Fizik Kongresi (TFD22), Bodrum, 14-17 Eylul 2004. (Poster).

42. S. Erkoc, "Atom ve molekul topaklarinin fizigi ve kimyasi", Turk Fizik Dernegi 22. Fizik Kongresi (TFD22), Bodrum, 14-17 Eylul 2004. (Cagrili konusma).

43. S. Erkoc, "Heteroatomic fullerenes and nanotubes", Nano-TR-I, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2005, Bilkent University, Ankara, 25-27 May 2005. (Cagrili konusma).

44. S. Erkoc, "Clusters", Nano-TR-I, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2005, Bilkent University, Ankara, 25-27 May 2005. (Tutorial Lecture).

45. O.B. Malcioglu, E. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Structural and molecular electronic properties of BN ring doped single-wall carbon nanotubes", Nano-TR-I, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2005, Bilkent University, Ankara, 25-27 May 2005. (Poster).

46. E. Tasci, O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Modelling and Simulation of Carbon Nano Gears", Nano-TR-I, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2005, Bilkent University, Ankara, 25-27 May 2005. (Poster).

47. S. Erkoc, "Atomlarda Rezonanslar: RDFT Hesaplamalari", Atom-Molekul ve Cekirdek Sistemlerinin Yapilari ve Spektrumlari Calistayi, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi, 8-9 Temmuz 2005. (Cagrili konusma).

48. S. Erkoc, "Relativistic atomic calculations using DFT method: Applications to resonance states", Theoretical Condensed Matter Workshop, Ankara, METU, 22-23 December 2005. (Invited speaker).

49. S. Erkoc, "Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji", Havacilik ve Nanoteknoloji Semineri, 1HIBMK, Eskisehir, 1 Mayis 2006 (Davetli Konusmaci).

50. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of copper nanoparticles: Monte-Carlo simulation studies", NANO-TR-II Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, METU, 3-5 May 2006. (Poster).

51. R. Pekoz, S. Erkoc, "Endohedral Li+ doped fullerenes: Molecular dynamics simulations", NANO-TR-II Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, METU, 3-5 May 2006. (Poster).

52. O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Electron transmission properties of boron-nitride ring doped C(5,0) carbon nanotube", NANO-TR-II Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, METU, 3-5 May 2006. (Poster).

53. S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of isolated nanoparticles", Nanotechnology Research Forum, METU, 16-21 October 2006. (Invited lecture).

54. S. Erkoc, "Sample calculations on clusters", Nanotechnology Research Forum, METU, 16-21 October 2006. (Invited lecture).

55. N. Dugan, S. Erkoc, "Genetic algorithm - Monte Carlo hybrid method for geometry optimization of atomic clusters", Proceedings of NanoTR-III Conference, 11-14 June 2007, Bilkent, Ankara, p: 10.

56. S. Erkoc, O.B. Malcioglu, "Nano detector from SWCNT C(4,4)", Proceedings of NanoTR-III Conference, 11-14 June 2007, Bilkent, Ankara, p: 53 (Invited talk).

57. S. Erkoc, "Nanobilim ve nanoteknolojiye genel bir bakis", Mikro ve Nanoteknoloji Gunu, ODTU, 14 Nisan 2009.

58. S. Erkoc, "Structural and thermal properties of binary and thernary alloys nanoparticles", Proceedings of NanoTR-5 Conference, 08-12 June 2009, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, p: 34 (Invited talk).

59. S. Erkoc, "Atom ve molekul seviyesinde algilama: Nano algilayicilar", Turk Fizik Dernegi 26. Uluslararasi Fizik Kongresi (TFD26), 24-27 Eylul 2009, Bodrum, Ozet Kitabi, s. 4 (Davetli konusmaci).

60. S. Erkoc, "Atomik benzetisim yontemleri ve ampirik potansiyet enerji fonksiyonlari", II. Akyaka Nano-Elektronik Toplantisi, 7-8 Kasim 2009, Akyaka, Mugla (Davetli konusmaci).

61. S. Erkoc, "Nanobilim ve nanoteknolojiye genel bir bakis", Ileri Teknolojiler Calistayi ve Sergisi (ITC2010), 30 Haziran 2010, Kocaeli (davetli konusmaci).

62. S. Erkoc, "Ileri teknolojilerde modelleme calismalarinin onemi", Ileri Teknolojiler Calistayi ve Sergisi (ITC2010), 30 Haziran 2010, Kocaeli (davetli konusmaci).

63. S. Erkoc, "Nanobilim ve nanoteknolojiye genel bir bakis: Modelleme calismalarinin onemi", Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Ogrenci Kongresi (NABITEK-2010), 20-23 Haziran 2010, Istanbul (davetli konusmaci).

64. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, "Structural Properties of Monolayer Boron Carbide Nanoribbons Under Strain", NanoTR7, 27 June - 1 July 2011, Sabanci University, Istanbul. Abstract Book, P1.A.11. (Poster)

65. A. Ince, S. Erkoc, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Silicene Nanoribbons Under Strain", NanoTR7, 27 June - 1 July 2011, Sabanci University, Istanbul. Abstract Book, P1.A.18. (Poster)

66. B. Tuzun, S. Erkoc, "Stable Carbon Nanostructures Other Than Hexagon Geometry", NanoTR7, 27 June - 1 July 2011, Sabanci University, Istanbul. Abstract Book, P2.B.6. (Poster)

67. B. Ozdamar, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of Si nanorods under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR7, 27 June - 1 July 2011, Sabanci University, Istanbul. Abstract Book, P2.B.7. (Poster)

68. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnO nanoribbons under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR7, 27 June - 1 July 2011, Sabanci University, Istanbul. Abstract Book, P2.B.9. (Poster)

69. S. Alaei, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of Fe2O3 nanorods under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR7, 27 June - 1 July 2011, Sabanci University, Istanbul. Abstract Book, P2.B.10. (Poster)

70. Y. Erdogdu, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of Al_n and Al_(n-1)Ti clusters (n=1-7): Density functional theory calculations", Turkish Physical Society 28th International Physics Congress (TFD-28), 6-9 September 2011, Bodrum-Turkey, Abstract Book, p. 456. (poster)

71. Y. Erdogdu, S. Erkoc, "Evolution of the electronic structure and properties of charged titanium doped aluminum clusters", Turkish Physical Society 28th International Physics Congress (TFD-28), 6-9 September 2011, Bodrum-Turkey, Abstract Book, p. 457. (poster)

72. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnO nanorods under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", Turkish Physical Society 28th International Physics Congress (TFD-28), 6-9 September 2011, Bodrum-Turkey, Abstract Book, p. 502. (poster)

73. B. Ozdamar, S. Erkoc, "Molecular-dynamics simulations of sawtooth-like graphene nanoribbons under strain", Turkish Physical Society 28th International Physics Congress (TFD-28), 6-9 September 2011, Bodrum-Turkey, Abstract Book, p. 513. (poster)

74. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamics simulations of boron carbide nanoribbons under strain", Turkish Physical Society 28th International Physics Congress (TFD-28), 6-9 September 2011, Bodrum-Turkey, Abstract Book, p. 526. (poster)

75. S. Erkoc, "Atomistik modellemeler icin potansiyel enerji fonksiyonlarinin gelistirilmesi", ADIM Fizik Gunleri II, 25-27 Nisan 2012, Pamukkale Universitesi, Denizli. (Cagrili konusma)

76. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnO nanoparticels and nanorings at various temperatures: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-008. (Poster).

77. B. Ozdamar, S. Erkoc, "Structural and thermal properties of BN nanoparticles: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-014. (Poster).

78. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Boron Carbide Nanoribbons Under Biaxial Strain", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-065. (Poster).

79. M.D. Karakas, Y. Erol, Y. Erdogdu, S. Erkoc, "Theoretical Study on the Structural and Electronic Properties of Charged Titanium doped Boron Nanoclusters", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-078. (Poster).

80. M.D. Karakas, Y. Erol, Y. Erdogdu, S. Erkoc, "Neutral and Anionic Chromium doped Boron Nanoclusters [CrBn (n=1-7)]: A Density Functional Theory", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-079. (Poster).

81. Y. Erol, M.D. Karakas, Y. Erdogdu, S. Erkoc, "Investigations of Neutral and Singly charged Vanadium doped Boron Nanoclusters by DFT", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-080. (Poster).

82. H. Yagli, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of copper nanorods under strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-230. (Poster).

83. M. Kurban, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnxCd1-xTe (x= 0.25, 0.50) nanorods: Molecular Dynamics simulations", NanoTR8, 25-28 June 2012, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Abstract Book, PP-234. (Poster).

84. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnO nanotubes under uniaxial strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", Turkish Physical Society 29th International Physics Congress (TFD-29), 5-8 September 2012, Bodrum-Turkey, Book of Abstract, p: 408 (01-PP55). (poster)

85. B. Ozdamar, S. Erkoc, "Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of cubane structures X$_8$H$_8$ (X=C,Si,Ge)", Turkish Physical Society 29th International Physics Congress (TFD-29), 5-8 September 2012, Bodrum-Turkey, Book of Abstract, p: 426 (01-PP73). (poster)

86. S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of 1D nanostructures under uniaxial strain", Turkish Physical Society 29th International Physics Congress (TFD-29), 5-8 September 2012, Bodrum-Turkey, Book of Abstract, p: 3 (01-IS2). (Cagrili konusmaci)

87. S. Erkoc, "Applications of DFT method to autoionization states of atoms", Chemical Physics Congress X (CPC10), 10-12 October 2012, TOBB ETU, Ankara, Book of Abstracts, p. 24. (Invited talk)

88. B. Ozdamar, E.S. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Karbonun yeni allotrop yapilarinin sicakliga gore incelenmesi: Molekul dinamigi benzetimleri", Yogun Madde Fizigi Izmir Toplantisi, IYTE, 5 Nisan 2013. Ozet Kitapcigi, P06. (poster)

89. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of pristine and defected ZnO nanosheets under biaxial strain:Molecular Dynamics Simulations", NanoTR9, 24-28 June 2013, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Abstract Book, p. 104. (poster)

90. M. Kurban, S. Erkoc, "Structural and electronic properties of Zn$_m$Cd$_n$Te$_k$ (m+n+k=2-4) clusters: Density functional theory calculations", NanoTR9, 24-28 June 2013, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Abstract Book, p. 124. (poster)

91. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of defected ZnO nanoribbons under uniaxial strain: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", NanoTR9, 24-28 June 2013, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Abstract Book, p. 197. (poster)

92. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of defected ZnO nanotubes: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", NanoTR9, 24-28 June 2013, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Abstract Book, p. 227. (poster)

93. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Structural and thermal properties of InP nanostructures: Molecular dynamics simulations", Adv. Mater. World Congress (AMWC13), 16-19 September 2013, Cesme Altin Yunus-Izmir, Abstract Book, p. 254. (poster)

94. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of InP nanorods under uniaxial strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", TFD30, 2-5 September 2013, Istanbul. Book of Abstracts, p. 374. (poster)

95. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Thermal properties of ZnO nanoparticles: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", TFD30, 2-5 September 2013, Istanbul. Book of Abstracts, p. 361. (poster)

96. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Thermal properties of ZnO nanotubes: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", TFD30, 2-5 September 2013, Istanbul. Book of Abstracts, p. 362. (poster)

97. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural and thermal properties of ZnO cubane structures: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", TFD30, 2-5 September 2013, Istanbul. Book of Abstracts, p. 363. (poster)

98. M. Kurban, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnTe and CdTe binary nanorods: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", TFD30, 2-5 September 2013, Istanbul. Book of Abstracts, p. 370. (poster)

99. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of 2D boron carbide sheets under biaxial strain: Molecular dynamics simulations", Adv. Mater. World Congress (AMWC13), 16-19 September 2013, Cesme Altin Yunus-Izmir, Abstract Book, p. 246. (poster)

100. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamics simulations of graphene like boron carbide nanoribbons under uniaxial strain", Int. Porous Powder Mater. Symposium Exhibition (PPM 2013), 3-6 September 2013, Cesme-Izmir. (poster)

101. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of defected bilayer ZnO nanosheets: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR10, 17-21 June 2014, Yeditepe Univ., Istanbul, Abstract Book, p. 221. (poster)

102. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of hexagonal shaped ZnO nanorods under torsion: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR10, 17-21 June 2014, Yeditepe Univ., Istanbul, Abstract Book, p. 341. (poster)

103. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of hexagonal shaped ZnO nanorods under compress: Molecular dynamics simulations", NanoTR10, 17-21 June 2014, Yeditepe Univ., Istanbul, Abstract Book, p. 342. (poster)

104. Y. Simsek and S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamics simulations of Boron-Carbide nanotubes", NanoTR10, 17-21 June 2014, Yeditepe Univ., Istanbul, Abstract Book, p. 401. (poster)

105. M. Kurban, O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "Size dependence and heat capacity of CdZnTe and CdZn nanoparticles: Molecular dynamics simulations", TFD31, 21-24 July 2014, Bodrum. Book of Abstracts, p. 295. (poster)

106. M. Kurban, O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "A molecular dynamics study of the heat capacity of CdTe and ZnTe nanoparticles", TFD31, 21-24 July 2014, Bodrum. Book of Abstracts, p. 296. (poster)

107. M. Kurban and S. Erkoc, "Proper Gaussian basis sets for density functional studies of cobalt oxide clusters", TFD31, 21-24 July 2014, Bodrum. Book of Abstracts, p. 297. (poster)

108. S. Erkoc, "Nano elektronik malzemeler ve nanokablo uygulamalari", Ileri Malzemeler ve Surecler Forumu, 2-3 Aralik 2014, SSM, Ankara.

109. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, S. Yerci, S. Erkoc, "Molekul dinamik benzetimi ile yalitkan uzerine germanyum sisteminin incelenmesi", 20. Yogun Madde Fizigi Ankara Toplantisi (YMF20), 26 Aralik 2014, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara. Ozetler, p. S04.

110. M. Kurban, O.B. Malcioglu, S. Erkoc, "CdZnTe nanoparcaciklarin termodinamik ozelliklerinin molekul dinamigi benzetimi ile incelenmesi", 20. Yogun Madde Fizigi Ankara Toplantisi (YMF20), 26 Aralik 2014, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara. Ozetler, p. P16. (poster)

111. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Structural properties of ZnO nanotubes under uniaxial compression: Molecular dynamics simulations", 20. Yogun Madde Fizigi Ankara Toplantisi (YMF20), 26 Aralik 2014, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara. Ozetler, p. P70. (poster)

112. S. Erkoc, "Atomlarda kendiliginden iyonlasma: RDFT uygulamalari", III. Yuklu Parcaciklar Optigi Kis Okulu (YUKPOP-2015), 27-29 Mart 2015, Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi, Afyon. (Davetli konusmaci)

113. Y. Simsek, S. Erkoc, Y. Nur, "Kubik yapidaki bor karbur nano cubuk modelin stres altinda yapisal degisimleri: Molekuler dinamik benzesim teknikleri", 5. Fiziksel Kimya Kongresi, 15-19 Mayis 2015, Konya. Bildiri Ozetleri, s. 86, P37. (poster)

114. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, S. Erkoc, "Mechanical properties of InP nanorods under uniaxial compression: Molecular dynamics simulations", 11th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-11), Book of Abstracts, PS2-P52, 22-25 June 2015, METU, Ankara. (poster)

115. M.E. Kilic, S. Erkoc, "Low dimensional strycture properties of ZnO nano materials", 11th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-11), Book of Abstracts, S3-6, 22-25 June 2015, METU, Ankara.

116. Y. Simsek, Y. Nur, S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamics simulations of different boron carbide nanotubes", 11th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-11), Book of Abstracts, PS3-P8, 22-25 June 2015, METU, Ankara. (poster)

117. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, Z.I. Ozyurt, S. Yerci, S. Erkoc, "Growth kinetics of germanium on insulators by seed-induced lateral liquid beam epitaxy using molecular dynamics simulations", 11th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-11), Book of Abstracts, PS3-P10, 22-25 June 2015, METU, Ankara. (poster)

118. N. Didis, A. Eryilmaz, S. Erkoc, "Ders kitaplari ogrencilerin zihinsel modelleri ile nasil etkilesir? Bir modern fizik dersi durumu", 2. Ulusal Fizik Egitimi Kongresi - UFEK2015, 10-12 Eylul 2015, ODTU, Ankara. Ozetler Kitabi, p. 133 (poster)

119. N. Nayir, E.S. Tasci, Z.I. Ozyurt, S. Yerci, S. Erkoc, "Sivi faz epitaksi ile tek kristal germanyumun yalitkan uzerine uretilmesinin molekuler dinamik benzetimi ile incelenmesi", 4. Ulusal Yuksek Basarimli Hesaplama Konferansi (Basarim 2015), 1-2 Ekim 2015, ODTU.

120. M. Kurban, S. Erkoc, "Molecular dynamics simulation of Cu55 magic cluster on the graphene monolayer", Int. Conf. on Conden. Mat. Mater. Sci. (ICCMMS-2017), 11-15 October 2017, Cukurova Uni., Adana.




1. S. Erkoc, "Karbon Nanoyapilar: Toplar, Tupler, Cubuklar, Halkalar", Bilim ve Teknik, TUBITAK, Ocak 2001.

2. S. Erkoc, "Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji", ODTU Yayincilik, 2007. Extended edition: 2022.




1. "Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology", E. Osawa, Editor; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA; 2002, +375 pp. (Reviewed by S. Erkoc, published in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 17, Number 6, 2002, pp:881-883.)




1. F. Erkoc ve S. Erkoc, 2008 (Ceviri, Bolum 3). "Ekolojik Sistemlerde Enerji". ss: 77-139. Yeri: Ekolojinin Temel Ilkeleri. Ceviri Editoru: K. Isik, Palme Yayincilik, Ankara, ss: 598 + XXII. (Cevirisi yapilan orijinal kitap: E.P. ODUM and G.W. BARRETT. 2005. Fundamentals of Ecology, Thomson Learning Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, USA, 624 pp). [Bu ceviri kitap TUBA (Turkiye Bilimler Akademisi) tarafindan 2009 yilinda "Kayda deger eser odulu" ile odullendirilmistir.]




1. S. Ozder, "Theory of Helium Scattering From Solid Surfaces", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1986.

2. Z. El-Bayyari, "Development of a Semiempirical Potential Energy Function: Application to Microclusters", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1987.

3. B. Uslu, "Self-Consistent Field Calculations for the Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Superlattices", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1988.

4. Y. Tahtamoni, "Structural Stability and Energetics of P, S and C Microclusters", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1990.

5. A. Unlu, "Structural Stability and Energetics of Selenium and Tellerium Microclusters: Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1990.

6. M.V. Tureli, "Structural Stability and Energetics of Carbon Clusters: Tersoff Empirical Many-Body Potential Energy Function Calculation", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1993.

7. C. Ozdogan, "Molecular-Dynamics Computer Simulation Of Copper Clusters: Structural Stability, Energetics, and Melting", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1996.

8. M.R. Shaltaf, "Geometry Optimization of Small Copper Clusters: Monte-Carlo Simulation Study", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1998.

9. C. Kirbas, "Simulation of Condenser Microphone Behavior", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1999.

10. E. Guneyler, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of Water Clusters", M.S. Thesis, METU, 1999.

11. H. Oymak, "Determination of Minimum Energy Configuration of N Equal Point charges Placed on an Infinitely Thin Conducting Disk", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2000.

12. E.S. Tasci, "Simulation of the Casimir Effect for Various Geometries", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2002.

13. O.B. Malcioglu, "Stability of Carbon Nanotubes and Nanorods Under Heat Treatment: Molecular-Dynamics Simulations", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2003.

14. N. Dugan, "Structural Properties of Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Atomic Clusters: Monte Carlo Simulation Study", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2006.

15. A.K. Onay, "Hydrogen Storage Capacity of nanosystems: Molecular Dynamics Simulations", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2008.

16. S. Polad, "Quantum mechanical treatment of fullerene-based systems doped with various metal and non-metal elements as prospective spin-qubits", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2010.

17. B. Tuzun, "Structural properties of defected graphene nanoribbons under tension: Molecular-dynamics simulations", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2012.

18. A. Ince, "Investigation of the structural properties of silicene nanoribbons by molecular dynamics simulations", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2012.

19. B. Vargun, "Accelaration of molecular dynamics simulation for Tersoff2 potential through reconfigurable hardware", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2012.

20. B. Ozdamar, "Invertigation of the structural properties of low dimensional nanostructures: Molecular dynamics simulations", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2013.

21. N. Kara, "Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Sm_mCo_n (m+n$=1-3) microclusters: Density functional theory calculations", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2013.

22. H. Yagli, "Investigation of structural properties of metal nanorods: Molecular dynamics simulations", M.S. Thesis, METU, 2014.




1. M. Simsek, "Energy and Wavefunction of ^{2}S Resonance States of Lithium Atom", Ph. D. Thesis, Inonu University, 1982. (in Turkish)

2. N. Kolsuz, "Quantum Calculations of Harmonic Transition Probabilities in Collinear Atom-Polyatom Inelastic Collisions", Ph. D. Thesis, Firat University, 1983. (in Turkish)

3. S. Simsek, "Investigation of Spectroscopic Properties of Resonance States of Two- and Three-Electron Atoms", Ph. D. Thesis, Inonu University, 1984. (in Turkish)

4. A.I. Gucus, "Energy and Structure of Uranium and Thorium Microclusters: Empirical Potential Energy Function Calculation", Ph. D. Thesis, Gazi University, 1991. (in Turkish)

5. Z. El-Bayyari, "Molecular-Dynamics Simulation Studies of Aluminum: Bulk, Surface and Cluster Properties", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 1993.

6. S.A. Salman, "Electronic Band Structure of Stepped Si(100) and Water-Stepped Si(100) Systems", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2000. (co-supervisor)

7. P. Gunes, "Applications of Empirical Potential Energy Functions on Atomic Clusters", Ph.D. Thesis, Gazi University, 2000. (co-supervisor) (in Turkish)

8. H. Oymak, "Theoretical Investigation of AlTiNi Ternary Clusters: Density Functional Theory Calculations and Molecular Dynamics Simulations", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2004.

9. E. Tasci, "Generation and Simulations of Nanostructures of Cage Structures", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2007. (Selected as "The Thesis of the Year 2007 at METU" by Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation)

10. L. Amirouche, "Multi-scale approach of microstructures formation in metallic alloys", Ph.D. Thesis, USTHB (Algeria), 2007.

11. O.B. Malcioglu, "Tailoring one dimensional novel nano structures for specific applications using tools of molecular modelling", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2008. (Selected as "The Best Thesis in 2007-2008 Academic Year at METU" by METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences).

12. R. Pekoz, "Interactions of Lithium-Carbon nanosystems: Molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2008. (Selected as "The Best Thesis in 2007-2008 Academic Year at METU" by METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences).

13. N. Dugan, "Quantum Monte Carlo methods for fermionic systems: Beyond the fixed-node approximation", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2010.

14. E.D. Tekin, "Investigation of biologically important small molecules: Quantum chemical and molecular dynamics calculations", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2010.

15. N. Didis, "Investigation of undergraduate students' mental models about the quantization of physical observables", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2012. (co-supervisor)

16. S. Alaei, "Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of various nanosystems: Molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2014.

17. Y. Simsek, "Investigation of structural properties of boron carbide nanosystems under mechanical and thermal effects: Molecular dynamics simulations", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2014.

18. M.E. Kilic, "Structural properties of ZnO binary alloy nanosystems: Molecular-dynamicsw simulations", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2015.

19. M. Kurban, "Investigation of structural and electronic properties of ZnCdTe ternary alloy nanostructures", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2016.

20. N. Nayir, "Investigation of InP and SiGe nanomaterials via molecular dynamics simulations", Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2018.




Hayat Yolu (Life Track):

Sakir Erkoc Calistayi 2013:

Sakir Erkoc 70. YIL Calistayi 2018:


Last updated on (3 May 2023)
