Home Page
Welcome to the antique-looking site. It looks like a quite obsolete web-page, isn't it?

GPA Calculator

Grade Point Average Calculator for METU Students

GPA Calculator

EEE Term Projects</h1>

EEE Term Projects

Term Project for Introduction to Medical Imaging (MATLAB)

Term Project for Digital Signal Processing (MATLAB)

Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications</h1>

Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications

IS100 Proficiency Exam Quizzes derived from the presentations

Official Web Site for IS100

For Preparation Students

For Preparation Students

Online EPE Practices

New Academic Word List

Academic Word List

Retired Vocabulary

Reading Comprehension Exercises


E-mail: e244410@metu.edu.tr / kyakutlu1003@gmail.com

My YouTube Channel

Phone number: +905346836981


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