1. Finding the roots of an equation using BISECTION method

2. Finding the roots of an equation using NEWTON'S method

3. Finding the roots of an equation using SECANT method

4. Finding the roots of a system of equations using NEWTON'S method

5. Finding the roots of a linear system of equations using LU Decomp With PP

6. Finding the DETERMINANT of a square matrix

7. Finding the INVERSE of a square matrix

8. Solving the linear system of equations by CHOLESKY'S method

9. Finding the EIGENVALUES and EIGENVECTORS by JACOBI method

10. Solving the linear system of equations by GAUSS ELIMINATION method

11. Solving the linear system of equations by JACOBI method

12. Solving the linear system of equations by GAUSS-SEIDEL method

13. Solving the linear system of equations of N equations with M unknowns by GAUSS ELIMINATION method

14. Finding the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector by POWER method

15. Finding the smallest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector by POWER method

16. Finding all eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors by POWER method

17. An integration program based on extrapolation to the Limit (El.for)

18. Trapezoidal rule (Trap.for)

19. Gauss Quadrature (Gaus.for)

20. RK4 program (Rk4.for)